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Thread: The Blackcats Scandal Revisited - Stoi Lives off Donations

  1. #1
    I'm under the impression that this has slipped from public memory after so many years, but things are much the same today at Blackcats: Stoi is still unemployed and supporting his family off nothing but your donations and his welfare checks from the British government, all the while claiming the site is in financial danger to spur on your donations.

    Here's some information on the infamous scandal of 2007. With the same man in charge today, there's no reason to think it's any less shady now than ever. From the infamous archive uploaded to Megaupload years ago:

    Ok... so you want some info.

    1) Stoi has been using donations for personal reasons for some time now (I figure since he was owner of the site).
    2) Soti has lied to staff and users about him doing this
    3) Even after we got the log of him saying that he used your donations for personal things he STILL lied about not doing it.
    4) Stoi doesn't work nor does anyone in his family... they live off unemplayment (or whatever the UK calls it) and your donations to the site.

    This is no lie people. I don't wish to hurt the site as its a great place, but do you really turst someone that does that stuff with your money?

    To give you an idea we have 150 VIP a month

    150 x 20gbp = 3000gpb

    When VIP was lowered to 10gbp we got a lot more VIP

    250 x 10gpb = 2500gpb

    Now that does not include the donations that we got that were over VIP amount and we made 1/2 of the total VIP income a month from the small donaitons.

    Now... also to let you know for the past 6ish months we've have all servers paid off. The server bill was only 600gpb a month.

    600 x 6 = 3600

    Now do the math of 3 months of VIP for the 20gbp and 3 months of VIP for the 10gbp

    3000 x 3 = 9000
    2500 x 3 = 7500
    total = 16500

    Now take total income (minus) total expence and you get

    12900 left over. (mind you thats just the last 6 months and not including the time james was owner)

    I hate to say but thats quite a fucking bit that has magicly gone missing from stoi that he would you rather not know about and just focus on what james did.

    And remember this has happend more than just this time people.... hes been doing it for YEARS!!!

    As for james.... we only know what stoi has said as james has gone *poof* and we may never know and with him going on a vaction (which he planned many months ago) we won't know his side of the story till he gets back if he even comes back to say it.

    So there you go... you have the real storry about wtf is going on.

    There was no hack, just stoi trying to cover up what really is going on.
    IRC Log 1

    IRC Log 2

    Background Info from Above

    Use this site. Exploit the generous SP system for all its worth. Just don't support it.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    That info is apparently older than ralphonzo.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    Yes, I am five.

    Do you have an interest in this information not being public?

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    More a question of your motives in rehashing this old stuff.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    I found the archive when sorting through an old harddrive and felt it would be a shame if this was no longer common information. It's still relevant because stoi is still supporting his family off it while his slave staff does all the work for practically nothing in return. I'm an active member on the site as I have been since it went live and continue to leech from it.

  6. BitTorrent   -   #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    If you feel so strongly all this time why are you still a member?

  7. BitTorrent   -   #7
    Because I am using it and not contributing. Like I said, people should feel free to exploit the SP system without contributing to stoi's coffers. Besides, the staff underneath stoi has not been bad since altinertia quit. Regs worked hard till he stepped down earlier this year (after stoi returned from an unannounced vacation and asserted his power once more).

    Tell me, what problem do you have with me posting this information? Why should it be forgotten if the man in charge is the very same and that man never sought redemption when exposed last time, instead banning anyone who mentioned the scandal while blaming it all on someone else? Nothing has changed. People who would consider donating to the site should keep that in mind today.

    I was under the impression that the kind of person who supports file-sharing would support the free sharing of information which is what this topic is about. But by all means, continue with the ad hominem insinuations.

  8. BitTorrent   -   #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Well I exploit the seed point system as well. Never felt the need to donate or rake up very old stuff like this.

    I still very much doubt your motives.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #9
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Apr 2009
    Using Mrs. Nussbaum's CC#
    I love how these threads are always started by "brave", "concerned", "citizens" with no post history.

    At least be brave enough to attach your name and true purpose for bringing up the "scandal".
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #10
    Questioning one's motives is the weakest thing you can do in an argument.

    Avoiding answering pertinent questions is nearly as bad, so let me ask you again, from my previous posts:

    Do you have an interest in this information not being public?

    What problem do you have with me posting this information?

    Why should it be forgotten if the man in charge is the very same and that man never sought redemption when exposed last time, instead banning anyone who mentioned the scandal while blaming it all on someone else?

    And one more: If you can't answer these simple questions, why do you continue to reply to my thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    I love how these threads are always started by "brave", "concerned", "citizens" with no post history.

    At least be brave enough to attach your name and true purpose for bringing up the "scandal".
    Attach my name so I can be banned? Unless you or stan would like to suggest I've fabricated all this information, it really doesn't matter what either of you think of me--it's irrelevant. The information is what matters, and if you like it or not, more people now have access to it and I applaud the mods for allowing it to be posted here.
    Last edited by ralphonzo; 05-30-2013 at 07:40 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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