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Thread: Why isn't Ron Paul doing better?

  1. #1
    Out of all the current Republican candidates running for President, only Ron Paul has anything really interesting to say. He's the only one who has a clue about how to turn this economy around. We have to slash ALL government spending-- not just entitlements, but yes, also the military. Shut down the bases all around the world and bring the troops home and stop being the world's police force. Let the world take care of itself and let us focus on our own country.

    And of course, reduce the size of government.

    A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.

    And yet, he doesn't have a chance of getting elected. Why?;cbsCarousel

    (CBS News) Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said Sunday he thinks flawed U.S. foreign policy "contributed to" the causes that led to the September 11 terrorist attacks, though he stopped short of saying the attacks were America's "fault."

    Paul, appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation," said there was a "connection" between U.S. policies and the 9/11 attacks, and that "policies have an effect."

    But, he emphasized, "that's a far cry from blaming America."

    "I think there's an influence," Paul, a staunch Libertarian, told CBS' Bob Schieffer. "That's exactly what, you know, the 9/11 Commission said. That's what the DOD has said... That's what a lot of researchers have said. Just remember, immediately after 9/11, we removed the base from Saudi Arabia. So there is a connection."

    The longtime Texas congressman, whose popularity has recently seen an uptick in the GOP presidential polls, suggested that American military presence abroad fostered anti-American sentiment - which in turn led to actions against the American people.

    "You talk to the people who committed it and those individuals who would like to do us harm, they say, 'Yes, we don't like American bombs to be falling on our country. We don't like the intervention that we do in their nations.' So to deny this, I think, is very dangerous - but to argue the case that they want to do us harm because we're free and prosperous, I think, is a very, very dangerous notion because it's not true."

    When asked if he was saying "it was our fault" that 9/11 happened, Paul said, no. "That's a misconstruing of what I'm saying," he replied.

    "America is you and I," Paul told Schieffer. "We didn't cause it. The average American didn't cause it. [But] if you have a flawed policy, it may influence it.

    "I'm saying the policy-makers' fault contributed to it," he added.

    Paul, who has long been vocal in his opposition to sending American troops abroad, argued that America should use diplomacy - not the military - to deal with countries like Iran.

    He also decried sanctions as "the initial step to war."

    "We have 12,000 diplomats. I'm suggesting that maybe we ought to use some of them," Paul said. "I think the greatest danger now is for us to overreact. This is what I'm fearful of. Iran doesn't have a bomb. There's no proof. There's no new information, regardless of this recent report. For us to overreact and talk about bombing Iran, that's much more dangerous."

    The candidate said he doesn't think there is any place in the world where it "helps" the United States to have forces stationed - not only because "we can't afford it," but also because, he said, "I believe we can defend ourselves with submarines and all our troops back at home.

    "I think a submarine is a very worthwhile weapon," Paul said. "I believe we can defend ourselves with submarines and [station] all our troops back at home. This whole idea that we have to be in 130 countries and 900 bases - now they've just invented a weapon that can hit any spot in the world in one hour. I mean, what's this idea? This is old-fashioned idea that you have to keep troops on 900 bases around the world. Makes no sense at all. Besides, we're bankrupt. We can't afford it any longer."

    The famously outspoken congressman added that he'd bring home troops even from Japan and South Korea. "Absolutely. And the people are with me on that. Because we can't afford it. It would save us a lot of money. All those troops would spend their money here at home," he said.

    Besides, he added, "Those troops overseas aggravate our enemies, motivate our enemies. I think it's a danger to our national defense. We can save a lot of money cutting out the military expenditures that contribute nothing to our defense."
    Last edited by 999969999; 11-23-2011 at 03:01 PM.
    Who can take your money and give it to someone else? The Government Can!

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    He has some good points, but he will not get the mainstream vote.
    Too clear on his doctrine... which I dont share.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    For the same reasons Kucinich wasn't electable. They make sound interesting points, make their stances very clear, but they can both be a bit of a nutball.
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  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bucerius View Post
    He has some good points, but he will not get the mainstream vote.
    Too clear on his doctrine... which I dont share.
    What don't you like about his doctrine?
    Who can take your money and give it to someone else? The Government Can!

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Too many people are writing him off. I've had my Ron Paul sign in the front yard for months now.

