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Thread: Soulseek Status

  1. #1
    smellycat's Avatar Egalitarian BT Rep: +3
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    Story copied and pasted from Slyck

    Official Soulseek Press Release
    February 8, 2003
    Thomas Mennecke

    OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - Re: Soulseek Status

    This is to provide the official status of the Soulseek network as Friday, February 7th and onward. I have spoken to Nir and Rosalind Arbel on the matter over the course of this week and prior to this event taking place, and this notice is being offered on their behalf.

    The artist calling herself Sapphirecut previously made a complaint towards Soulseek regarding the sharing of her material on the network. When she had contacted Soulseek regarding the matter, she failed to state which material was in question. There was no information provided, aside from her being "Sapphirecut". Therefore, acting on such, a global message was made to users not to share the artist's material, and a notice was made upon entering chat rooms of the same.

    Unfortunately, this was not satisfactory, and the artist went on to file a complaint against Verio - Soulseek's server host, stating DMCA Copyright Infringement. Verio, in return did not conduct a formal inquiry into the situation. Rather, they acted rather quickly, requiring the server, and site to be pulled. Thus, there was no warning that such was going to take place. This not only applied to the users of Soulseek, but to Nir himself. On sudden notice, he was required to seek out a new host for the server.

    To calm the air of panic, this does NOT mean that Soulseek is down forever. The RIAA did NOT have an injunction against Nir, as rumors have stated. Soulseek WILL be returning shortly, and this unfortunate delay was not expected. A new potential host has been found, however they are working through the paperwork for such, and have not completed such as quickly as we would have expected. At this level, it is out of Nir's hands as they have to simply go through the process of completing it. That said, we apologize again for the delay and hope that it does not last a great deal longer.

    It is important to note that Soulseek can not and will not condone any actions towards the artist that may cause her or her affiliated labels harm. Such actions would include defaming emails, defacing, or otherwise damaging her website or the site of her affiliates, and other further actions which may be damaging. Such actions will simply result in further problems for the network, as the artist will direct complaints towards Soulseek itself. Those wishing to show their support for Soulseek will best do so by simply NOT sharing any files by this artist. The files in question include:

    1.Free Your Mind, Megan’s epic mix.

    2.Free Your Mind, Sapphirecut's Original mix

    3.Action-Reaction by Sapphirecut (in any form)

    4.Any music that has Sapphirecut on it except the Illustrious track “I’d Say Yes”, which is a remix.

    We thank you for your patience and support through this situation, and we look forward to seeing all users back on Soulseek shortly. Users who wish further information regarding the DMCA are directed to browse to All information needed regarding the act can be read or studied there. Cheers.

    On behalf of Nir and Rosalind Arbel,
    Sean Nelson / Proteus93
    Soulseek Administration
    All my invites I give freely.

    File sharing and invite sharing
    File trading and invite trading

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    Jan 2003
    Interesting reading, however there are a few points that I would like to mention:

    "Free Your Mind, Sapphirecut's Original mix" is available on the Kazaa network. I am proud to share this file over Kazaa, and I hope others do too.

    Sapphirecut has picked an easy target with Soulseek, who is not nearly as large as Kazaa/K++. I'd love to see that happen on a bigger network.

    It is unfortunate that people like this are putting undue pressure on the internet providers to correct a problem which is not related to their business (which is selling/providing bandwidth.) The arguement over intellectual property and copyright infringement needs to be explored from within the distributors/producers realm. New technology and new formats will eventually replace CDs, DVDs, and other media as we know it. I'm very excited that the RIAA and Verizon will be battling this out in court. Verizon is a big enough company to force this issue beyond the appeals courts, and into the Supreme Court.

    This is a very exciting time for all of us. Keep sharing, and stay tuned to this board for details!--

    Proud member of MDS

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
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    Louisville Kentucky
    TY smellycat for posting that...been missing SoulSeek.....the best Peer-to-Peer program for Music lovers.


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