Cool screen saver for scaring the crap out of someone. It disables the mouse so remember to press 'Enter' to disable it.
Blue Screen Of Death
Cool screen saver for scaring the crap out of someone. It disables the mouse so remember to press 'Enter' to disable it.
Blue Screen Of Death
hahahah quality
<span style='color:red'>Eagle one, this is God in position.</span>
If in Search of another Classic Joke try this -
Most people like a little explanation before they d/l something.
So you contact everybody before you Dwnload thru K++????
Nonetheless - I agree wit u
so as you said
I didn't mean to pick on you, Zedaxax.
Some people just won't d/l if they don't know what it is first, that's all.
And yes, I know what I d/l before I do it.
lol this will give some good heart attacks