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Thread: Full Format Hard Drive

  1. #1
    lightshow's Avatar Asleep at the wheel
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    My hard drive has been messing up and I'm sending it back. Before I do, I want to erase the entire thing clean.

    I was looking at this program Data Eraser by Ontrack

    What do you guys think? Think it will do the job?
    I miss the days of random nut '03
    Click for more activation options, then activate by telephone. Run the keygen.
    if I call them, aren't they going to get me? (you know, down there)

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    wat kind of hard drive??

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    North-east england UK
    Originally posted by lightshow@23 November 2003 - 23:48
    My hard drive has been messing up and I'm sending it back. Before I do, I want to erase the entire thing clean.

    I was looking at this program Data Eraser by Ontrack

    What do you guys think? Think it will do the job?
    in other words u want to clear your porn b4 u send it back

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    bestcyrpt is the best

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    lol...why would u clean it? i mean..... unless you are ashamed of something (or scared of having illegal sh1t in there) i dont think you should format it...

  6. Software & Hardware   -   #6
    lightshow's Avatar Asleep at the wheel
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    Mar 2003
    Its a maxtor 120GB, I just don't want to run the chance of having them look at all the i have.

    Since they do have to hook it up and test it. Maybe im just paraniod
    I miss the days of random nut '03
    Click for more activation options, then activate by telephone. Run the keygen.
    if I call them, aren't they going to get me? (you know, down there)

  7. Software & Hardware   -   #7
    just format it in dos

  8. Software & Hardware   -   #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Burmoda triangle, right behind you!
    yea just rewhoremate your fartdrive

    use msdogs
    format volume [/fs:filesystem] [/v:label] [/q] [/a:unitsize] [/c]

    Value Description
    volume Specifies the mount point, volume name, or drive letter of the drive you want to format. If you do not specify any of the following command-line options, format uses the volume type to determine the default format for the disk.
    /fs:filesystem Specifies the file system to use FAT, FAT32, or NTFS. Floppy disks can use only the FAT file system.
    /v:label Specifies the volume label. If you omit the /v command-line option or use it without specifying a volume label, format prompts you for the volume label after the formatting is completed. Use the syntax /v: to prevent the prompt for a volume label. If you format more than one disk by using one format command, all of the disks will be given the same volume label.
    /q Performs a quick format. Deletes the file table and the root directory of a previously formatted volume but does not perform a sector by sector scan for bad areas. You should use the /q command-line option to format only previously formatted volumes that you know are in good condition.
    /a:unitsize Specifies the cluster size, also known as allocation unit size, to use on FAT, FAT32, or NTFS volumes. Use one of the following values for unitsize. If unitsize is not specified, it will be chosen based on volume size. 512 Creates 512 bytes per cluster.
    1024 Creates 1024 bytes per cluster.
    2048 Creates 2048 bytes per cluster.
    4096 Creates 4096 bytes per cluster.
    8192 Creates 8192 bytes per cluster.
    16K Creates 16 kilobytes per cluster.
    32K Creates 32 kilobytes per cluster.
    64K Creates 64 kilobytes per cluster.

    /c NTFS only. Files created on the new volume will be compressed by default.
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  9. Software & Hardware   -   #9
    Double Agent
    Join Date
    May 2003
    it&#39;s very simple, just use partition magic 7 or 8 to securely erase every partitions on that hdd

    you&#39;ll be fine

  10. Software & Hardware   -   #10
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    most hardware vendors give out medium level formatting tools for there drives these will work pretty well at destroying everything on the drive.

    tech tv dark tips

    there are a few fun ways to destroy your data there.

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