www.webattack.com is a good source for some of the things that it wouldnt hurt to have. they have freeware backup utilities and some freeware file restoration programs there that aint too bad. they also have a utility called WormGuard that I think you outta check out. But, it's only gotta 30 day trial to it, so check out astalavista after you dl it.
Some other apps you might check out are wares like Norton SystemWorks or GoBack, to restore the system to what it was before it got hit. Granted...those dont work for probs that you had before you installed the app, but it gets you prepared if something like that happens again.
I WISH that I could remember the name of the file restoration program that I had that would automatically move files back and forth. it saved me a hell of a lot of work moving files, but the shareware limitation wouldnt work files of any decent size, and couldnt crack it, so got rid of it.