I would watch them in the exact same order as they appeared in the theater.
I would watch them in the exact same order as they appeared in the theater.
I will agree with an earlier post and watch in the following order...
New Hope
Empire Stikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Rouge One
Fantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
The Force Awakens
Or you can try watching the fan edit instead :
- Star Wars - Episode I - Cloak of Deception (2014)
- Star Wars - Episode II - The Approaching Storm (2014)
- Star Wars - Episode III - Labyrinth of Evil (2014)
the despecialized editions are also worth a watch.
Will try to show them in chronological order to people new to the series. Also, I would just stop after episode III, none of the Disney's.
Personally, I still honor the prequels, as they tried to expand the universe.