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Thread: Farewell to FST. Literally the greatest giveaway ever(and ever is a really long time)

  1. #191
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    You don't even understand the D of diplomacy, do you? but it's something humane and closely related to morality so I wouldn't blame you for that given the fact that you're a Jew.

    -What is Diplomacy to me??
    Diplomacy to me is to try to find a solution without sacrificing some ones life or way of life....Is that wrong thinking of Diplomacy (being a Canadian Jew)??..
    I have many friends that are in Israel and do fight for its rights to exists when a lot of its surroundings don't want it too...
    There has been many wars that the other sides gambled it would be eliminated out of the picture so it would have it all to themselves , and we all know for them it didn't work , and those wars that were lost by other Arab countries or States promised a victory and would take care of the people they put in camps (Left because they would not fight for Israel ) and then could go back to the conquered land and they could live in peace(witch is still now Israel )...
    Not only the Arab countries with the failure of a victory , did not welcome those people in camps a hearty welcome to there country ... they basically told them to rot ...
    But of course that is Israel's fault for winning those wars and taking a stance for freedom and democracy right...
    And lets not forget more land was won in these wars and Israel offered it back to the Arab countries that did loose the battles....And what was the outcome of that??
    No thanks you keep it .... Why because the people habituating that land we don't want ....This is there people and they still don't want to take the land nor the people in it .... Why I ask you??(really a question)....
    The bottom line ....To have diplomacy without violence , you must have the right to live and exist in peace... It does take 2 sides to agree on that right??
    If you are told you live on stolen land and you say.... OK .... Here is more ..... 3 months later ... they say that's not enough we want more.....and so on....
    When does it stop.....
    Many Arab countries and States are very very wealthy .... Yet choose not to give better lives nor help there own people , Is that Diplomacy?? Is that right??
    Israel chooses to protect its citizens , either by Diplomacy of war or by negotiations ....What other choices is there??

    Also, who says anything about Israel needing permission, I guess missiles and bombs would suffice for that. There's no real need to elaborate it any further.

    --Missiles or Rockets is the aggression that is being shot into Israel to kill its citizens .... And for what ?? To win back land they think is there's?? This is the Year 2015 time to grow up and realize it is not your land and tell your dictators (not meaning you!!) , or your people in charge , to spend the Billions they have on making your lives better instead of trying to inflict harm on others when you know you are just going to get it back worse...
    If Mexico sent missiles/rockets into USA or The French sent Missiles/rockets into England what would happen??
    Shit pretty much every country in the World is helping out the fight against ISIS ..... Is that what you would consider Diplomacy ??
    How do you negotiate and make what they say and agree on stick if they don't want you to exist or give freedoms on the way individuals choose to live there lives??
    If you have the answer to that I guarantee they will give you a "Noble" prize whatcdfan....
    And to finish the planes from Israel are sent in to destroy the missile launchers so they can't be used again...That may save a half of a day the sirens are not going off and send the citizens to bomb shelters that the state of Israel built to save there lives not to use them for sympathy or send them to there deaths for propaganda reasons...
    That is reality liking it or not......

    You're in racial delusion to believe that Israel is protecting...... Protecting at the expense of the liberty of a sect of it's minority? or protecting at the expense of the weakness of a different ethnicity?

    I'll tell you a fact but then again it's diplomatic so you may or may not fully understand it.

    ---Tell me the fact after you read what I have said and that doesn't cover it please (really not joking)??

    Power at the expense of weak and the wealth at the expense of the poor, never endures.

    -Tell that and preach that to the Arab Dictators and Terrorist that choose to keep the billions for themselves and not make there people they say are helping lives any better ...
    Does Israel do that to there citizens or any Diplomatic country not try to help there citizens no matter what race color or creed.....They shure do help!!!!
    Even in war they helped any civilian caught in war from any side ..... Is that Diplomacy or just being Human you can decide on that.....

    And, that you greatly admire what they've built but you don't give it a thought that it's built on the graves of old, women and children, young they're still fighting.

    --That works for both sides right... You do mean the loses for trying to conquer and the "Side To Protect" .... Both to me are tragic and If they could be avoidable , be great to hear your suggestion?? , and that knowing the land will never be given back .........

