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Thread: Obama grants amnesty to the illegals

  1. #11
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by OlegL View Post
    That's it, no "Fuck you!"?
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  2. The Drawing Room   -   #12
    Quote Originally Posted by clocker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 999969999 View Post
    I've always been against all of the bailouts.

    I'd have no problem getting rid of the tax breaks if we could go to a flat tax where everyone (even the poor people and the lower middle class) had to pay a percentage of their income in taxes-- no exceptions. No way to get out of paying at least some taxes. I think it would make them less likely to vote for more social programs if they realized that they would have to help pay for them.
    Fine, as long as all the sneaky little tax exemptions the 1% have bought for themselves also disappear...stuff like the 15% capital gains tax, inheritance taxes, offshore havens, trusts, etc. Every company doing business in the US pays full taxes on US business, no more shifting profits to Ireland to escape US taxes. All corporations must repatriate their accounts and pay full taxes on them, no more "holidays".
    Wall St. gets dismantled and everyone involved in the crash of 2008 gets criminally charged. The "too big to fail" banks get broken up and the remaining banks are forbidden to speculate.
    Jamie Dimon gets drawn and quartered on the White House lawn, shown live on primetime TV.
    Citizens United is constitutionally overturned and lobbying becomes illegal.

    Hey guess what? I actually agree with you on this. When I say flat tax, I mean it. No loopholes, no exceptions, no exemptions, no way to get out of paying a set percentage of all forms of income in taxes. To be fair, it would be the same percentage for everyone. No more of this "progressive" nonsense. If my family has to pay, say 30% for example, then everyone has to pay 30%. And all forms of income would be taxed-- including SS, SSI, SSDI, DES, AFDC, food stamps and all other forms of welfare, etc. Currently 70% of the federal income taxes are paid by 10% of the population, and about half of the population pays no federal income taxes. My plan would change that. Everyone would pay taxes, and perhaps they would be less likely to vote for more spending programs if they knew they had to help pay for them.

    So, you admit that the economy is still rather dismal, but who's fault is that? Obama has had almost 4 years to do something about it and it looks like he is a dismal failure, right?
    What effect do you think the President has on the economy? Surely you don't buy into Romney's absurd "Day One" bullshit?
    As so graphically shown last week, Republicans believe that we exist to serve Big Finance, not the other way around. The banks and big financiers are doing better than ever...the worse off we are, the more they profit. Perfect example is the current situation in Greece...somebody(ies) is making a shitton of profit by driving one of Europe's smallest economies off a cliff and it's working so well they've moved on to Italy and Spain. Predatory speculation is rampant and must be stopped.

    Oh come on! The reason Greece's economy is falling off a cliff is because of their social programs. They tried socialism, and it didn't work. Their bloated government and generous handouts were too much for their meager economy to support. The same thing will eventually happen to us.

    I am not at all pleased with Obama but not because he hasn't changed the economy

    I would love to hear why you are not pleased with Obama. This should be interesting.

    What Obama's decision does mean is that about 800,000 people who formerly could not legally look for work, now can. This was a huge blunder on his part. I think he was on thin ice as it was, but this will surely cost him the election. Maybe he doesn't really want to be president anymore.
    But...but what if those 800,000 are more qualified than you? Afraid to compete on a level playing field? Why shouldn't someone who has served in the military be allowed to hold a job? Good enough to protect you but not good enough to compete for a job, eh?

    No, I'm not afraid to compete with them at all. It's more important who you know... when it comes time to find a job.

    As for the ones who served in the military, how many would that amount to? A few hundred? Maybe a few thousand at best?

    I wouldn't have to compete with them anyways. Let's face it, I will use my networking skills and connections and have some family members pull some strings to get me a job, and I'm fine with that. But I do still wonder why Mexican-American citizens of the U.S. would favor such a policy that now floods the job market with 800,000 new competitors trying to get their jobs. That's a thinker.
    Yeah, your concern about legal Mexican Americans is really touching.
    I'll bet this move is quite popular amongst'd better tell Rick Scott to get busy scrubbing them from the voter lists before November.
    What do you think Romney's stand on this is...or haven't the Koch brothers downloaded it to his memory banks yet?

    That still doesn't answer the question. Why would Hispanic citizens of the U.S. be in favor of this? All it does is hurt them.

