Consoles mainly for the ease of it all. However, my kids only want to play Minecraft on the PC.
Consoles mainly for the ease of it all. However, my kids only want to play Minecraft on the PC.
PC for me as I hate joypad type controllers. Mouse and "asdw/space/shift/control" I find natural after too many years of playing.
However, to contradict myself, consoles are much better for family type games (front room gaming) when used with motion controllers
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
I haven't had a console sine the original playstation. PC all the way for me.
For me, I think it honestly depends on the game. You ever try to play halo wars or sims on a console? Not fun. PC mouse movements and a full board of programmable keys really open up possibilities consoles don't have. But I personally like consoles more, the controllers and easy to use party chat makes playing with friends just more fun. I know PC has programs for voice chatting but the fact that its not within the game kind of throws me off. :/
PC for my Football Manager and Xbox for Fifa