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Thread: Does anyone know about

  1. #41
    And now i advice that this piece of shit guy know nothing about any sites just they are giving there opinions on there will .

    Let me tell u anon the mod there are so many sites who gave invitations through facebook
    for u r kind information let me tell u some thing


    now comming on to the game releasers
    skidrow the best cracking group
    skidrow two fb pages

    is this enough or u need more if u need then u can mail me to know more releasing site which have there fb pages

    and huun do u r site has any fb page ................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!! naa how can u be that fucking intelligent.

  2. File Sharing   -   #42
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    Hey sorry about the wait for your post to be approved. We have a filter in place that automatically catches anything that looks like complete pish.
    You can obviously see the reason for the delay.

    Clearly English isn't your first language, so I'm not going to dwell on that, instead I'll try to decipher what you're trying to say.
    Apart from the last line. Like seriously, wtf.

    What my posts were about is warning people not to sign up with their real Facebook IDs. There are a load of impressionable 14 year olds (and stupid people) who use this site and they might be tempted to join using their real IDs. Which would be fucking retarded.

    There is no issue if they join using a fake one.

    I think illegal sites like yours which use Facebook as a medium have a duty of care to its potential members, and should warn them that staff do not use their own real Facebook pages and neither should the users.
    But, of course, you don't because you don't really give two fucks about them.

    So, I reiterate:
    Anyone thinking of joining a warez/torrent site via Facebook should not use their actual Facebook page. They should use a fake one.
    You see, if there is nothing to be worried about, like Dragonballz said earlier, then he would use his real Facebook page - but he doesn't and never will.
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  3. File Sharing   -   #43
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonRider View Post
    We do not make anyone "Jump through hoops", either. How do you get an invitation to private tracker sites such as Demonoid, or TorrentDay? You either know someone who will let you in or you do not get invited, right? Well, instead of making people scurry around and try to find someone in the shadows who can invite them to one of the private registration sites, we made it very very easy for you by having a Social Networking Page where you can meet us and not only can we see who you are and what criteria you fit into, but you also have the chance to see who we are and ask yourself if you wish to become part of the community as well. It is the fairest means we could present to you to join the best torrent community on the internet. If you view such social opportunities as "wank", then I am afraid that the chances of you gaining admittance into our site are extremely small, my friend.

    I see that you miss my point entirely but this being bt and the tendency generally being toward stupidity then I'm hardly surprised.

    If and I'm assuming it must be true since you said it repeatedly ,I am your "friend" ,then why not just give me an invite here and now?
    Afterwards maybe we could take in a movie and maybe chat about stuff like I dunno ,how "friends" are forgiving , nonjudgmental and do things for reasons other than gain.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonRider View Post
    Seriously? I should? Wow. If I ever decide to listen to someone say something that makes no sense whatsoever to me, I promise, your post will be the first place I look!
    I am not in a European country, and I have no intention of letting someone in a Forum I am growing less and less impressed with give me instructions on how to conduct my conversation here.

    Speaking of which, as far as I am concerned, my participation in this conversation has more than likely served its purpose, in the means of answering the original poster's questions about our site.

    What it boils down to, ladies and gentlemen, is that SceneTime is a Private Tracker with Invitation only registration. There are many who think it is a great site, and anyone who knows anything about torrents can definitely appreciate the quality of the releases on our site as well as the community and Forums that we publish on SceneTime.

    You see, I say "We" because I represent a Staff of Members who dedicate a great deal of time and effort to making sure that we have a great site. You see, the inflammatory comments you see on your site would not be allowed by the Moderators on mine. Members who intentionally provoke other Members (or Staff, for that matter) are given a couple of chances to behave themselves, or they will be removed from the site. There have been several posts in this thread since I tried to help you where the Membership has been allowed to post inflammatory comments and provocative remarks. This would not be allowed on SceneTime. Have a nice day, guys!
    See generally the problem with that statement is it generally shows that you are entirely full of yourself and not able to even consider the possibility that you may be wrong.People are entitled to their own opinions and except in countries that you probably wouldn't want to live in ( and internet sites run by mongs) the right to voice them.

    Also as I've tried to get you to understand "friendship" isn't based on someone imposing power over someone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by avrumi View Post
    Just Relax Guys!!! You guys don't know a thing about manners, somebody is help you don't drive him crazy... you know what never mind...

    I'm "relaxed" and polite.I'm not the one acting like a power mad Bond villain expecting people to bow to my will or suffer the consequences.