    Let's just pretend for a moment that millions of Austrians were flooding across the border and all of them had degrees in accounting, and all of them knew people in influential positions of authority in various businesses-- then I would be worried. I wouldn't want them coming here and competing against me for the same job openings. Hell, I wouldn't want them coming here at all. I think we have enough people in the U.S., and I would love to close the border to everyone. Stop all immigration-- both legal and illegal. I don't want this country to become overpopulated like China and India.

    As for Romney, I never did like him. I will have to vote for him because Ron Paul is not an option. But he sucks. He is not a communist, and so he is better than what we have in there now. But not much better.
    Last edited by 999969999; 06-20-2012 at 05:12 PM.
    Who can take your money and give it to someone else? The Government Can!

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #13
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by 999969999 View Post
    I think we have enough people in the U.S., and I would love to close the border to everyone. Stop all immigration-- both legal and illegal. I don't want this country to become overpopulated like China and India.
    Ignoring the fact that central U.S. is a ghost town at best, we still fall way short of pretty much every European country in terms of population density. Even Mexico is more densely populated, but maybe the humanitarian in you just needs to be educated on those things first.
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  4. The Drawing Room   -   #14
    OlegL's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OlegL View Post
    That's it, no "Fuck you!"?
    You haven't pissed me off, so why would I tell you that?
    I love FST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #15
    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 999969999 View Post
    I think we have enough people in the U.S., and I would love to close the border to everyone. Stop all immigration-- both legal and illegal. I don't want this country to become overpopulated like China and India.
    Ignoring the fact that central U.S. is a ghost town at best, we still fall way short of pretty much every European country in terms of population density. Even Mexico is more densely populated, but maybe the humanitarian in you just needs to be educated on those things first.
    Maybe you're missing my point again.

    "we still fall way short of pretty much every European country in terms of population density. Even Mexico is more densely populated"...

    And who wants to live like they do? Not me!
    Who can take your money and give it to someone else? The Government Can!

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #16
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by 999969999 View Post
    Maybe you're missing my point again.

    "we still fall way short of pretty much every European country in terms of population density. Even Mexico is more densely populated"...

    And who wants to live like they do? Not me!
    No, you just think you deserve more than the rest of the world, to which you don't make a single contribution.

    Clarification: Your persona does.
    Last edited by mjmacky; 06-20-2012 at 05:14 PM.
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  7. The Drawing Room   -   #17
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    Quote Originally Posted by 9
    Oh come on! The reason Greece's economy is falling off a cliff is because of their social programs. They tried socialism, and it didn't work. Their bloated government and generous handouts were too much for their meager economy to support. The same thing will eventually happen to us.
    If/when it does "happen to us", I'll take great comfort knowing that among the first to fall will be smug, self-entitled twits like you.
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #18
    ckrit's Avatar Flagpole
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjmacky View Post
    Ignoring the fact that central U.S. is a ghost town at best, we still fall way short of pretty much every European country in terms of population density.
    That isn't accurate, IIRC. Unless you don't coun't Scandinavia, Iceland, Estonia, and Greenland (which is only european if you count is as part of Denmark, anyways).

    That said, you've got a pretty fucking amazingly long way to go before you'd catch up with the highest population densities of the world. You'd better make an effort of epic proportions if you want to reach for the top.

    ckrit d<rit c|<rit

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  9. The Drawing Room   -   #19
    mjmacky's Avatar an alchemist?
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    Quote Originally Posted by ckrit View Post
    Unless you don't coun't Scandinavia, Iceland, Estonia, and Greenland (which is only european if you count is as part of Denmark, anyways).
    Naturally, "pretty much" intends to ignore the Baltic states, because who can really stand to live there?

    That wasn't on a personal level or anything, I actually have an affinity for that climate.
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  10. The Drawing Room   -   #20
    ckrit's Avatar Flagpole
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    Quote Originally Posted by 999-whatever
    Oh come on! The reason Greece's economy is falling off a cliff is because of their social programs. They tried socialism, and it didn't work. Their bloated government and generous handouts were too much for their meager economy to support.
    No. Greece is in a hole because they tried to keep up with the EU when the market changed to their disadvantage, elected idiots, got caught making up statistics, and on top of that got hit hard by the financial crisis.

    It has buggerall to do with socialism, or their social programs in particular, and everything to do with taking on something Greece couldn't handle in the long run, in the EU, thus overextending themselves and having nothing to fall back on when the market went to hell. Due to reckless speculation on the part of foreign banks and investors, before the crisis, they're now, in part, in the hands of hedge funds, which complicates their recovery further. If anything, it's capitalism that really screwed them over.
    ckrit d<rit c|<rit

    Mi signotaur > urs.

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