To Send PMs
- You must be a member for 15 days.
- You must make at least 2 posts on the forum.
After 15 days and 2 posts it takes an hour for your account to update.
You will have a star below your title when updated...
You could also DONATE to the site for instant access now.
DO NOT send unsolicited Private Messages asking for invites.
Those that do may be BANNED from the site.
Do NOT Trade Invites Through PM Prior To
- Clicking a member's name and selecting View Public Profile.
- Reading some of their posts to get familiar with them.
- Checking they have a star under their avatar.
Thread Bumping
- Bumping is permitted after 24 hours since the last post.
- Those bumping before will receive infractions.
Spam Posting
- DO NOT post "good luck", "nice giveaway", or similar.
- Members posting spam will receive infractions.
If You're Offered An Invite For Sale
- Make a copy of the message and Report it.
- Keep the message and DO NOT delete it.
Selling invites in any form on FST is NOT allowed.
DO NOT send pm messages soliciting invites.
Those caught will be BANNED permanently.
Respect Communities You're A Member OfWho You Invite
- Most sites want you to invite those you know and trust.
- At the least read their posts to get familiar with them.
Site Names And URL Links
- DO NOT post links or names of sites that don't want them posted.
- DO NOT post names with spaces and similar to bypass filters.
- DO NOT post images with this information for these sites.
Read the rules of the sites you're a member at and if you choose
to break them don't complain if action is taken against you.