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Thread: Won't decode right...

  1. #1
    So first off I'd like to say hi since I'm new to the site. I have been using newsbin for a few years now and still a lot of it is over my head. I've been using NZBIndex as my search site for a while now and lately there just hasn't been much for downloads. So I found this site and REALLY like it, the only problem is when I find a movie and click create nzb it opens and downloads fine in newsbinpro, but once its done downloading and starts decoding it just deletes all of the rars when its done and I have an empty folder where its suppose to be.

    -It hasn't happened with nzbindex so I'm wondering if you guys have any advice.
    -I've tried downloading maybe 10-15 movies with only about 3 working (So its not every time)
    -I've watched the download path folder and literally watched it add all the rars in there and then at the end just delete them and sometimes leave a few files behind.

    I'm at a loss and I REALLY want to keep using this site cause it seems to be the best so far, anything you can do helps!

    Also forgot to mention I have even toggled off the option of "Delete rars and pars on successful decode" and the files down end up in the recycle bin either, they just delete altogether.
    Last edited by kossick; 06-20-2013 at 04:56 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  2. Newsgroups   -   #2
    Pilferd's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    If it looks like your file is downloading ridiculously fast, it probably was dmca'd (taken off your providers server) and your not actually downloading anything.

  3. Newsgroups   -   #3
    No it takes the appropriate amount of time to download, but thank you!

  4. Newsgroups   -   #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Stop using all these 'automated' repair and de-crunch 'tools', virtually all of them 'integrated' into transfer programs have major problems. In short, d/l the thing and process MANUALLY with quickpar and winrar, and you'll find that you'll get a lot more than trying to let someone you've never met whose code you don't get to 'review' take control of your machine and leave you most times than not with.... nothing.

  5. Newsgroups   -   #5
    DngrMs's Avatar Super Rodent
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    May 2013
    Pillar Box
    Quote Originally Posted by Beck38 View Post
    Stop using all these 'automated' repair and de-crunch 'tools', virtually all of them 'integrated' into transfer programs have major problems. In short, d/l the thing and process MANUALLY with quickpar and winrar, and you'll find that you'll get a lot more than trying to let someone you've never met whose code you don't get to 'review' take control of your machine and leave you most times than not with.... nothing.
    Don't be so paranoid.

    SAB source code:

    It does a fine job of post-processing and is updated quickly to maintain this standard. Very few complete or partial+par downloads will fail as a consequence of automating post-processing with SAB. I can't speak about recent versions of other applications.

    Manual pp may give you better insight into any problems you experience but it won't fundamentally change the result all that often, if ever.
    Last edited by DngrMs; 06-21-2013 at 01:08 PM.
    Just like the NSA, I'm compelled to copy everything I want to.

  6. Newsgroups   -   #6
    it would help if we knew 1)your provider 2) an example of what exactly failed to get downloaded(link in a spoiler) 3) what newsbin logging tab says when it happens

    PS Btw regarding nzbindex.

    I've started encountering a strange bug when downloading nzb from this particular indexer. Say, you have a 2 Gb collection. When you download this nzb it turns out to be,say, 600Mb only. And it looks all complete like it was posted this way.
    When you you save nzb from another indexer everything is just peachy.
    Last edited by Hypatia; 06-24-2013 at 12:15 PM.

  7. Newsgroups   -   #7
    SAB source code:
    This worked out for me! Thank you for your help and everyone else who answered!
    Last edited by kossick; 06-25-2013 at 04:10 AM.


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