ALSO for TriadCool!!!!
ok, guys I have set up my FTP Server NOW!
and you can download my catalog files which contain information
on all my stuff on my 160CDs (~60GBs) - You can search through all
my files and if you are interested in some just PM me :)
*~*~* and I will put them in my shared...
Here is the Link:
closed now (20:25 ~ 13.11.2003)
For searching through my Files you need the Free "WhereIsIt Lite"
Catalog Viewer from: Where Is It Site
Please feel free to search through my files ;) some maybe useful ...
I also try to put the 7mb zip in the net but no free webhost accept 7mb files to
upload at once :(
here is an image tutorial how to use whereisit :)
~nice dreams...