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Thread: Sharing Files

  1. #1
    I'm not sure if this has been asked b4 but i'm getting to the point where my hard drive is practically full. My pc runs 24/7. I have downloaded films, tv-series and music and my kazaa drive is almost full 78gig out of 80gig

    I am going to have to delete quite alot of these after backing them up. Now the question is i want to enable people to download what i have, since i too had to download it off someone in the first place. But what do i delete....

    I don't want to list it all out, theres too much?
    Is there a request board where hot items can stay and older, less likely to be requested files can go. I can always put the requested item back on should somebody request.

    Any ideas ??

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    ShareDaddy's Avatar OLD ShareDaddy
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    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by KikMyAssAgain@11 February 2003 - 11:35
    I'm not sure if this has been asked b4 but i'm getting to the point where my hard drive is practically full. My pc runs 24/7. I have downloaded films, tv-series and music and my kazaa drive is almost full 78gig out of 80gig

    I am going to have to delete quite alot of these after backing them up. Now the question is i want to enable people to download what i have, since i too had to download it off someone in the first place. But what do i delete....

    I don't want to list it all out, theres too much?
    Is there a request board where hot items can stay and older, less likely to be requested files can go. I can always put the requested item back on should somebody request.

    Any ideas ??
    I had the same issue up until recently, I ended up buying another hard drive and now own 2 internals totalling 240 gigabytes, however as that is not the answer to everyones problems I suggest you simply go by dates. The longer you have had a file means the longer it has been around for people to get should they have chose. I would say simply start getting rid of older material and keep the newer stuff, easiest way possible, what you think is good to keep may not be, age is the only fair equitable solution, except if you may have created the file, however if they are all downloaded off of Kazaa then age should be the only factor.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    just get a second hard drive lol...
    how hard can that be

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    If it were me, I'd rate the existing files that you like, and rank the good to excellent, and the rest garbage. I'm sure there are some recycled shares in your drive.

    But just keep the rares....

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    dont throw anything away
    because someday you might need it
    you can store them on cdrw
    but the best solution is to get a second hard drive
    easy fast and effective...

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
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    Burn it all to CD. If you want you can pop the CD in and choose to share whatever you have on it.

    Myself I keep awesome movies in dvd format or the newest ones, and some eps that most people don't have (DBZ, Trigun, etc.). Plus a bunch of appz and trance music.

    Just pick the stuff that is most popular or the hardest to find.

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    RPerry's Avatar Synergy BT Rep: Bad Rep
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    Thats the best advice, Just burn everything to CD-R, that kills two birds with one stone anyway. I have used my own disks after PC problems anyway


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