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Thread: News Group Provider

  1. #1


    Hey all, Just wondering which service is the best, with
    price and quality in mind. I'm with giganews now but
    I'm paying around 33.00 to 35.00 depending on the
    fluctuating loonie per month.

  2. Newsgroups   -   #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You don't say where you're located. Yes, Giganews is a premium supplier with (for today) a very premium price structure.

    I've had an account (some block types) with just about everyone that operates servers in north america. I settled (price) on Astraweb with Blocknews as a 'fills' and the lowest (not even available to purchase anymore but I'm 'grandfathered') a <$5/month Giganews account. Works for me. I also still have another 3+ or so block accounts (still have >100MBytes) block accounts lingering from some other folks. All have both US and EU (Amsterdam) servers.

    I think if you ran a 'poll' here, you'd find that the Astra/Blocknews combo is highly popular, Blocknews bytes are cheap (and don't expire) and Astra can be had for between $8-11/ month for 20 connections (I rarely use more than 16 and it 'floods' my 25MB connection easily) and of course is unlimited (the 'dictionary' meaning of the term, not most wireless companies bastardization of it).


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