    Or Maybe when the Native American Indians get there land back ..... Maybe that could change.....(a bad joke sorry)

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I said "think" because so far I've personally been unable to do that and so do really poorly with allegory and humour and have ended up killing a lot of innocent people.
    What are you trying to say?? I don't get it ???
    Irony wasted on someone who only understands the power and the land it fetches.
    Hey whatcdfan ....

    I replied to your post in the post , it was just easier for me and I hope it is easy to follow...

    -Actually the last question was for Idol but I will reply to your comment or analogy .....

    In any war Israel fought ..... What Gain in land did they get ??? The offered it back and they didn't want what came with it , and today there own people still closes its borders and doesn't help ....Why no comment on that ??? Why not ask there own people to help them??
    What did they gain in monetary value?? Are they selling the land to another country or something ??Land they wanted and begged to give back , Israel is still paying all its water and hydro free of charge plus a lot of other things .... Why isn't the Person in charge of its citizens there supporting with the Billions of dollars they have ??
    If you know that answer that would be great to hear??

    In my opinion the interpretation of Zionist or Zionism is considered bad ..... And In some ways it is ..... But it will never exist in Israel because it would be hypercritical saying that it is just a place where Jews only could live.....Yet it depends how you look at it ....
    Will the higher percentage be Jewish or people Believing in Judaism ?? I guess we could say yes....
    But being a Democracy every Race Color and Religion , Beliefs or Way they choose to live (Except Noted Terrorist that is decided by countries with Democracies and they seem to sneak in and kill Israeli citizens anyway ) in Israel can do so....
    Lets try to name a Arab country or state that does the same thing?? Or a Dictatorship country that allows it ???[/QUOTE]

    And I will end with this....
    How do you expect your interpretation of Diplomacy or your type of negotiating , if you are constantly told not to exist or not liked ??

    If you have no choice to save and protect your citizens lives (and learn true facts on both sides of the conflict not media or PROPAGANDA , It always changes after the conflict is done ) , and I do agree with you in wars or fighting with the intent to harm or kill no one wins....
    Just sometimes there is no other way of survival but stop someone that is trying to harm you......
    ISIS would be a great example of that.......They want to live there way and Remove or Kill anyone else that doesn't want to conform .....
    How can you negotiate on paper with no violence or aggression to prevent it ??

    These are just my opinions and facts I have read in-between both sides of conflicts...

    Last edited by shaina; 07-20-2015 at 09:29 AM.

  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #192
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    I've had a very hard time getting your point. No surprise, my irony detecting ability is weak.

    The problem with all/any of your arguments is that the story doesn't start in 2015, it starts in 1917. Also, if somebody is homeless and has been abandoned by their family doesn't give anyone right to kick his ass and rob his garbage.

    It's really a shame on our species that being most intelligent some of us do hideous acts and turn a blind eye about it's righteousness then to humiliate us further, they try to reason about the validity of their actions.

    What Israel is doing in the name of self-protection is a systematic genocide.

    You share the viewpoint of the Israeli regime and society which prevents them to look for other solutions to the problem then committing a genocide.

    Live your dream while it lasts. Once it's over, there won't be a sequel.

  3. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #193
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    I've had a very hard time getting your point. No surprise, my irony detecting ability is weak.

    The problem with all/any of your arguments is that the story doesn't start in 2015, it starts in 1917. Also, if somebody is homeless and has been abandoned by their family doesn't give anyone right to kick his ass and rob his garbage.

    ---Ok lets say you are right....(Which the (P) gambled with (I) losing wars and having it all to themselves , and then P asking for everything again and thinking they were entitled to it and (I) bent and it still will never be enough til everything is given and (I) is completely gone , that is Fact not Fiction , and again the (P) people were left to rot even by there own people) What is your solution??? Don't give excuses or preach wrong doing ... What is done is done , and it will not change without destroying the whole Middle East if you catch my meaning.. What will fix it for everyone to live in peace in the Middle East?? Your Opinion??
    I say better themselves and show they have something to contribute to the world other than blame and help make other peoples lives better for the world... Israel does do that even if they do blame as well but they do contribute help and better human lives ... And they share it with the world .... That is fact!! Who else in the Middle East chooses to do that ??? The money and means are there ... The leaders do have it no question , why don't they share and help and show they can get along with other cultures no matter on just there's ... Why do (P) and Muslims love to cross the borders into Israel and go to malls and restaurants there ?? I would think to live normal lives...
    The Terrorist groups(Again Fact) that do run the (P) territories have billions of dollars to build up the areas the there population lives , why is it not Done ?? What is stopping them?? Really Put the blame where it is (my opinion) .... What is your solution??

