Played a pub quiz last night, and this was one of the rounds. Fun stuff.

The idea is to take two movie titles where the last word of the first title is the first word of the second title. Then, combine the titles at the common word and write a plot synopsis that covers both films. The plot synopsis is the clue, and other players must guess the combined title.


"Flaming Star" (the 1960 Elvis film)
"Star Wars" (you all know what that one is)

becomes "Flaming Star Wars", in which Elvis Presley plays a young half-breed indian cowboy who must save a Galactic Princess and blow up the Death Star.

Simple, right?

Okay, here are three to start us off...

(NOTE: For the purposes of the game, we may ignore articles like 'a' and 'the' at the start of the second title).

thw01: A childless couple adopts a small rodent, which they feed to their alien plant, Audrey II.
thw02: Don Johnson and his telepathic pet rob a bank to pay for a sex change operation.
thw03: George Hamilton plays a masked, swashbuckling hero who hunts android replicants in a dystopian future.

Game on!
