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Thread: Election 2016 (USA)

  1. #31
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Discussing because those are two of the few things that you can't reasonably debate.
    Well said Idol, well said, it can't be said any better.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #32
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    "Also, thinking Islam is only a religion is a mistake, it's a civilization i.e it not only tells you how to worship God but it also has regulations for all aspects of human life and it also has the charter of rights for the people that choose not to be Muslims, one of which is the freedom to worship any God you wish and even on the public places."

    That's just mad talk.

    Anyone who isn't a mentalist knows there are only two option.

    No God or one God.

    I am happy to accept and respect either position, however loads of Gods, that doesn't even make sense. How can you have more than one supreme being.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #33
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    USA! USA! USA! I always knew you were an imperialist, WhatCD!
    Just because I don't sideline with the terrorists, you termed me as Imperialist. I truly feel embarrassed.

    Also, I don't sideline with the terrorists because unlike them I wouldn't get paid in Dollars.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #34
    whatcdfan's Avatar A.W.A BT Rep: +2
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPaul View Post
    That's just mad talk.

    Anyone who isn't a mentalist knows there are only two option.

    No God or one God.

    I am happy to accept and respect either position, however loads of Gods, that doesn't even make sense. How can you have more than one supreme being.
    You totally misunderstood what I said. Who said anything about more then one God? All I said is that Islam gives rights to the Non-Muslims to practice their faith.

    And yeah if you look closely in the operations of the universe, you will realize that it can't have two decision makers. It has to be solely owned and operated.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #35
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    That will do but I've got a better idea. Let's carve out countries within the countries. Let's portray oppressed as the bully and oppressor as the victim. Let's carry out a systematical genocide. Let's plant an idea within the peoples mind that the captives have done something to have deserved this. Let's just terminate them to have all the resources for ourselves. Let's not teach anybody a lesson, Let's accomplish it quietly and swiftly. Let's just live only for pleasure till eternity and let's not give a fuck about the expense it comes on.
    Interesting thoughts Cdfan......

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #36
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    You totally misunderstood what I said. Who said anything about more then one God? All I said is that Islam gives rights to the Non-Muslims to practice their faith. .
    Would this not fall into any faith?? Usually no faith/following would ever refuse you, but maybe some faiths have different rolls for you??

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #37
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Discussing because those are two of the few things that you can't reasonably debate.
    Well said Idol, well said, it can't be said any better.
    Mary thinks I'm a genius but to be fair, it's Mary.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #38
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPaul View Post
    That's just mad talk.
    Anyone who isn't a mentalist knows there are only two option.
    No God or one God.
    Ok JPaul lets agree with this?? So who is the one G-D??

    Edit.. Myself being a part time Canadian Atheist n all....
    Last edited by shaina; 05-06-2016 at 09:35 PM.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #39
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    USA! USA! USA! I always knew you were an imperialist, WhatCD!
    Just because I don't sideline with the terrorists, you termed me as Imperialist. I truly feel embarrassed.

    Also, I don't sideline with the terrorists because unlike them I wouldn't get paid in Dollars.
    I was agreeing with you, BTW. Everything you described was the imperialist mentality and the very foundation of how our country was rooted. I have a fair amount of sympathy for the fight against Israel (not that I am against Jews, let me say that). The US (UN, whatever they were before) had no right to 'give' that land away. The amount of bloodshed over that fucking area and all of the ancillary backlash is ridiculous. Flip a fucking coin and they either go or stay. If Israel loses, they can have a patch of land inside Arizona or Nevada. At least the US has the right to give that land away.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #40
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    I was agreeing with you, BTW. Everything you described was the imperialist mentality and the very foundation of how our country was rooted. I have a fair amount of sympathy for the fight against Israel (not that I am against Jews, let me say that). The US (UN, whatever they were before) had no right to 'give' that land away. The amount of bloodshed over that fucking area and all of the ancillary backlash is ridiculous. Flip a fucking coin and they either go or stay. If Israel loses, they can have a patch of land inside Arizona or Nevada. At least the US has the right to give that land away.
    First off the land was not given it was fought for just like where you live and where i live now, to me that is a pretty naive statement you made?? If you mean that the United Nations recognized Israel as a Democracy State?? Well what is the USA??....And the The Egyptians and Jordanians (there was no such people, Palestinians were formed by Arafat?? (If you challenge that please do??) had a chance to fight side by side in three wars and decided to be manipulated by other parts of the middle east to leave and live in refugee camps (hundreds of thousands and never allowed citizenship or immigration status in those Arab countries or lands, and even today, still in camps 60(aprox) years and still waiting for the Jews to be gone, consider it failed promises of hope from the countries they are hostages in now, there own people) and then once the Jews were destroyed, they could go back and live Jew free in Palestine.. Hens there justification of right of return. And you better realize reality, and understand the fight is not just for the land, it is to remove the Jewish population out of the Middle East, Like it or not, and we are your Allies Meg
    And Reality is.... That is never going to happen, but if you want to give the Palestinians sympathy, fight for there own Brethren that have room in there lands to take them in and make a better life for themselves...

