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Thread: Installing Xp Pro Without Adding 1.5 Gb To Office

  1. #1
    I installed XP Pro on my computer and the first thing that I noticed is that it cut my hard drive from 3.5 gigabytes to 200 megabytes. I immediately investigated the Add/Remove Programs panel and found that Office XP Professional had a file size of about 1 GB, and it previously had about 300 MB, maybe less and Office XP Media Content had also about 1 GB and it had about 475 MB before. I also noticed that other things that were about 50-100 MB skyrocketed to 200-300 MB. Does anyone know why this happens or if it doesn't happen in Windows XP Home Edition.Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    well windows xp is bigger and requires more space.

    i don't see what the problem is, are you saying your out of hard drive space?

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Originally posted by computerfreak76@10 February 2003 - 17:43
    well windows xp is bigger and requires more space.

    i don't see what the problem is, are you saying your out of hard drive space?
    Yes and no. I'm just wondering why it does this, if XP Home does it and whether I should uninstall Office and reinstall after install or whether I should wipe my HD and do a clean install? But then, my drivers might not work unless I burn them to CD (the XP version drivers, that is).

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    Geez, with a 3.5gb hard drive i would seriously suggest going back to Windows98 and even then decreasing its size by using 98lite at
    they are presently working on XPLite, stripped to the core, not finished yet.

    i would definetly uninstal IE and swap with opera and definetly use an alternate office suit and remove all samples, jpgs, obsolete help files(tours), and tons of other things stacked in windows.
    for more info

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    3.5 free, 8 total, sorry, shoulda made that clear

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    Supernatural's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    New York
    Uninstall any components, programs, screensavers, etc. that you dont want or need. The ONLY thing I installed from Office is Word (I don't need the other stuff) and it's only using 130MB. MSN exporer is another useless wast of space. Set the system restore option to MINIMUM. Default setting is max, which is alot. Also lower the recycle bin setting.


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