    I don't think he receives equal coverage on the nightly news either. I haven't watched the past couple of debates but I know he was doing very well last I looked. He had come out on top of every single debate, an had finished in first place in every straw poll but one, in which he placed second. He still gets little to no media coverage whatsoever. According to MSNBC, in the Reagan Library debate he finished with 51.3% of the votes. That's more than all the others on the panel combined!

    There are still good some sources that show him doing well tho'.

    Ron Paul is for real in Iowa. Seriously. - WA Post

    Niche Voters Giving Paul Momentum in Iowa Polls - NYT

    Ron Paul’s 19 percent in Iowa may indicate a path to the nomination - Daily Caller

    GOP outsider Ron Paul gaining traction in Iowa - AP

    Ron Paul And Libertarians Can't Be Discounted - Forbes


  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    I had a Ron Paul sign up in my grandparents' front yard in Eugene, Oregon, but someone stole it.

    My family has them up in Eagar still.

    We know it's a longshot, but we still hope he somehow ends up winning the primary.
    Who can take your money and give it to someone else? The Government Can!

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Point is that you apparently need to be a politician to get elected.
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  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    OlegL's Avatar Poster
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    Ron Paul will never become a Republican nominee. But I don't like him that much. He thinks that our involvement in foreign affairs is too strong, but we are the only remaining superpower, so we really should be the world police to prevent many other countries from becoming dictatorships. Cain wants the rich and the poor to pay the same amount of taxes, which is crazy. Romney is better than Cain, but I don't like him. Obama 2012!!!
    Last edited by OlegL; 11-25-2011 at 04:57 PM.
    I love FST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    Quote Originally Posted by OlegL View Post
    Ron Paul will never become a Republican nominee. But I don't like him that much. He think that our involvement in foreign affairs is too strong, but we are the only remaining superpower, so we really should be the world police to prevent many other countries from becoming dictatorships. Cain wants the rich and the poor to pay the same amount of taxes, which is crazy. Romney is better than Cain, but I don't like him. Obama 2012!!!
    That's just the opposite of what I believe. It is our propensity to stick our nose in other countries' business, where it doesn't belong, that makes us targets for terrorism, and it is draining our treasury. I want to see all government spending slashed to the bone.

    And why shouldn't the poor pay a percentage of what they make in taxes? Right now they pay essentially no federal income taxes. In fact, many of them get "earned income tax credits" after paying zero in income taxes. They actually walk away with more money than they paid in. It is in essence, socialism. The rich are paying taxes which are then given to the poor people who pay nothing. So, of course, they vote for liberals because they know voting for liberals is like voting for a raise for themselves. And they will never feel any of the bite from their irresponsible decision.

    If everyone, even the poorest of the poor, had to a pay a percentage of their income back in taxes, perhaps they would stop voting for people who want to raise their taxes over and over. At the very least, they would see that their vote has a very real consequence in terms of their take home pay.
    Who can take your money and give it to someone else? The Government Can!

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by 999969999 View Post
    That's just the opposite of what I believe. It is our propensity to stick our nose in other countries' business, where it doesn't belong, that makes us targets for terrorism, and it is draining our treasury. I want to see all government spending slashed to the bone.

    And why shouldn't the poor pay a percentage of what they make in taxes? Right now they pay essentially no federal income taxes. In fact, many of them get "earned income tax credits" after paying zero in income taxes. They actually walk away with more money than they paid in. It is in essence, socialism. The rich are paying taxes which are then given to the poor people who pay nothing. So, of course, they vote for liberals because they know voting for liberals is like voting for a raise for themselves. And they will never feel any of the bite from their irresponsible decision.

    If everyone, even the poorest of the poor, had to a pay a percentage of their income back in taxes, perhaps they would stop voting for people who want to raise their taxes over and over. At the very least, they would see that their vote has a very real consequence in terms of their take home pay.
    Yeah, let's go hunt down some single mothers and slap the silver spoons right out of their mouths. Working 2 jobs, making $24K raising 2 kids, time to shove her off the lap of luxury. Then we could like hold her children's heads under water until she writes out a check for $4000 to the U.S. government, silly cunt trying to hoard her wealth. That'll teach her to vote for democrats.
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