    It's really a shame on our species that being most intelligent some of us do hideous acts and turn a blind eye about it's righteousness then to humiliate us further, they try to reason about the validity of their actions.

    --- Who does that?? Both sides right or wrong?? War is War How do we change that?? ....Everyone has there dreams and expetations and the way they want to live , and also to better the world for everyone not just there agenda or one Race , your beliefs or mine (what ever yours are , to be honest I Don't know your heritage nor would I disrespect it ) , Israel does do that , and the list is long ..... How else can you fix it outside of Israel ?? How about not Killing someone because they don't agree what you believe in and think it is wrong that you choose to think what you want to with the intentions of voicing in peace not harm or violence ..
    Why not teach children to better themselves and help "felllow man" instead of blame and hate ... let that die off... Is that easy for me to say?? No , but I do that with my children and also try to let them make up there own minds on things , and Israel wasn't built in one day ... Start from somewhere and build on that... Maybe on or more persons can make a difference... That is they are not killed first for having your own thoughts or dreams and not following leaders that don't want you too... To me Religion is a belief , and reality is what betters yourself ... Is that a wrong way of thinking?? What do you Think??

    What Israel is doing in the name of self-protection is a systematic genocide.

    ---Why because they choose to protect there citizens and not hide it?? Are you telling me The Muslim population is not growing ?? Check facts ... They are not shrinking , not by a long shot.... Yet every other Non Muslim seems to be a target to be no good or evil because of there beliefs (that is every other race and Religion ...Fact ) .... Who cares what you believe in being right or wrong .... That to me is Democracy ....Tell me a Arab State or Country that beleves that true in the Middle East?? What is your solution to fix that??

    You share the viewpoint of the Israeli regime and society which prevents them to look for other solutions to the problem then committing a genocide.

    ---First off... Israel has the top Military Defence Force in the World ,not regime!! and that is Fact.... Do you dispute that?? And why do think they strive to be that?? To be killed and be a MARTYR ? or to protect there citizens ?? And put there lives before others.... Example .... Putting there lives before a young child or mother and not putting them in the line of fire to save themselves ... That is my belief ..
    What about Yoursef?? Do you agree children are important to live a full life and not be a Mytre for a cause or religion or Propaganda no matter what??
    And that would be any Race , Religion , Or Beliefs People do have .... Every Israeli Citizen is protected , and not singled out Because of Beliefs ...Is it the same everywhere Else in the Middle East??
    If so , could you tell me where??

    Live your dream while it lasts. Once it's over, there won't be a sequel.

    ---What does that mean?? I don't live in the Middle East... Are you saying we should live our lives to its fullest and belive your wife and children and other family members and friends , heck even your neighbors , is important to live there lives with health and happiness , I agree with you ..... Is that what you mean??...I am not planning to take someone's life because of there color or race.. But I would if they were trying to kill my family or my freedoms of the way I choose to live ....And that may sound hypercritical ... But if you live in a democracy where the laws are treated equal for every race and color you would hope it works and everyone can get along and live together .... Is it perfect?? We all know it isn't , but it is still better telling people to believe only one thing and you must or you will be killed too me that is wrong .... But my choice ... Again CHOICE ..What is your choice?? If you want to go out on a holy day or eat something your faith says not too .... That should be your choice ... Taking over the world and changing everyone to one way of thinking just doesn't work for me.... Is Israel doing that?? Not a chance !! and again Fact.... What about other Places in the Middle East ??

    If you find my points Weak or inaccurate ... Instead of blaming Just Israel for problems in the Middle East ...
    Arabs are Killing Arabs.. Fact ... How do you fix that?? Or is that Israels fault as well...

