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Thread: Matrix Revolutions---now Read This Shit

  1. #11
    Cheese's Avatar Poster
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    Originally posted by puk)@14 November 2003 - 19:15
    i just think that after the first (which was fucking great by the way) they took the story down the wrong road. it should have been what the first promised, the war between the humans & the machines, not all this lovers tiff shit with neo & smith. its a watchable film but a world away from what (i think) most people expected after the first. i know nobody wants a predictable film but you have to live up to what you've promised your viewers already... & this really didnt.

    just a few questions aswell.....

    1. why the train station shit? whys he there? how?

    2. who the hell thought giving char's names like the keymaker & the trainman was a good idea? did they keep there job?

    3. what happened to the "the agents hold all the keys" stuff from the first one? did they think turning the story in to the smith neo grude match was a better idea than neo & the posse against the agents & the machines?

    there are more.... im just borred even thinking about it.
    I agree that they took the wrong road with the whole Smith vrs Neo story to be honest I was surprised he was even in the sequels as he was "killed" in the first one. I just think the Whateverski brothers chickened out of coming up with some new ideas for the sequels and just reused Smith in the place of something original.

  2. Movies & TV   -   #12
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    k so im gonna take my time to write something here..... first to say, im a huge fan of the matrix story (movies+game+animatrix, etc)

    If all those sentinels that broke through the second time (the bee swarm) had just went ahead and killed the general in the mechwarrior suit (and the kid by the way) instead of running around in that "pointless pattern" the movie would have been over much sooner. The general and the kid sat there having a conversation and shit. What bullshit
    wats the point on killing a hopeless kid and a fallen soldier.... they can do nothing (in a machine's mind, they are binary.... either they kill them or not...they cant change decisions just like that....)

    Remember Neo's mouth bleeding in the fight with Smith?
    Then why the fuck did he just "look like he woke up" when Smith used him to make a crater in the pavement? No "scratches" no blood no broken bones.............................but he sure bled from a mere punch 
    if u mean in the first movie.... then its because neo hasnt realized that world isnt true....thats its a fake world...not the real world.

    How could the Trainman kick Neo's ass. He's FUCKING NEO. Why cause it was HIS program? but...........he's FUCKING NEO
    neo can be god inside the matrix (cough) however the place where he is (the train "station") is a program created by the trainman.... as the trainman says.... "In this place I am GOD"

    Why would the machines have to honor the truce AFTER Smith was destroyed? Just kill all the those pesky humans. What would they need them for after they got what they wanted? Turn Neo into liquid soup but don't feed him to the rest of the machines. Just let him sit in a bucket, kill the humans and have machine orgies for ever after. (they should leave Neo in a bucket because he might have source code or some shit in his liquid form and might be reincarnated  )
    even though the machines understand that they have other resources of survival....they STILL need humans to survive.... remember machines were created by humans, and their mind works a lot like humans (they are race). If there's a truce, why break it? The MACHINES accepted that a HUMAN was the only one that could save them, thats why the humans aren't killed.

    Why don't the Oracle, Smith, and the Architect just STFU!!!! (unless they have something direct to say) If I hear "cause without purpose it is inevitable you will know when the time comes" one more time I'm going to YAK my dinner and the INCREDIBLE HULK drink that I so often have now after seeing this shit movie!!!
    no one asked you to watch the movie. If you didn't like it, say so, but don't come yapping here that the movie is BS.... that the movie sucks, etc.... i want you to come here and make a movie so hard to make like the matrix..... i dont see you doing something like that, eh?

    Hmmmmmmmm....flying into metal and crap such a high rate of speed....... with such a small ship......with sentinels dismanteling it....would kind of make a ship.................................CRASH!!!!! Niobe can be a good pilot and all but she couldn't have piloted out the the fucking DEATH STAR. Leave the loser, fuck Morpheus, and rename yourself ORIFICE while he does it.
    i do like Star Wars, but dont even try to compare these movies.... they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO different.....

    again, if u want to make a good movie....go ahead and do one, and then WE will be the ones that judge if ur movie is BULLSHIT or not.

    If you dont have anything more important to say.... go take a sleep....


  3. Movies & TV   -   #13
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    Originally posted by DWk@14 November 2003 - 19:01
    k so im gonna take my time to write something here..... first to say, im a huge fan of the matrix story (movies+game+animatrix, etc)

    If all those sentinels that broke through the second time (the bee swarm) had just went ahead and killed the general in the mechwarrior suit (and the kid by the way) instead of running around in that "pointless pattern" the movie would have been over much sooner. The general and the kid sat there having a conversation and shit. What bullshit
    wats the point on killing a hopeless kid and a fallen soldier.... they can do nothing (in a machine's mind, they are binary.... either they kill them or not...they cant change decisions just like that....)

