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Thread: For those who miss the nzb forum...

  1. #1
    ... ninjacentral (indexer) claims to have a dump of their nzb database and has added it as a single 45 GB nzb on their site named "bd25 dump 32k bds".

    I have not downloaded it myself (and have no plans to), so I cannot attest if it is real and actually works. Just passing along the info.
    Last edited by whodunnit; 10-22-2023 at 06:22 PM.

  2. Newsgroups   -   #2
    It's legit. NZBStars also has it, and it was circulating in a certain DDL forum before that. Apparently it's not 100% complete, but close enough.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."


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