    All I have to do is sign up at Facebook and then I have to do is tow a apparently very fine line nebulously decided upon by people who can say "The Scene" without a hint of irony to have the privilege of associating with people that I will by in large need to pretend to like.

    Lucky,lucky me .

    Quote Originally Posted by Furian19 View Post
    you guys better not act like these in our scentime page or site!!! i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!And now i advice that this piece of shit guy know nothing about any sites just they are giving there opinions on there will .
    Oddly you have no such problem being a childish insulting idiot here when there is nothing in it for you.I can only assume that is your true self and "being nice" on Scenetime is all an act to curry favour.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  4. File Sharing   -   #44
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonRider View Post
    You see, the inflammatory comments you see on your site would not be allowed by the Moderators on mine. Members who intentionally provoke other Members (or Staff, for that matter) are given a couple of chances to behave themselves, or they will be removed from the site. There have been several posts in this thread since I tried to help you where the Membership has been allowed to post inflammatory comments and provocative remarks. This would not be allowed on SceneTime. Have a nice day, guys!
    The "inflammatory comments" are actually one of the reasons I have kept on visiting this forum. I'd prefer a place where everyone can speak their mind freely (and this "inflammatory" discussion is pretty tame compared to other threads), over one where comments staff don't sympathize with get deleted, as you state is the norm on SceneTime.

    Quote Originally Posted by avrumi View Post
    i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!
    If I weren't so reluctant to change my signature, this would be on it right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Furian19 View Post
    And now i advice that this piece of shit guy know nothing about any sites just they are giving there opinions on there will .

    Let me tell u anon the mod there are so many sites who gave invitations through facebook
    for u r kind information let me tell u some thing

    *snip links*
    Sorry, I forgot that if many people do something, it's automatically OK and loses all its disadvantages.

    now comming on to the game releasers
    skidrow the best cracking group
    skidrow two fb pages
    Those are obviously fake pages made by people with no affiliation to the group, that seek to promote their own interests (in this case, ad revenue from the sites they link to).

    On a sidenote, someone submitted your place to the WTO, under the "TV & Movies" category. Would that be correct, or should I change it to general/0-day?
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  5. File Sharing   -   #45
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonRider View Post
    I can clear this up real easily, guys. I am a Sub-Administrator on SceneTime, and I assure you, this is a very good site. I do not just say that because I am on the Staff there, I say that because we not only have a great Staff, awesome Members, and great crystal clear, fast and virus free downloads, but because our community amongst the Staff and Membership is unmatched on The Scene. The Kingdom RG paid us a visit and joined the site, but they do not upload there anymore; their home site of Kingdom-KVCD got shut down, but they are still active on a sister site that you can find by searching for UKB-KVCD on Google. They still can be found at Demonoid, though too.

    As for SceneTime having their own release group, yes, we have the "Those Of The Unlight Release Group", or which I am proud to say I myself am a Member. I do upload on SceneTime, as do many of my friends there who are not Members of the TTU RG. One of our better uploaders are who sent me here to answer this thread for you.

    We do have a great deal of really great content, so in answer to your original question, yes, SceneTime is a great site, and they are Invitation only. We have a SceneTime FaceBook Page and a SceneTime FaceBook Group Page as well. I am an Administrator on both of those pages also. Anyone who is interested in joing SceneTime can join the SceneTime FaceBook Group Page and as we get to know you better, there is a good chance that one of us may send you an invitation! :

    I hope this answers the post to your satisfaction, guys?

    Your Friend, The DragonRider
    With so many superlative adjectives, we can only consider your reply unbiased.

    Quote Originally Posted by avrumi View Post
    Just Relax Guys!!! You guys don't know a thing about manners, somebody is help you don't drive him crazy... you know what never mind... Here are the links.. you guys better not act like these in our scentime page or site!!! i am a staff at Scentime, and if i Wald act like you guys i waled of bean ban by now!
    Please grow up some pubes, kid playing the tough guy on the internet.

    You just did a terrible PR job for the site now. Not that I care.
    Last edited by Cabalo; 06-30-2012 at 05:49 PM. Reason: Not that I care.

  6. File Sharing   -   #46
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    Dragonballz said earlier, then he would use his real Facebook page - but he doesn't and never will.
    "Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

    When you do not know what you are talking about, it really makes you look like an idiot to say something (with "authority", as you put it") and then have someone prove you completely wrong.

    Now tell me again that I do not use my real FaceBook Page..?

    I am a Sub-Administrator (..and yet your site has me listed as a NooB, that is so laughable!)

