Been using this for about 2 years now. Awesome. Completely awesome. There's another app Mylar which handles Comics. It's newer and I had to fool around with it for awhile in order to get it to work but I got it. I'm not a big Comic guy but I do read Walking Dead.
Originally Posted by
Anyone know how to adjust Sickbeard for Scene mess ups ?
For example a show called Tanked is being released as Season 5, when TVDB and all the others are saying it is Season 4 ?
When you say "It's being released as Season 5", do you mean that's how you received it via SAB?
You should be able to manually edit the file & foldername, then run post processing, and Sickbeard will know where to put it and rename it correctly.
I'm not sure how you have yours setup but for instance, mine would be
Tanked--> Tanked Season 05 -- Tanked S05E01, Tanked S05E02, Tanked S05E03, etc etc etc..
If you change it to S04 it will know what to do with the files.