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Thread: Download Manager

  1. #21
    Actually, Johnny_B is right. The files from release groups were first released on newsgroups as multiple rars or something similar to that. Then the files would usually spread to IRC, P2P technologies, and websites. But really, what does this have to do with download managers?

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #22
    Join Date
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    Note the year in this image.

    It's not 1998 anymore.

    If you want something now, it's private ftp first, IRC for the linux crowd, maybe emule, then bittorrent, shareza for the windows crowd.

    And it has to do with download managers.
    I know many groups that release on ftp, then on emule because it is a good download manager for ISO's. MedISO for example. All the medical students know about this now. (You need some neurosurgery or anatomy CD's?)

    Maybe some do still do newsgroups for habit or sentimental reasons.

    I don't want some chopped up rip, I want the real thing. We aren't playing with 4 gig hard drives and slow dialup anymore. For some maybe they need it but not most.

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #23
    Illuminati's Avatar Simple Bystander BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    eMule and FlashGet are different program types, let alone different programs.

    eMule is a P2P program which is built specifically to search for, download and upload on the eDonkey network.

    FlashGet is a download manager used for downloads on the Internet, where attempts to download stuff (e.g. mods for Half Life) are automatically managed by FG. The main web site is

    FlashGet may work with downloading off newsgroups - I personally haven't tried d/ling off them yet. But eMule sure as hell cannot be used to download off them.

    BTW One of the main reasons for splitting up files in the old days was so that they could be stored on floppy disk (when CD-Burning wasn't cheap ) hence why you see a lot of splits being 1.4MB.

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #24
    Illuminati's Avatar Simple Bystander BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    Ummmm multipart means just that. Multi parts. All hacked up with winrar or whatever so you need something like 20 parts to reassemble the program. A convenience meant for dial up I assume but a pain in the ass for myself.
    Yep - They're split with WinRAR and compressed. Of course with WinRAR, all you need to do is put them all in the same directory and extract the files the first part - The rest of the splits also follows automatically

    People get these files from newsgroups and then they're spread to IRC and the p2p community.
    He's right - Many of the release groups favour releasing them either on IRC or on newsgroups (or both), if only because people know then where to go to get the downloads instead of searching for them. Once quite a few filesharers have the releases, they make their way onto the P2P networks

    But personally, I'd love to see how you managed to get eMule to manage ALL of the downloads you'd find on web pages? because AFAIK, that was Vivitron's point instead of a P2P program.

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #25
    For me DAP is the best and interface is user friendly.

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #26
    zapjb's Avatar Computer Abuser BT Rep: +3
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    My point is, If you want warez off of warez sites. Get FlashGet or else you're gonna get shutout on quite a few warez sites.

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #27
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
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    now, if you want to discuss the relative merits of using IRC/Newsgroups to dl from release groups, then please start a thread on it.

    If you want to talk about Emule, then please start a thread on it.

    If you want to suggest a program to manage FREE DOWNLOADS from websites-linux, not warez then please post here.

    Ive got FlashGet, and gonna try early next week, but im still open to suggestions; would prefer to use a freeware one, but only gonna try one at a time.

    Thanks to all who have contributed to solving my problem
    <insert signature here>

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #28
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    Vivitron - you said that Download Express downloaded stuff far too quickly for your machine to cope with. Simply move the speed slider down a notch or two, that will work and you won&#39;t need to use any other tool.

    @DL. - omg you are teh 1337. I want to be a 1337 r0x0r like you, no really.

  9. Software & Hardware   -   #29
    Originally posted by zapjb@14 November 2003 - 05:20
    My point is, If you want warez off of warez sites. Get FlashGet or else you&#39;re gonna get shutout on quite a few warez sites.
    ... the sole reason i use flashget

    and the only way d/ling full cd images is better than archives is if someone
    doesn&#39;t have winrar or another archiver for some freakish reason

    i would much rather d/l several archived iso&#39;s than the full images&#33;

    flashget only works thru http&#39;s and ftp&#39;s, altho i use wsftp pro 8.2 for my ftp needs.
    it has nothing to do with emule or any other app

    he&#39;s right about newsgroups tho, they aren&#39;t as used as much as they used to. ftp&#39;s r where u can get something before it is even released by a group. and as for groups, many groups in fact, r using bit torrent to release stuff instead of irc. and about the 15MB thing, i&#39;ve d/led a few files over 50MB thru newsgroups but these were the biggest. the main thing with archived files is the ability to fix a corrupt d/l without having to d/l the whole thing again -- even full cd images can become corrupt during the d/l. that, and the fact that it is usually around 2/3 the size of the full image.

    but before all this confusion started there was a question, and my answer is flashget. it is by far the most mainstream and a serial is just a click away

    btw, is that the asta forum ur trying to link to? u can thank me for the illegal link. paul did that to me a long time ago. the best place for ftp and http downloads. however, i do think andr[]net is on top.

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #30
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
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    Originally posted by Lamsey@14 November 2003 - 11:58
    Vivitron - you said that Download Express downloaded stuff far too quickly for your machine to cope with. Simply move the speed slider down a notch or two, that will work and you won&#39;t need to use any other tool.
    yeah, i did that mate. i set the "medium" to 3 threads, max 700 000bytes/sec, and it kinda worked; though it seemed unstable. it used 100%CPU and made it impossible to do anything else. I was in the uni library doin it, and i actually ended up working whilst it was going with paper and everything&#33;

    but anyhow, im gonna try flashget and some of these others and see if they are any more stable, or if in fact it is just cos my laptop is only a 1Gig celeron.

    thanks again for the input
    <insert signature here>

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