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Thread: Select A Supernode

  1. #61
    Originally posted by FTFakes+11 February 2003 - 04:32--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (FTFakes @ 11 February 2003 - 04:32)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--KazaaSearch@11 February 2003 - 03:01
    It doesn&#39;t matter which proggie you use to input the SN IP into registry. Result will be the same. So I don&#39;t believe if anyone claims that he was connected longer to a specified SN when using this program than that. They all do basically the same.
    I don&#39;t know if all these programs really do exact the same thing.
    As you know, the IP and the port are not the only things they put in the registry [/b][/quote]
    Well, they all do the best they can - set Load to zero, date to the latest time, availability flag to zero

  2. File Sharing   -   #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well guys i have just got up and been on the same SN all Hawaii&#33;&#33;And im in England&#33;&#33;&#33;Thats over 7 hours on the same SN with kaZuperNodes&#33;&#33;&#33;And i did do alot of searching too....

    kazaasearch you have got your facts wrong and you shud look into things more before shouting your mouth off.....Dave Wilkinson pinched the idea from a site HE quoted so how does that make him invent it.....????

    I know you have been working on your SN hopping tool and maybe your actions are because you lost your limelight a bit&#33;&#33;This program is far superior to your SN program..that never worked for me&#33;&#33;

  3. File Sharing   -   #63

    I fully agree. KaZupernodes is working great. I also stay connected to the same supernode for hours. No problem at all.

    Looks like Kazaasearch has problems with the fact that somebody else has made a better tool than his. That&#39;s real childish behaviour.

    There is always room for improvements but it works, that&#39;s the main thing.

  4. File Sharing   -   #64
    1. look i have already told that my tool was primitive, moreover i deleted it from the site etc etc etc
    So why are guys continue f*cking me over and over again?

    2. zupernodes does work in the sense that it connects you to the given IP for some time, but as i have already said MANY times, i get disconnected from any specified snode pretty soon. you may say you stay connected for hours but this doesn&#39;t really help me. of course if i choose a supernode located near me, i can stay there for a long time. but kazaa seems to get disconnected from snodes that are far away.

    so if you all claim that you stay for hours on selected snodes, and i am the only one who gets kicked off, zupernodes must be designed to hate me personally and get me screwed up.

    and some people on this forum, like TBO, just hate me personally for unknow reason. so i will not take their statements seriously, since their aim is to offend but not help. look, this is not in the spirit of this forum, guys, don&#39;t you agree.

    i have a nice idea how to connect to snode without restarting kazaa, and how to stay there without restarting kazaa after the very first disconnection. see another post which i will post soon.

  5. File Sharing   -   #65
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Jun 2002
    Over here!
    Nice argument&#33;

    I&#39;d like to say that I never got your proggy to work KazaaSearch, so I&#39;m glad KaZuperNodes was written, it&#39;s really nice&#33;

    I can understand why you would get disconnected and reconnnected to a new supernode periodically, remember that this is a self-organising network after all&#33; This is why there needs to be an additional hack or an option within K-lite or k++ to be able to "stick" to the supernode you are on (unless it goes offline of course&#33 I don&#39;t know if this is possible...

    It&#39;d be nice to be able to jump to the supernode without having to restart kazaa, wouldn&#39;t the disconnect/reconnect actions send you to your selected supernode? (for example the way Rocko jumps to a random supernode with his "Jump Supernode" option in KLExtensions)

    Anyway, good work&#33;

  6. File Sharing   -   #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    KazaaSearch Posted on 11 February 2003 - 10:29
    and some people on this forum, like TBO, just hate me personally for unknow reason. so i will not take their statements seriously, since their aim is to offend but not help. look, this is not in the spirit of this forum, guys, don&#39;t you agree.
    1.It was only a few hours ago that you were saying &#39;goto your site&try your SN tool&#39; and its only NOW after seeing a much better one out that you decide to pull yours from your site....mmmmm

    2.You are wrong as i HAVE been on SN&#39;s on the other side of the world for over 6 hours....

    3.Maybe it has something to do with your comp as only last week you were saying that u had 6 downloads on pause and didnt know one else had that problem...

    4.And as for not liking you...if that was the case then how come we spoke via emailn last week and you asked me to translate your FAQ and how come i tested your program for you???I wouldnt have bothered if i didnt like you&#33;&#33;

    5.You do have sour grapes kazaasearch...only other week when in a mood you decided to tell us all that you were shutting your site down so we couldnt use your tools...and at the time i hadnt used any of your shit.So how is that in the spirit of this forum??

    And finally i personally have nothing against you....i find your attitude and self oppinionated ways a bit annoying but apart from that i have no proiblems with you....seems like you are big headed and arrogant...but i wont hold that against befor you go shouting you big mouth off...QUOTE FACTS NOT people who matter know what you are like....

  7. File Sharing   -   #67
    Originally posted by TBO@11 February 2003 - 09:43

    1.It was only a few hours ago that you were saying &#39;goto your site&try your SN tool&#39; and its only NOW after seeing a much better one out that you decide to pull yours from your site....mmmmm

    I deleted SNcontrol from my site a LONG time ago. where di you see i offered it on the forum hours ago? i offered to use KazaaNet that exports supernode list from your registry. so you are wrong in this point.

  8. File Sharing   -   #68
    Originally posted by TBO@11 February 2003 - 09:43
    2.You are wrong as i HAVE been on SN&#39;s on the other side of the world for over 6 hours....

    have I said you HAVEN&#39;T been connected?

    I said that I, not you, haven&#39;t been connected for hours and I was right saying that.

  9. File Sharing   -   #69
    Originally posted by TBO@11 February 2003 - 09:43
    so befor you go shouting you big mouth off...QUOTE FACTS NOT people who matter know what you are like....
    about quoting fiction - see above.

  10. File Sharing   -   #70
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

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