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Thread: Upload Fix

  1. #1
    I've been using kazaa lite for a while now, and it used to work fine.
    I upgraded to the new k++ 2.0.3 version.

    When i loaded it, I was looking at all the nifty features, and then noticed
    that i wasn't uploading. Usually it fills my slots right away. So i came
    to this forum, and look for an answer. No one really had one, because they
    couldn't reproduce it. I think i found out why.

    When i loaded the new version, i uninstalled the old. This erased all my settings.
    So i had to go pick all my files again. This time, i selected all my snes roms
    i intended to burn to a cd (3000+)

    What i did was unshare them, and my files were instantly being uploaded to
    people again. So now i'm sharing about 100 files, and it seems to be going

    This only really helps those who care about sharing there files.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by sleepnmojo@9 February 2003 - 06:26
    What i did was unshare them, and my files were instantly being uploaded to people again. So now i'm sharing about 100 files, and it seems to be going fine.
    For some reason, I don't believe that

    And I've never heard of anyone having upload probs with any of the latest versions of kazaa lite with K++


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