Ok first off, Hello everyone, Ok I know i JUST joined the board but i have been reading through all of the old post of the verifieds and I just wanted to post an idea of my own. Truthfully I havent used verifieds much because I just found out about them. Probably would have help alot though if I would have.
Anyway my idean is this, Couldnt we have a section for posting JUST the correct info about files?? Example for MP3 s we could list the correct track lengt-file size- corresponding bitrate, etc. I know this would help me GREATLY in my day to day mpe and file searches. I have always tried to find a site that has track lengths listed with the Album Track listings. We could do the same for just about any file Progs, Music, Movies, Games, Etc.
This would not be posting any kind or shape of a LINK so do you think it would work??
Personally i hope something comes up cause I Just downloaded 12 FAKE files!! URRRRRGGGHHHHH And the bad thing is im a 56ker.
P.S. If anyone could help a feller with say the new Seether album, and or the Socialburn. It would be much appriciated.
Thanks for youre time.
Memories Get Longer As Life Gets Shorter