Media lovers, does anyone have any experience with one of these as a HTPC?

I see they have updated to "desktop class" processors and the Zbox Nano ID65 Barebones seems interesting.

zbox_nano_id63_64_65_6_3.jpg zbox_nano_id63_64_65_7_3.jpg

I'm thinking of replacing my aging ASUS EeeBox 1501 which has been spectacularly good value over the years and miraculously chewed through even high bitrate 1080p content and spat it out via HDMI to my TV perfectly. I did add more RAM and swapped in an SSD. Alas, it's being stretched a little now processor wise and 1 USB port, the memory card slot and the slot DVD drive have all failed (presumably because of dust and overheating).

So, I need a little box for the entertainment cabinet that will primarily run Windows (probably 7), XBMC, SAB etc, etc. Since my little ASUS handles that really quite well I'm assuming the greater CPU/GPU power in the Zotac would have me quite satisfied.

Is this the case? And does anybody have any experience with one of these to report? How's the temperature management, noise, build quality?