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Thread: Trackers with a good selection of non-scene CAMs and TSs?

  1. #21
    KushBlow's Avatar Zen BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    Do you watch 240p videos on Youtube with no problem then? Do you find them enjoyable?

    I just can't fathom not contemplating suicide after watching a CAM/TS, that's all I'm saying here.

    On a side note, Aby can go suck a bag of dicks.
    Last edited by KushBlow; 06-06-2012 at 06:41 AM.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #22
    A's Avatar ... BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by KushBlow View Post
    On a side note, Aby can go suck a bag of dicks.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #23
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickthestick91 View Post
    ^ What does me offering to trade a TorrentLeech invite have to do with FTN? I don't, and haven't had an FTN invite to give in years. You say the cream cheese post alludes to your previous post, which also has nothing to do with what I asked in the first place so I see no reason to comment on it.

    For all intents and purposes, your behavior on this site is nothing short of having you classified as an asshole. Maybe I was a little harsh when I said nerdy, we're all a little nerdy for being here. I haven't thrown a temper tantrum, and I'm struggling to see where you "disagreed" with me. You came into my thread on non-scene CAMs and TSs and mentioned nothing of the like. If you were trying to be funny or witty or something else entirely I just can't discern it. It's been around a week since I returned to FST and even before I click on a thread that I think will interest me, I'm already waiting to see how long it'll take before your useless banter derails the topic. Most times, as is evident in this thread, it only takes a few replies before you show up with your usual "take a shot at the OP" mentality. It's extremely annoying, and since I haven't seen anyone else confront you on it I figured this would be the perfect time to do it. Go ahead and classify this as another "temper tantrum". I'm merely stating my opinion that you're an extreme detriment to this community.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickthestick91 View Post
    ^ Ahh, I wondered when Idol's friends would come to the rescue. I know that all of my posts aren't asking for invites or hardware help, but I'll entertain the idea that they are. Now, what do you think is in the better interest of a community: someone asking for help and receiving it, or someone asking for help and being undermined by someone who seems as though he thinks he's superior to everyone else? By my asking for help and then receiving it, it provides someone else who was going to ask for it in the future with that information, as I'm sure other people have wondered about the same things that I have. What Idol does simply frustrates people, both new and old to the forum, and I'd be willing to bet that most of them decide against coming back after dealing with him.

    You moderate this forum so I'm gonna assume that you take some sort of pride in it. How could you say that Idol makes it entertaining? Someone asks for help, he does everything but provide it. Someone offers up a comment, and he disseminates it in ways that that person never intended it to be. You should be moderating people like him, not encouraging them.

    I'm not asking for the latest "must-have" torrent invite. I'm asking which sites have content which interests me, which I'm sure also interests others. And when someone, in your sense, has the audacity to give me (us) that information, I make a thread offering to trade, not asking to be given that invite. Everything this forum used to be, the wealth of knowledge, the friendly advice that was offered, seems so far gone nowadays. I'm done with this argument. You guys can continue it if you'd like. If anyone would like to get back to what this thread is really about, I'd be happy to hear from you.

    I will try to be succinct as you are obviously an important person with no time for frivolity.
    Point 1 :I would have no problem challenging you to a rl fight if you like as I'm fairly confident that I can take the majority of the women in the World.
    Point 2: I don't suppose it could possibly occur to you that manker "showed up" not because he's "my friend" (actually never met and God willing hopefully never will)but because he happens to disagree with you and would like to go on record as saying so.
    Point 3: I'm fairly certain I'm not detrimental to anyone who is invested enough in the site to be justified in saying they are actually a part of the community.
    Point 4 :Cunt.
    Point 5: Neither of us are as smart as we think we are but only the asshole with the superiority complex is willing to admit it.
    Point 6: I get the "superiority " thing mainly from people too engrossed in their own self importance to see that what I am in fact trying to do is to make them aware of that fact not inflate myself. So I'm sort of like a modern day Jonathan Swift only with less talent but better hair.
    Point 7: I don't "derail" anything. Either choose to comment on what I opine or go about your business.Simple as that.
    Did my comment in your thread hurt anything but your apparently delicate sensibilities? No.So again between you and the asshole I guess it's obvious the asshole isn't the one who's utterly full of himself.
    Point 8: No I guess I already your mentioned humourless self involvement.
    Point 9: It's as much my forum as your's or anyone else's so except for trying(and failing) to get people to (as in your case) not break tracker rules that they swore they would adhere to , I (asshole that I am) unlike yourself don't presume to tell other how they should act.

