Computer was in sleep mode, which I use daily. The computer is never shut down.
When I moved the mouse and the computer started up, it restarted itself at some point.
BIOS now no longer detected the drive.
Shut the computer right off, waited a minute, started it and the drive appeared perfectly fine.
The screen that says you can boot into Safe mode, etc. popped up, and I just chose boot normally.
It just hangs with a blank screen, so I restart again.
Drive missing again.
Shut it right down then start it up drive is back, does same as above...

Attempt to boot with the widnows7 dvd to repair drive, it hangs.
Plug drive into another computer with a working windows7, start it up, it hangs at the Windows logo.

The only thing that could boot with the drive connected was Linux, although it would hang for about 30 seconds during startup then continue.
Drive worked perfectly fine in Linux, could browse its contents and write just fine.
After a minute though, the drive would stop responding in Linux.

Looking at the drive physically, it has 2 LEDs on it. When the drive is working normally, a green LED is on. When the drive disappears it shows a green AND red LED.

I downloaded the latest Firmware, and used linux to update the firmware (risky with a drive that disappears after 1 minute!).
Of course it failed to detect the drive.
Here is my secret: Disconnect the power to the drive, reconnect it, and quickly start the firmware flashing! It completed in a few seconds so no problem.

Restarted and still the same issue.

Booted back into Linux, now I ran a secure erase of the drive.

All problems solved!

Had to repartition the drive, reinstall Windows7, etc. but now the drive is working perfectly again.

Wierd, huh?

Firmware flash instructions:,_Agility_2/

Guide to secure erase drive from Linux (I used Linux Mint 12):

I went from Firmware 1.23 -> 1.35.
Somewhere in there is a fix for SLEEP issue so I hope this issue doesn't happen again. It's a pain in the ass to have to reinstall windows7 especially having to reconfigure apache/php/mysql...

Quote Originally Posted by clocker View Post
So, OCZ is replacing my failed Vertex 2 30GB for the second time.
Their RMA procedure is a bit clunky but surprisingly fast (especially given the July 4th long weekend) and I should have it by the 12th.

Of course, I have no clue why/how the drive failed and am almost expecting this one to die again soon.
If it does I think I'll put the remaining 30GB drive in an external enclosure and use it as a super flash drive.
Then I'll start looking into other options for the OS.

What happened with yours? Similar issue?