Private had been stationed at a remote army camp in the middle of the desert, for months. He gone too long without female companionship, and he was getting more than a little desperate for some loving. So he approached his sergeant, and asked what he should do about getting some relief.

The Sergeant just pointed him to the camel sheds, told him severely, "Go use the camels, Private!", then bid him on his way.

Private was so hard-up, even the camels were looking enticing. Desperate and horny as hell, he waited until night. Then, he entered the camel shed, and chose one particularly fetching camel. And he got the hot loving that he had gone without for so long.

The next day, Private approached Sergeant, and told him that humping a camel wasn't as gross and disgusting as he thought it would be.

Sergeant looked Private in the eye and says, "That's fine, but most of us just ride the camels to town and pick up women."