    -Get the parties involved to get the Billions of dollars to help there people first , not violence.....And protect everyone not just who you think you should...
    -Show you want peace with all your neighbors no matter how they want to live or what you believe in...
    - Believe humanity does have a value on earth and not be a MARTYR and think you are saving lives ...Your neighbors lives should be just as important.....
    -Repeat Make the people in charge know your life and your familes lives are all important and don't use or doctor religion for purposes of killing others or blame them because they are different and believe it is good...And try not to get killed for saying it out loud.....
    --Stop blaming and not say a soluton .... I am giving solutions or examples .... You are giving blame or wishing bad on people ... How do you think peace can happen in the Middle East for everyone and that means Everyone , Not just one Religion but all Religions and Beliefs??

    --- The best solution is don't promote hate!! Especially when it comes to children ... That is the future ... Believe they lives are very important to better our future and should live on the earth for 105 years!!! Not be sacrificed for hate !!

    ---There is no other way to say this but you are saying what is being taught to children... I gave my opinions and solutions ... You still just give blame.....
    Why not give your opinons on how to fix it as apposed of blaming ??.....That my friend is Propaganda.... And that has to end to help everyone...In the middle there has to be a solution .... Give on both sides and accept... There will be some gains and some losses , but asking for everything , you know what the answer will be ....

    ---Arab leaders or so called Terroists have Billions of dollars they have accumulated from the blood and sacrifice of there people .... Why are they not sharing it to make there peoples lives better first and then build security for them second ..... To me that makes more sense...
    ---Israel is a pea in the dessert and was built from the ground up , and again shared with the world .... Hate them or not , that is fact!!!

    -- To me and my opinion Most religions are being watered down , and I have Arab , Persian(changes the controversy from calling themselves Iranian) of Christian and Muslim faith (but not orthodox or super religious and neither am I ) yet Radical Muslims are still being breeded in large numbers .... Good or bad it produces hate to everyone by one way of thinking and not given the right to think for yourself ... To me that is alot more dangerous and Fact..... What is your solution for that ?? Or do you believe that is good for the World ?? And I am not passing judgment on your beliefs it is your choice.... But I live in Canada with not the same fears or way of life in the Middle East (and they think it is normal to hear horns and have to go to shelters)...I can only go by people I know that do live in Israel ..... Do you have friends that live close to Israel or in the state?? If you do ...What do they say??

    --Why no explanation or any Blame you can't find that Israel's neighbours close there borders and don't help or give relief ?? Why do you think they do that ?? And how do you think that can be resolved??
    And it is funny that Israel's borders are not closed but stricktly monitored..... Not the other neighbors ... Why do you think that is??


    I would like to hear your opinions and solutions , not just the Blame speech........I honestly don't think there is a wrong or right answer ... but somewhere in the middle there must be a solution...It would be nice to find ... For everyone...
    Last edited by shaina; 07-21-2015 at 03:00 PM.

  4. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #194
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    Trying to make sense of your post would give me a headache, so I better leave it for lulz.

    In other news, I just finished watching RT international news and among the top stories was a UN report of how IDF has used brutality on Palestinian children. It must be available on their website.

    *graphics were disturbing as an Israeli soldier was furiously beating a Palestinian teenager and his mother was crying and trying to come in between. Helpless women.

  5. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #195
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    Trying to make sense of your post would give me a headache, so I better leave it for lulz.

    In other news, I just finished watching RT international news and among the top stories was a UN report of how IDF has used brutality on Palestinian children. It must be available on their website.

    *graphics were disturbing as an Israeli soldier was furiously beating a Palestinian teenager and his mother was crying and trying to come in between. Helpless women.
    Watching I24 news right now and Aljazeera News Tabs open Honestly as well not one word yet..
    Funny I watch RT news on cable sometimes and They are worse than Aljazeera New when it comes to Bias and Propaganda (Fact) and having more retractions or proven false reporting BBC is a close second.. Again read between the lines ......
    The Canadian news this morning one of the headlines was Netanyahu overspent on his travelling expenses ... But nothing on what you said...
    If IDF did something that bad for real without reason(you know like throwing big rocks at civilians and IDF and trying not to get caught) It would be on all the breaking News channels remember the media loves Bashing the IDF

    Again Read between the lines...
    But it is too bad you have Blame but no solutions to make it better.....