    And there I just wasted 15 minutes of my life on someone who obviously doesn't care about any opinions but his own.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #24
    ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by KushBlow View Post
    Do you watch 240p videos on Youtube with no problem then? Do you find them enjoyable?

    I just can't fathom not contemplating suicide after watching a CAM/TS, that's all I'm saying here.

    On a side note, Aby can go suck a bag of dicks.
    You reaching a littttttle too far. I watch CAMs when there's no better quality available. Obviously I'd watch the best quality available on a YouTube vid.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Aby View Post
    He just asked about where to get CAM/TS, not a fucking thesis on what you like.
    The thesis comes at no added cost.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  6. BitTorrent   -   #26
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    I wish I had never mentioned IPT now . Should have guessed a FTN boy would be a trader . It was odds-on.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #27
    A's Avatar ... BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Aby View Post
    He just asked about where to get CAM/TS, not a fucking thesis on what you like.
    The thesis comes at no added cost.
    'cept brain damage. Now idol is in the mood to write a novel. Something weird is going on in this thread. I bet it has something to do with the database error.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #28
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickthestick91 View Post
    ^ Ahh, I wondered when Idol's friends would come to the rescue. I know that all of my posts aren't asking for invites or hardware help, but I'll entertain the idea that they are. Now, what do you think is in the better interest of a community: someone asking for help and receiving it, or someone asking for help and being undermined by someone who seems as though he thinks he's superior to everyone else? By my asking for help and then receiving it, it provides someone else who was going to ask for it in the future with that information, as I'm sure other people have wondered about the same things that I have. What Idol does simply frustrates people, both new and old to the forum, and I'd be willing to bet that most of them decide against coming back after dealing with him.
    I may be Idol's worst enemy and simultaneously his most ineffectual thorn, but even I would have to recognize that he clearly needs no rescuing here. However, I do not desire to see myself left out of this pissing contest.

    This forum can be a little unique from other forums due to the type of people it can cater to at both ends of the spectrum. Because it tends to attract self-involved and self-serving halfwits who can barely put together an alphabet, replies by people who are a little more intellectually privileged tend to be severely influenced by the character of the OP. You probably don't see much of the helpful and productive discussions that go on here because you're too busy looking out for #1. That's you, #1. You could have redeemed yourself by demonstrating an accurate awareness, but you failed to even remotely come close to achieving that.

    The other issue is this: what types of people are most interested in CAMs? Well, I feel I can confidently aver that the group mostly consists of penniless teens/preteens who won't watch it in the theater, but additionally don't have the patience to wait for it to hit DVD/Bluray. If that group is collateral damage, as is the core of your argument here, I don't feel any despair towards their blight of epic proportions. Since you are not really interested in contributing, I haven't been sold on you entirely giving a shit about them either.
    Last edited by mjmacky; 06-06-2012 at 08:55 PM. Reason: found another mistake
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  9. BitTorrent   -   #29
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post

    I may be Idol's worst enemy and simultaneously his most ineffectual thorn...
    It's true.I refer to him as "the agony of effete".
    Respect my lack of authority.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #30
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post

    I may be Idol's worst enemy and simultaneously his most ineffectual thorn...
    It's true.I refer to him as "the agony of effete".
    I'm sure you're having pun.
    Everything is brought to you by Fjohürs Lykkewe.

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