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10 or more
What are Blag files??
You Better Keep In Mind That I Can Read Between The Lines
Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience!!
guess he means files named wrongly, from the topic description
me, ive only ever dloaded one (triple X don't know what it was though)
how not to dload a fake:
1)get a file with like 100 sources and expand the tree to read descriptions, to see if anyone has changed name to something bad like ***FAKE***
2)use avi previewer
problem solved!
<insert signature here>
one file that pisses me off is the renamed TMD movie that says it Matrix 2:reloaded and is actually some film feardotcom or some junk, that really made me mad. renamed movies are the lowest form of humor. spend your time downloadin a movie you wanna see and end up some lame film you never watch even tho its somewhat free, other then time consuming, does anyone know if the other 13 films named matrix 2, are actually the real movie. B)
One. A file was supposed to be a new episode of buffy but it was an old episode of family guy.
It was a 440MB file, I just deleted it found the real buffy then downloaded that one instead.
Bogues files are annoying but its not the end of the world.