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Thread: This Forum Rocks.

  1. #1
    Sometimes the way we look deceives people into thinking that is what we are. I can remember when my car died, the driver who picked me up wanted to start converstation so he said " look at the stupid nigger over there". I couldn't have been more offended, I just grunted at the man and hoped that my car would soon be functional.

    I guarantee that if I showed up in Kentucky and introduced myself to FC, he would seriously not want me to meet his friends. I would definitely be a source of ridicule.

    I like this forum because our minds and attitudes get to represent us, not our genetic physiology.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    So very true.
    <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Msi ms-6330
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  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Actually today I was thinking of that same exact thing.
    <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Msi ms-6330
    Amd Athlon at 1ghz
    896mb Ram pc-133
    Seagate 80gb 7,200 rpm
    Nvidia Geforce MX 420
    21 inch screen
    MSI 52X32X52 CD-RW (cr52-m)
    SoundBlaster 5.1 mp3+
    Creative Labs 5.1 Speakers
    Xp Pro Sp1</span></span>

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    JONNO_CELEBS's Avatar Densly Loadan BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    My mind represents me here??..............Whoa............thats scary

    Heh, Agreed dude

    Jonno B)
    Thinking about 1
    My Place & Arcade

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    FvKin GeniuS :D
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    Mar 2003
    yea i tottally agree couldnt of said it better myself
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  6. Lounge   -   #6
    lynx's Avatar .
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    I agree too, Jonno&#39;s mind representing anything scares the shit out of me.
    Political correctness is based on the principle that it's possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    JONNO_CELEBS's Avatar Densly Loadan BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    @Lynx..........How do you think I feel, I got it 24/7

    Ok seriously.........I do agree Hobbes, what we know of each other on here is thoughts, not actions and sometimes actions don&#39;t speak louder than words

    Jonno B)
    Thinking about 1
    My Place & Arcade

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    SniperInTheShadows's Avatar Poster
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    See below ;)
    @ hobbes - I could not agree more&#33; On here no one can see what we look like to be able to judge us by our look&#39;s so they have to do so from what&#39;s said and how it&#39;s said. It&#39;s sad really that so much enphasis is placed on a person&#39;s look&#39;s when that&#39;s not the important thing, it&#39;s &#33;who&#33; the person is that matter&#39;s.

    Also, you said "I guarantee that if I showed up in Kentucky and introduced myself to FC, he would seriously not want me to meet his friends. I would definitely be a source of ridicule", why put yourself down like that? :-(

    @ JONNO_CELEBS - rofl I&#39;ve seen some of your post&#39;s, mostly the one&#39;s concerning NikkiD, it seem&#39;s fairly obvious what&#39;s on your mind most of the time ;-)

    Anyway&#39;s, great thread hobbes :-)


  9. Lounge   -   #9
    Actually, as I read it, I consider that I disrespect FC. That is not right. I have followed some of FC&#39;s threads and have seen some of his biker friends ( the one who died). I was envisioning myself showing up at his funeral. What would they think of me?

    I look like something the "local boy biker" would hate, but to charge FC with such a label is unfair on my part. For this I apolgize.

    The point I wanted to make does remain, I just should have not implicated a forum member. To be honest though, I have always thought that if I were to enter a bar filled with FCs friend, I would imagine that they would kick my ass.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    JONNO_CELEBS's Avatar Densly Loadan BT Rep: +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20BT Rep +20
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    @Snipe...........Glad I can entertain

    @Hobbes......Dude, I seriously doubt you offended FC with what you said, I&#39;m not what you would call "A Biker" , yes I have a bike but you know what I mean, having said that I have been in several "Biker Bars"..........I thought I was gonna get my ass kicked too, especially when one of them acused me of trying to hustle him at pool............he was kidding........I had a great laugh, AC/DC pumping out the Jukebox and all these great stories being shared...........and some SERIOUS drinking ...........I think for the most part they get a bad rep when all they are is a clan, no different to my clan of surfers.........Friends.........Watch each others backs and would do anything for eachother...........A Family.........a chosen family .....................That you don&#39;t piss off

    Jonno B)
    Thinking about 1
    My Place & Arcade

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