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Thread: I am looking for a website/FTP that I can direct download from

  1. #1


    And now: Interesting Post!

    Aussie newb here - I am looking for a website/FTP that I can direct download from. Need persistent connections so torrents and Usenet are out.

    I have sort of crappy internet due to being in Australia on Satellite - so my max speed is 450kb/sec. Bandwidth caps are no issue thanks to a thingie I recently discovered which lets me get past ISP shaping after using up my quota for the month. (Basically they don't shape persistent connections so if I begin one before I'm shaped I can download at fullspeed and get free data)

    At the moment, Torrific is very handy except for the 4GB torrent limit and DMCA vulnerability which makes it useless for newer games and TV shows, Rapidshare clones are ok except for captchas, link expiry, parallel downloads forcing me to use multiple sites - etc.

    I've used Napalm FTP indexer to find stuff but there seem to be only about 3 good English FTPs with a wide-ish selection of stuff, but they also seem to download far too slowly - between 20/40 kb/sec.

    That's not so bad except they also aren't pause-able, so they're effectively useless to me.

    I'm wondering if anyone knows of or has any free leech site(s)/FTP(s) I can use that has old game images as well as new ones, TV shows, and movies. Don't need sites that just link to rapidshare clones as I already have enough of those.

    I'll still probably use rapidshare clones and torrific where I can/need to - but if anyone could point me to something extra it would be appreciated.

    Also - not willing to pay, cos I can't - looking for charity here. Dunno how far I'll get - likely nowhere. Thanks for listening.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    State of Grace
    Why did you feel the need to create two near identical threads within a couple of hours of one another and even in the same section?

    Btw you lied about it being an interest post.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Why did you feel the need to create two near identical threads within a couple of hours of one another and even in the same section?

    Btw you lied about it being an interest post.
    KraG's recipe for success on new forum:

    1) Make a crappy thread and don't see redirect message stating that said it would be moderated before being posted.

    2) Think thread didn't actually post because it doesn't appear over half an hour later.

    3) Closed and lost thread tab so original message not still in cache - sigh, make new crappy thread.

    Oh well. Sorry bout that.

    On topic - looked at DC++ yesterday after I posted this, found a huge one with about 2 PB of data, so testing that out atm. I don't expect the upload speeds to be all that good, since it's public, but we'll see.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    It may depend on your download habits, but I wouldn't say 450kB/s is crappy.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    It may depend on your download habits, but I wouldn't say 450kB/s is crappy.
    Well, you're right there I guess. The real pain in the ass with Satellite is the high ping (600ms base ping anywhere) and the tiny download quotas.

    Luckily for me, ping doesn't affect downloading, and I've discovered an exploit to get around my tiny quota of 15GB a month... I know. 15GB.

    Anyway I just found out that torrific doesn't actually get DMCA takedowns for every show, in fact it's only a few of them. Which is great -that means I can get the bulk of my TV thru torrific, and just use rapidshare clones for the rest.

    Games are still an issue.

    Anyone PM me with a high speed private FTP they know of? Pretty please?
    I'll be honest: I have nothing to offer you, but on the other hand I won't leech much.

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Since the issue here is keeping a connection constantly open to get around your bandwidth quota (honestly, I'm surprised your provider didn't spot this), maybe a VPN could also be an option? You could then use any means of downloading.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    KraGeRzR, just a heads up, you are unable to recieve PMs at the moment.

    Not to say I wanted to PM you () but just thought you should know that.

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Since the issue here is keeping a connection constantly open to get around your bandwidth quota (honestly, I'm surprised your provider didn't spot this), maybe a VPN could also be an option? You could then use any means of downloading.
    I was just as surprised. I have no idea what's going on at their end but I don't care, as long as I can download.
    I've considered that, but I'm not sure how to set it up, and honestly I don't know of a good free one.
    Besides that, I hear VPNs are slow...

    Quote Originally Posted by rewtrewt View Post
    KraGeRzR, just a heads up, you are unable to recieve PMs at the moment.

    Not to say I wanted to PM you () but just thought you should know that.
    I attempted to fix that, not sure if it worked.

    Ontopic: Been using Torrific more heavily these days. Doesn't solve the game issue, but it's quite useful apart from that. Also the torrent size limit climbs every day, although it may take another year and become a helluva lot more popular for it to reach 10GB for free users.

    What I really need is a way to resize a torrent file and select what files it points to, a bit like the way an NZB is just a collection of parts.

    Hmm, interesting thought - perhaps I can edit a torrent file so it points to less crap. I probably just don't understand how a torrent file actually works, but we'll see.
    Last edited by KraGeRzR; 12-28-2011 at 03:13 AM.

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    Quote Originally Posted by KraGeRzR View Post
    I've considered that, but I'm not sure how to set it up, and honestly I don't know of a good free one.
    Besides that, I hear VPNs are slow...
    Speed would depend on where the server is located, and its strength. You want something close to you, and that can deal with a lot of load. Free VPNs exist, but you can't expect reliability there.

    Hmm, interesting thought - perhaps I can edit a torrent file so it points to less crap. I probably just don't understand how a torrent file actually works, but we'll see.
    A .torrent file is a bencoded dictionary. You can use BEncode Editor to dissect them. Bear in mind that editing the "files" list will change its hash (what you'd want to do) and thus render it virtually useless. All clients these days have the capability of choosing not to download certain files from a torrent, however.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    A .torrent file is a bencoded dictionary. You can use BEncode Editor to dissect them. Bear in mind that editing the "files" list will change its hash (what you'd want to do) and thus render it virtually useless. All clients these days have the capability of choosing not to download certain files from a torrent, however.
    I need to be able to shorten the file list ahead of time before I add it to torrific - that will get me past the 3-4GB limit. If I change the hash that would strip the torrent of all it's seeds and leechers since it would basically be a new torrent... Amirite?

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