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Thread: Preview The Content Of Large Isos Before Finish Dl

  1. #1
    aldo's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In front my PC
    1. Start the download of the ISO
    2. When you have more than 500KB, go to "My Shared Folder" make a copy of the .DAT file
    3. Change the extension of the copied .DAT to .RAR
    4. Double click the RAR file to open it with WinRAR 3.11.

    If the header of the RAR was downloaded, you will be able to see the content of the ISO. This tip also can work with ZIPs, RAR and SFX exes.

    This is helpful to check if the ISO has the files you expect should be there, before the download complete (several hours later).

    Aldo Vargas

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    HELL-you will be too_$oon enough
    thanks B)

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Nice B)

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    I use this with WinISO, it also does this very nice to see if it's the right thing.

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    i have a much better way. its callled alcohol 120% u mount the file to a fake drive, this simply means that the program creates a fake cd rom drive and mounting it simply means that the file when in the drive is as it would be when mounted onto a cd, so u can run other people's cd's off it, movies and programs without using any cd's just by using the mount option, just kepp the iso/bin/cue file and you'll be fine.

    also u can creat an iso/bin/cue of a cd u already own and mount that cough(Or share it)cough

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Benno's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    actually the topic is about how to look whats in unfinished downloads

    You Better Keep In Mind That I Can Read Between The Lines

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience!!

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    aldo's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In front my PC
    Originally posted by yyiryyib@12 February 2003 - 17:10
    i have a much better way. its callled alcohol 120% u mount the file to a fake drive, this simply means that the program creates a fake cd rom drive and mounting it simply means that the file when in the drive is as it would be when mounted onto a cd, so u can run other people's cd's off it, movies and programs without using any cd's just by using the mount option, just kepp the iso/bin/cue file and you'll be fine.

    also u can creat an iso/bin/cue of a cd u already own and mount that cough(Or share it)cough
    As Benno says, the topic is about previewing the content of ISO files before the download finishes. This can save you lot of hours, because you can confirm that the ISO is the real file that you're downloading. I have noticed that some shared ISOs have a description different to the real content.

    Mouting ISO (Cue/BIN, CCD, NRG, etc) can also be done with DAEMON Tools, which is the same Virtual CD/DVD engine used by Alcohol. Unlike Alcohol, DAEMON Tools can be used free for personal use and it has some third party tools, including my DAEMount.

    BTW I'm official a beta tester of DAEMON Tools (you can find me in the credits)

    Aldo Vargas


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