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Thread: What is the fastest internet speed???

  1. #11
    It may be 128 mbps in Bangladesh.

  2. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #12
    Probably the fastest residential internet connection is So-net Entertainment's 2gbps at this time in Japan. Though it's mostly unusable by anything outside of japan. Many servers support up to 10gbps. But at the time of this writing there is nothing as fast for home users. Either way if you choose a connection and if you have an option of fiber to the home go with that, next would be cable,which can also go up to 10gbps but probably can't go much above that in the future,while fiber optic cables have a lot of room for expansion, laboratory tests have show that you can get at least 1 petabit(131.000 GB/s) per second trough a single optic fiber. The biggest constrain for fiber optic internet is the end hardware. So basically fiber depends only on the hardware that uses it, and is resistant to magnetic,electric and most interference .

  3. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I'm in vietnam. My real speed is 4.2Mb/s download and 4.2Mb/s upload at the same time. And I pay ~65$ a month. I think this is awsome for a developing country as Viet Nam!

  4. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Hi, at present time I am searching for the faster internet connection all over the world.

  5. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #15
    dion09529's Avatar Helter Skelter BT Rep: +1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by abtx View Post
    I'm in vietnam. My real speed is 4.2Mb/s download and 4.2Mb/s upload at the same time. And I pay ~65$ a month. I think this is awesome for a developing country as Viet Nam!
    I thought the shrimps are all the rage in Vietnam.
    Old shit was here. Now it's gone.

  6. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #16
    Google Fiber in Kansas City, 1gbps straight to internet backbone for $79 a month.

  7. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #17
    Should be jpn the US is finally catching up slowly to the rest of the world.

  8. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #18
    Yeah, it's probably Japan or South Korea in the lead for the fastest

  9. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #19
    Def Google Fiber (1 Gb/s Up and Down), but it's only in one city inside the US. Fastest in Canada is 350 MB/s (Up and Down) available through Rogers but it's not available everywhere, only available in the more populated areas.

  10. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #20

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