    Remember Neo's mouth bleeding in the fight with Smith?
    Then why the fuck did he just "look like he woke up" when Smith used him to make a crater in the pavement? No "scratches" no blood no broken bones.............................but he sure bled from a mere punch
    if u mean in the first movie.... then its because neo hasnt realized that world isnt true....thats its a fake world...not the real world.

    How could the Trainman kick Neo's ass. He's FUCKING NEO. Why cause it was HIS program? but...........he's FUCKING NEO
    neo can be god inside the matrix (cough) however the place where he is (the train "station") is a program created by the trainman.... as the trainman says.... "In this place I am GOD"

    Why would the machines have to honor the truce AFTER Smith was destroyed? Just kill all the those pesky humans. What would they need them for after they got what they wanted? Turn Neo into liquid soup but don't feed him to the rest of the machines. Just let him sit in a bucket, kill the humans and have machine orgies for ever after. (they should leave Neo in a bucket because he might have source code or some shit in his liquid form and might be reincarnated )
    even though the machines understand that they have other resources of survival....they STILL need humans to survive.... remember machines were created by humans, and their mind works a lot like humans (they are race). If there's a truce, why break it? The MACHINES accepted that a HUMAN was the only one that could save them, thats why the humans aren't killed.

    Why don't the Oracle, Smith, and the Architect just STFU!!!! (unless they have something direct to say) If I hear "cause without purpose it is inevitable you will know when the time comes" one more time I'm going to YAK my dinner and the INCREDIBLE HULK drink that I so often have now after seeing this shit movie!!!
    no one asked you to watch the movie. If you didn't like it, say so, but don't come yapping here that the movie is BS.... that the movie sucks, etc.... i want you to come here and make a movie so hard to make like the matrix..... i dont see you doing something like that, eh?

    Hmmmmmmmm....flying into metal and crap such a high rate of speed....... with such a small ship......with sentinels dismanteling it....would kind of make a ship.................................CRASH!!!!! Niobe can be a good pilot and all but she couldn't have piloted out the the fucking DEATH STAR. Leave the loser, fuck Morpheus, and rename yourself ORIFICE while he does it.
    i do like Star Wars, but dont even try to compare these movies.... they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO different.....

    again, if u want to make a good movie....go ahead and do one, and then WE will be the ones that judge if ur movie is BULLSHIT or not.

    If you dont have anything more important to say.... go take a sleep....


  4. Movies & TV   -   #14
    I swore i wasn't going to get involved in this endless matrix discussion.... But Revolutions was just so riddled with cliches it was humiliating at time to watch. Jesus, they might as well have gone the whole hog and replaced the oracle with Whoopee Goldberg! And as for that cheesy 'scared kid come good in the end' listening for ages to the generals dying words bollocks!! And then all that classic American (no offence!&#33 Whooping and Hollering when a few robots fly away (forget about the misery of having most of your friends and relatives ripped apart infront of you for the last 30mins)! Did the Watchowski Bros even bother to write the 3rd part or did they just ask someone at Disney?? I'm surprised they did'nt ask Ben Affleck to take over from Keanu just to finish it off as a completely patronising load of monotony. Still... I did enjoy the scenes with Agent Smith!

  5. Movies & TV   -   #15
    ApacNTS's Avatar Helljumper
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    who gives a shit, it's a movie, did you pay to go see it, if you did then bitch away if you didnt stfu. opinion they shoulda stopped at matrix. reloaded was ptless, revolutions didnt do anything(fight omg your dead fight and now the wachowski's can go plan another film. maybe santa clause 3 or leprechaun 7. blah blah blah.

  6. Movies & TV   -   #16
    Join Date
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    i would have to disagree with most of the post, some of the question can be answered but i cant b arsed now...

  7. Movies & TV   -   #17
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
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    Originally posted by DWk@14 November 2003 - 19:01
    k so im gonna take my time to write something here..... first to say, im a huge fan of the matrix story (movies+game+animatrix, etc)

    If all those sentinels that broke through the second time (the bee swarm) had just went ahead and killed the general in the mechwarrior suit (and the kid by the way) instead of running around in that "pointless pattern" the movie would have been over much sooner. The general and the kid sat there having a conversation and shit. What bullshit
    wats the point on killing a hopeless kid and a fallen soldier.... they can do nothing (in a machine's mind, they are binary.... either they kill them or not...they cant change decisions just like that....)

    Remember Neo's mouth bleeding in the fight with Smith?
    Then why the fuck did he just "look like he woke up" when Smith used him to make a crater in the pavement? No "scratches" no blood no broken bones.............................but he sure bled from a mere punch
    if u mean in the first movie.... then its because neo hasnt realized that world isnt true....thats its a fake world...not the real world.

