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Thread: Movie Conversion Question

  1. #1
    I downloaded The Lion King DVD rip - on a 56k which took me about a week to do. I wanted to convert it to VCD format to watch on a stand alone DVD player, however It won't work. I have Nero and when I try to convert it I get an error message and my blank CD ejects. The cd is empty. The file was originally 719,076 kb and well over the eighty minute mark which meant I could'nt overburn. I used Virtual Dub and deleted the credits which brought it to 83 minutes and 1 second (I'm guessing this MAY fit on an 80 minute CD). The file is now 682,758 kb. I would like to fit it on 1 cd, but the conversion part in Nero won't work for this file. I will give you the specs:
    The type of file says Video Clip - usually it would say Mpeg or avi but this says Video Clip.
    Width = 560
    Height = 288
    Duration = 123:01
    Bit Rate = 121 kbps
    Audio Format = MPEG layer-3
    Frame rate = 29 frames/second
    Data Rate = 137 kbps
    Video Sample Size = 24 bit
    Video Compression = DivX codec
    ok.... now before u say to try and convert it to a different format which is what I'm assuming is the problem I tried. I used TMPEG encoder which came with the Virtual Dub bundle thingy I downoaded to convert it to .avi. This aroused a problem. I was only at 21% and the file was already over 500,000kb which meant when it was finished it would be well over 2 million kb. That's ENTIRELY too large to fit on 1 cd or even 2. My question is how do I convert this file to a VCD format and possibly on 1 disc - if not one disc then 2, but preferably 1. Thank you for your time in reading this long, boring problem, but this is for my daughter and it took me quite a while to do.

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Go and have a look at this page. It will definitly answer your questions better than I can

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    I just went to above mentioned site to get the knowledge, bloody hell is it worth it, much rather spend a tenner at MVC and a lot easier.

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4
    Originally posted by davinda@11 February 2003 - 15:34
    I just went to above mentioned site to get the knowledge, bloody hell is it worth it, much rather spend a tenner at MVC and a lot easier.
    No $hit, it would take 9 million days to do that or you can go to a store and buy it for 10 bucks!

  5. Movies & TV   -   #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Now, where'd this world be if everyone took the easy road eh ?

  6. Movies & TV   -   #6
    Originally posted by danne@11 February 2003 - 16:15
    Now, where'd this world be if everyone took the easy road eh ?
    We would be some bored people!

  7. Movies & TV   -   #7
    vivitron 15's Avatar Poster
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    I had this prob before...try looking at this thread
    <insert signature here>

  8. Movies & TV   -   #8
    Nightwolf's Avatar Old Guy
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    Your Mom's House
    Personally I like to use TMPGenc to split movies into two equal parts, then I burn them with Nero. Supposedly you can also change the bitrate and some other settings with TMPGenc to make a large file fit on one VCD, but I&#39;ve never tried it.

  9. Movies & TV   -   #9
    I checked out the thread and I even ATTEMPTED to check out the web page...however, neither would offer anything to help, at least not that I saw. Maybe I should have been a little bit more clear on my question.I have the file down to the size already to fit on 1 disc - 83:01. This should fit on an 80 min disc w/overburning. My problem is this particular file will NOT convert to VCD format in Nero so I can watch it on a stand alone DVD player. The type of file says Video Clip, but in TMPEG encoder (which I downloaded the latest version from the thread) it says .avi. Now Nero says it can convert .avi to VCD format which I&#39;ve done before with music videos, but this file will not convert. Could anybody tell me what to use to convert it to VCD format to fit on 1 disc - or even 2.
    PLEASE ........ much thanx

  10. Movies & TV   -   #10
    Skillian's Avatar T H F C f a n BT Rep: +1
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    Dec 2002
    Nero can convert avi files but not divx avi - which is probably what your file is.

    You need virtualdub to extrat the audio and turn it into a wav file. Then use TMPGEnc, selct the original video as the video source and the wav you made in virtualdub as the audiosource.

    Not too complicated step-by-step guide can be found here.

    ps - overburning might make it a little hard to read on your DVD player - I would advise splitting onto 2 discs.

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