    Oh, and Furian forgot that ISO Hunt also has a FaceBook Page too though...

    All the "Games" and mind-plays, testing or what the hell esle you guys chose to do with this post is completely unnecessary, and I assure you, it chases people away from your site. You can shit-talk our site all you wish, and we would actually rather not have people like you as Members on our site, but we do have many hundreds of thousands of Members who adore the time they have in our community, knowing very well that we do not allow people to mistreat them the way you people do.

  7. File Sharing   -   #47
    Raijjn's Avatar n00b
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    from what I've seen on THIS site, apparently rudeness and belligerence is what determines who is being "themselves" and determines the quality of the site? and anyone whom you (those that frequent this site) don't know should be jumped on like a pack of rabid dogs. but honestly, how can you enjoy a site whose main purpose is to insult one another? doesn't make a lot of sense.. and I can understand why your site doesn't get anywhere. you misunderstood Dragon when he said we don't allow this on scenetime... it's not so much that mods are quick to delete such posts.. it's simply the membership doesn't really do that.. we've no need to behave like a pack of undisciplined adolescents. our purpose isn't to see who can toss out the best insult.. trust me, I'm as mean and rude as they come, I'm the same person online as I am in real life, something I doubt most of you could say.. I understand there's no point in arguing over the internet because I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life. but I don't feel it necessary to pounce just because I feel superior to whatever "new guys" show up... I'm above that sort of childish behavior. perhaps you guys should rethink your philosophy about this site...

  8. File Sharing   -   #48
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    The bottom line, Raijjn is that this site sucks.

    You people asked about our site and we came here to talk to you and answer questions and possibly get to know you. We were polite and respectful and even helpful, giving you information that you did not have. I see no less than four SceneTime Members and Staff posting here from SceneTime, yet I only see rude and disrespectful Staff (and Retired Staff) posting here in response. On SceneTime we do not flood our Forums with posts from the Staff so the Membership cannot get a word in edgewise, and when a Member or Staff is rude and disrespectful on SceneTime, it is dealt with immediately. This is not because we are Power-Happy, but because our Members do not want to see a bunch of lame bickering on our site. Apparently your Membership does, but then living in your Mom's basement can probably get pretty boring and this throwing insults at people who try to be polite makes you feel powerful...?

  9. File Sharing   -   #49
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raijjn View Post
    from what I've seen on THIS site, apparently rudeness and belligerence is what determines who is being "themselves" and determines the quality of the site? and anyone whom you (those that frequent this site) don't know should be jumped on like a pack of rabid dogs. but honestly, how can you enjoy a site whose main purpose is to insult one another? doesn't make a lot of sense.. and I can understand why your site doesn't get anywhere. you misunderstood Dragon when he said we don't allow this on scenetime... it's not so much that mods are quick to delete such posts.. it's simply the membership doesn't really do that.. we've no need to behave like a pack of undisciplined adolescents. our purpose isn't to see who can toss out the best insult.. trust me, I'm as mean and rude as they come, I'm the same person online as I am in real life, something I doubt most of you could say.. I understand there's no point in arguing over the internet because I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life. but I don't feel it necessary to pounce just because I feel superior to whatever "new guys" show up... I'm above that sort of childish behavior.
    Apparently not so much.

    Anyway forgive my childishness but how does voicing a contrary opinion translate into "rudeness and belligerence?"

    Fine you don't like what was being said ,either choose to agree or disagree or simply ignore. Is that so difficult?

    When you start pretending that you are suddenly somehow superior because your heavy-handedness promotes silence and subservience ,not loyalty or (laughingly) "friendship" then forgive me but I beg to differ.

    Anyway if you want to continue to delude yourself that those wonderful members of yours actually give a hoot (I'd like to say fuck but as we all know words are bad and may lead to law breaking by minors or something) about each other or your gentile sensibilities one centimetre beyond how they can profit your site then more power to you.

    For myself I honestly prefer a site where someone is free to insult me if they wish rather than smile in my face while hating me in their thoughts.

    Also Raijjn "I can't just stomp your ass like I would in real life".
    Seriously dude, people who spout off like that are usually the ones who absolutely couldn't.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  10. File Sharing   -   #50
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    Oh, and by the way, not only do I use my Real FaceBook Page, because I am not scared, hiding my identity, but also when I joined your site, if you look at my profile, there is my real location as well. If you choose to live in fear and enjoy disrespecting people, then that is your choice, but being a scared little bitch is not my way. Perhaps that is why I am Staff on the best site on the internet and you are not...

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