    The truth is the Palestinians are used as pawns for the whole Muslim nation and they always have, hundreds of thousands of Muslims are killed every day, be it Americans, Russians, or there own people killing each other, but oh my G=D Israel kills 3 Palestinians(And it could have been a Muslim in the IDF that did it but it is the Jews fault not Israel), holy shit Israel is plastered all over North American news, but right now Israel just found 2 tunnels going from the Gaza strip under the fence into Israel, and there are there for really good intentions right?? Now you watch American media on Thursday and nothing really on the tunnels but Israel was Tank shelling into Gaza, but the five rockets from Hamas (really another group but Hamas is in charge of Gaza which everyone around the world including Muslims know them as a terrorist group!!), while Israel was locating the tunnels, investigating and destroying them near the fence and they were firing from Gaza because the tunnels were found Doh!!...Yet this all started Tuesday and Wednesday, but not reported until Israel sent fighter jets in to destroy the targets/threats...
    I will say and i have in other posts Israel is no Angel !!!, and what they are doing in the west bank is not helping there cause nor do i agree what they are doing..All the Jews were kicked out of Gaza period, The Palestinians turned it into a toilet seat, there choice, and still keep trying to kill there neighbors on both sides, and don't be fooled a lot of the Arab world knows this and choose not to have the headaches and now are moving to Israel's side...Go figure..
    Reality is.. Israel will never loose, and instead of waiting another 60 years like they have it is time to move on, and better there lives...
    And you want a chance of peace... recognize Israel has the right to exist, have peace and calm, maybe if that happens The Hatfields and the Mccoys can live side by side, but give them a Port with no Israeli security ?? Iran will give them weapons to kill Jews, give them an Airport Iran will fly in weapons, they are so stupid they try to hide the weapons in the goods inspected through the Israeli border now , and Egypt just closes there border period....Another Reality Check.... Israel could wipe out the Gaza and the West Bank in one day (Fact!!), yet they don't, sometimes you have to ask yourself?? What country or nation would tolerate always being under threat?? Why not just kill them all and take over the land or push them into other Muslim countries?? Well killing them all is not humane is it?? But if you are in camps already in other Muslim countries why are you waiting 60 years for your so called right of return not happening?? Time to move on like the Jews did and every other race.....
    I just can't understand why people can't comprehend, regardless what happens in Israel there will never be calm in the Middle East...They hate western culture!!
    And Meg why don't you give that same invitation to the Palestinians to move or give them immigration status to live in Arizona or Nevada where there already is a Jewish population there as well other race and religions?? Why doesn't your US government override all the so called Jews that supposedly run your County?? Won't that bring peace?? They would refuse that, live in camps or Live in poverty next to Israel and try to kill Jews, That is there DNA(And there leaders Charter but now, not All Muslims feel the same)..where Israel wants to protect all of it's citizens not matter what race, religion, or color, or choice of partners, including recruits in the IDF to protect there way of life. What about the Muslims in the IDF(The Quran in there hands while they are swore in the IDF by the way) that fight to protect Israel? Shit that doesn't sound right
    And i do appreciate you offering the invitation Meg, but that is not going to solve the problems in the Middle East...

    Cdfan... I don't hate anyone enough(I hope you are the same) to pick up a knife with the intent to kill, and even if i did i know the difference between right and wrong. Is it where i was raised in a Democracy?? It could be,Would i teach and let my kids go out and do it?? Heck No!!, but i could be considered a bigot, racists or a plain asshole but the knife i use for cutting my food, not stab human beings , but if someone would try to do it to me or my family, i can say it would not be in there best interest, and if was put in that position , i would put myself in front, and my children behind away from harms way, and that has nothing to do with religion!!! that has to do with common sense and my families lives are cherished...

    The little peanut called Israel was a piece of dessert.... What about now?? The PLO and Hamas are given Billions of dollars for there people, what is there to show for it?? what do they give the world?? That is not just my beliefs that is proven Facts!!

    Peace and Calm/Recognition will make everyone happy

    Edit.. You know Meg i read your post over and over and i know you won't respond to mine, but when you read this, i hope you can respect this war was never about land, it is about the Jews , and it always was........Israel, Jerusalem and many other holy places in Israel are never ever mentioned in the Quran?? What about the Christian bible and the Torah??
    Where really is the connection?? There is none, If you look at pictures of the Wailing Wall, considered one of the most holy places in Judaism Faith, (Yours i would think Bethlehem where Jesus was born), on the side where the holy Hebs pray it is kept pristine on the other side where the Palestinians live, graffiti and garbage everywhere(Israel is constantly cleaning and removing graffiti, and a lot of my friends that traveled there have seen it in person ) , if they ever got ruling powers, all that history and heritage would be turned to shit because they have no interest in it.....
    Not using it as a excuse, but as i said it is not the land they really want, Iran and Arming/Funding terrorists proves that every day the Jews exists in Israel and the Middle East.. The Palestinians(Arafat contribution), has always been the pawns to fight a fight they can never win, and that i do feel bad about, there are innocent people caught in the middle of this shit.
    You can see i am Human, but i don't want the Jews exterminated either...

    Last edited by shaina; 05-07-2016 at 06:06 AM.

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