    How could the Trainman kick Neo's ass. He's FUCKING NEO. Why cause it was HIS program? but...........he's FUCKING NEO
    neo can be god inside the matrix (cough) however the place where he is (the train "station") is a program created by the trainman.... as the trainman says.... "In this place I am GOD"

    Why would the machines have to honor the truce AFTER Smith was destroyed? Just kill all the those pesky humans. What would they need them for after they got what they wanted? Turn Neo into liquid soup but don't feed him to the rest of the machines. Just let him sit in a bucket, kill the humans and have machine orgies for ever after. (they should leave Neo in a bucket because he might have source code or some shit in his liquid form and might be reincarnated )
    even though the machines understand that they have other resources of survival....they STILL need humans to survive.... remember machines were created by humans, and their mind works a lot like humans (they are race). If there's a truce, why break it? The MACHINES accepted that a HUMAN was the only one that could save them, thats why the humans aren't killed.

    Why don't the Oracle, Smith, and the Architect just STFU!!!! (unless they have something direct to say) If I hear "cause without purpose it is inevitable you will know when the time comes" one more time I'm going to YAK my dinner and the INCREDIBLE HULK drink that I so often have now after seeing this shit movie!!!
    no one asked you to watch the movie. If you didn't like it, say so, but don't come yapping here that the movie is BS.... that the movie sucks, etc.... i want you to come here and make a movie so hard to make like the matrix..... i dont see you doing something like that, eh?

    Hmmmmmmmm....flying into metal and crap such a high rate of speed....... with such a small ship......with sentinels dismanteling it....would kind of make a ship.................................CRASH!!!!! Niobe can be a good pilot and all but she couldn't have piloted out the the fucking DEATH STAR. Leave the loser, fuck Morpheus, and rename yourself ORIFICE while he does it.
    i do like Star Wars, but dont even try to compare these movies.... they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO different.....

    again, if u want to make a good movie....go ahead and do one, and then WE will be the ones that judge if ur movie is BULLSHIT or not.

    If you dont have anything more important to say.... go take a sleep....

    You sir are a Dik. Forget the w. It's a forum asshole. I said what I said because I can. Furthermore I actually enjoyed the movie to a degree (it's better than Runaway Jury) . Your reasoning as you try to rip my original post apart is shit.

    You kill the hopeless kid and general because that's why you broke into Zion .....idiot (if you're a sentinel). You don't fly around aimlessly.

    In the fight with Smith I was talking about Revolutions. READDDD THE TOOOPIC.

    In the train station I kinda meant it as a joke but.......Neo can stop machines outside the matrix........kick ass in the matrix.........but can't kick ass in someone else's program? Oh I forgot.....the matrix and THE REAL WORLD were made by Neo? STFU!!!

    And also... stupid, I know the machines need humans.........AS FUCKING BATTERIES dumbass.......not running around waking more people up so they WON'T BE BATTERIES anymore. So again..why honor the truce. It's bullshit

    And dud I'm mean dude you kill me. Getting all offended and shit like they are your livelihood.
    Are you a Wachowski brother or do you just polish their nuts for a living?

    You go take a sleep.........after giving both brothers a nut buff!!
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

  8. Movies & TV   -   #18
    Join Date
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    did u notice when neo had his eye burnt out by the electricity (the fight on the ship neo & bane/smith) that he didnt feel no pain...?? u no wat if that happened in real life he would be in pain and crying 4 days...

    film inconsistencies don't u just love em

  9. Movies & TV   -   #19
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    Lol pain because of his eye injury ??? WELL HE ACTUALLY SAW after the fight ... and destroyed Squidis with his mindpower ! i not yet heard a explanation for that....... ( expect Matrix-in-Matrix or even more Weird stuff)

  10. Movies & TV   -   #20
    Storm's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +3
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    Originally posted by YoRu@15 November 2003 - 01:42
    Lol pain because of his eye injury ??? WELL HE ACTUALLY SAW after the fight ... and destroyed Squidis with his mindpower ! i not yet heard a explanation for that....... ( expect Matrix-in-Matrix or even more Weird stuff)
    its a god damn movie......... u dun ax questions when Rambo keeps walkin after bein shot 5 times or what the hell a hobbit is........ fuck, ive neva heard of fish that can talk or ppl that can get adamantium coatings on their bones (better yet: that shit dun even exist)...........

    its a movie........ they explain it in the movie, it dun have 2 b scientifically possible\

    an yes, Matrix has its mistakes.......... i mean, humans as batteries??? no way thats a power source (ud have 2 put more in it than u can take out)........ but i really dun give a shit........ Matrix rulez, Reloaded was k, Revolotions kicked ass (cept 4 trinity takin 2 long 2 die)......... if u dint have fun watchin em, complain @ ur local cinema (if u dint watch it in the cinema, STFU, u got it 4 free)
    great FTP site for awesome quality video clips
    yeah, you have to sign up, but its worth it

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