Quote Originally Posted by rejectOfAllah View Post
Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
What statement will you use when she tells you her brother fucked her?
I've just spent an hour sat in the bath reflecting on the lines I was fed by that 'special friend' of mine... btw 'special friend' was her description of what our friendship was... It was really her friendship, not ours, because I was just some stupid sap she could use... she never actually gave any kind of fuck about me, beyond how to manipulate me so that I would continue to piss away my life and time making her feel good about herself.... anyway back on topic... thinking about it you know... I reckon nearly all of the lines she fed me were exactly the same lines she used on other men... I'm willing to bet she told lots of men they were 'special friends'... along with so many other completely shite lines she fed me to manipulate me.

I have to say reflecting on things and being able to look back on other events that happened as time passed, she's not looking like a very nice individual at all... it's like a jigsaw puzzle that's falling into place from the benefit of hindsight... and I was stupid enough to fall for all the shite she fed me... god am I thick.
Interesting anecdote, but I would have just reminded her to make him wear a condom.