    Even better Whatcdfan....

    The 3 main Anchors/Reporters on I24 news (Israeli 24 hour news) are Arabs , yet all the other news stations I mentioned has no one of Jewish Decent .... HMMMMM are those Arabs traitors LOL!!
    Like I said before I make any assumptions I read between the lines .... ISIS just killed over 400 people .. Did RT news report that??
    Even CNN did LOL!!
    Last edited by shaina; 07-21-2015 at 04:15 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  6. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #196
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    You're pissed off, aren't you? or are you just trying to imply that I'm lying?

  7. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #197
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    You're pissed off, aren't you? or are you just trying to imply that I'm lying?
    No of course not !!!! I believe you that it was reported on RT news ....

    But was the whole story told??
    A similar insident occured with an american boy visiting the Gaza strip(if you remember ) a while back , and 2 auxiliary Israeli police were accused of excesive force and part of the footage was posted to news media and a outrage happened....The Kid did look Bad
    Next day the whole footage was posted and this boy and his cousin he was visiting was throwing rocks at the police and the IDF and were arrested.... I do agree they do use too much force at times ? Yes .... and the aux officer was suspended , for how long i don't remember to be honest ... and a few Police guys who didn't have the shields did get hurt bad as well...In those situations media runs the footage for ratings and viewing and then the whole truth comes out ... That is all i meant ... If you thought I was calling you a liar ?? Absolutely not!!
    But i always wait a few days before the whole truth comes out ..... And the Israeli side isn't always innocent and i would never say that.... But the higher percentage of being right does seem to be them. considering the scrutney and the higher standards they have to keep , especially being watched more than any other Military Force or Police anywhere(Maybe tied with the US LOL!!) and they make great headlines and sell papers...
    Like the whole Protective Edge conflict .... Seem to have alot of retractions and reporters admitting false statements and reportings and by all nationalities reporting..Do you agree with that??

    And at the same time the ISIS who was killing thousands of Arabs , that news took a back burner to the (I) and (P) conflict...Much more important news than thousands of innocent lives killed ..... Again Israel SELLS!!!

    Bottom Line... Stop shooting rockets and throwing stones and sneaking in through tunnels .... Maybe if they have there own police and stable people Governing the territories (not trying to be rude I don't know what to call where they live because it is not recognized as a country or state by the rest of the world) and live their lives maybe all that crap would stop... Can the people do that of there Free will?? Try to make a stable Government.. If You want freedom and stability it has to start somewhere right ... If the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing what do you expect....In such a small space it seems to have alot of people saying they are in charge or take credit for doing bad things... How does anyone know who is in charge?? If you say yes there is ... That means they are responsible for wrong doings and do nothing about it .... To me that is the only way it makes sense... Yet the people that do say they are in Charge Deny they allowed lets say Rockets sent into Israel or climb out of a tunnel with the intent to hurt someone....So What the Hell are you supposed to do about it?? Welcome them to do it??

    Again i am sorry if you thought i said you were lying ... Just wait for all the facts first .... Thats what i try to do ....First reports are not always right and that is on Both sides.......

    And again would luv to hear your ways to fix the bad things on both sides......

    Last edited by shaina; 07-22-2015 at 02:31 AM.

  8. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #198
    Last edited by Zviper; 08-03-2015 at 11:29 PM.

  9. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #199
    dion09529's Avatar Helter Skelter BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    In their stead I am willing give you an invite to cyclingtorents with my compliments though ,bro.
    Fair enough!
    In recent months I became a big fan of bikes. I have traveled hundreds of miles lately, I've had a few accidents and my legs are always scratched.


    Spoiler: Show
    Old shit was here. Now it's gone.

  10. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #200
    SenorBubbz's Avatar /¨_¨°.-.§.-.°¨_¨\ BT Rep: +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35BT Rep +35
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    Hey Idol, you still here?
    o hai


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