both...and both consoles.. pc, ps4 and xbox one... i managed to get a cheap xbox off of ebay. not really used it much though. Ryse, forza and a few of the freebies. thats about it really. mainly 50:50 between the pc and ps4. i actually built the pc for elite but decided to go for star citizen instead.
Console for me. I'm too cheap for PC.
PC! I do miss rock band though.
Last edited by nerw; 09-17-2018 at 08:20 PM.
Sorry but I am firmly in the PC camp.
I've had consoles in the past but their usage is limited and they do show their age quickly
The PC is still my optimal platform for games. There are several games that haven't been reproduced on the consoles. Simulation games specially!
PS4 Consol
Fast PC + Slow Console.
I find myself going back and forth between both its simply hard to limit yourself to one nowadays