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Thread: Election 2016 (USA)

  1. #51
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post

    Can someone please write a petition to nominate this guy for the presidency of the Board of English Language and Heritage?
    To be fair he's some sub-genre of British so being a cunt is basically his natural state.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #52
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Full disclosure. I could probably kill Ellison with a moderately sharp stick but I just really want a gun.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #53
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Plans are being made to give discussion of Israel/Middle East Conflict a homeland in The Drawing Room. Deals are being made to drop it in the middle of a Mexican Immigration discussion without the thread owner's consent. We expect this to go peacefully...
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #54
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    According to this analogy..... Just because USA dropped a couple of nukes on Japan over 60 years ago, I too have a morally valid right to drop a nuke anywhere I deem fit.
    But the difference is you would kill yourself and anyone else with the thought of something better for you on the other side waiting for you??
    I prefer to stay on earth as long as i can and cherish my life and children, especially my children...So far everyone that does control/have nukes , and the means to fire them has the same morals,Even with the everyday threats they have..
    As i said Cdfan i want peace and quiet for everyone, and realistic suggestions for peace around the world, But yours getting rid of Jews just doesn't work.. Just like getting rid of Good intention Muslims would not be mine..
    But i think the world has spoken that the Bad Muslims do need a solution, do you have one for that?? It seems that everyone except the Good Muslims are taking steps and trying to stop the bloodshed?? Help and suggestions would be nice??

    Cdfan.. They just elected the first British Muslim faith mayor in England... I really think that is fantastic, and he will do good things for everyone...If he hires Jews on his team is that ok with you??
    Last edited by shaina; 05-08-2016 at 01:17 AM.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #55
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Plans are being made to give discussion of Israel/Middle East Conflict a homeland in The Drawing Room. Deals are being made to drop it in the middle of a Mexican Immigration discussion without the thread owner's consent. We expect this to go peacefully...
    I am done with it...Thanks Meg.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #56
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Plans are being made to give discussion of Israel/Middle East Conflict a homeland in The Drawing Room. Deals are being made to drop it in the middle of a Mexican Immigration discussion without the thread owner's consent. We expect this to go peacefully...
    I am done with it...Thanks Meg.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #57
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Ok Meg it was kind of funny but i am still done... And the Mexicans i will leave in your good hands, or is that Cubans?? It is a little confusing.....

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #58
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatcdfan View Post
    You've a open heart for all humans alike, I'm already aware of it as we have had these discussions in the past too. Common folks like you and Idol at least have the balls to stand and say the just no matter what the consequences, I'll tell you MBM it takes a lot of courage to do that. And you are not alone, there are millions and millions like you in the west as well as in Arabia. These motherfucking Capitalists and sexists have made our lives hell for their desire to have more then everyone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    If Israel loses, they can have a patch of land inside Arizona or Nevada. At least the US has the right to give that land away.
    West has a vested interest(s) in the Zionist state. Primary motive to carve out a nation for Jews was because west had to find a way to de-invest their wealth from it's economies, and to get rid of them from it's societies. What could accomplish this goal better then giving them their own nation to live with each other and invest in their economy. They have this tendency to hijack the entire economies and manipulate the societies. There's a reason why ever nation has went against them through out history, Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, Crusaders, Nazis, Muslims, and God knows who else, and the aim was never to colonize or punish them but to completely abolish them.

    There's a reason why Romans devised and implemented Diaspora, just to understand how important was it keep them away, When Muslims took charge of the holy land in 638 A.D from Romans, no battle occurred, Romans surrendered it simply in the exchange of the terms that Diaspora must remain in effect.
    Welcome the the world of the BDS!!
    And if that is your realistic view, i would suggest you go back to the stone age...

    And now i will really finish with Megs full statement that i agree with and have no reason not too

    "I'm not normally opposed to Arabs doing Arab stuff, even in the 'West' (with exception for blowing things/peoples up, ofc), but the idea that Muslim views are vertically opposed to the West, being stated by a Muslim, makes me not so happy."

    Your statement...
    "These motherfucking Capitalists and sexists have made our lives hell for their desire to have more then everyone else."

    Are you kidding me!! Your leaders have 12 palaces and sit on thrones, allow the people they want to prosper, meanwhile the rest of the population live in shit!!.
    Sexist!! Name any gay or interracial marriages in your country?? And that is without getting killed!!
    Why i am falling into your idiocies makes me wonder, if you are looking for excuses to blame people...
    The majority of the Middle East hates the west and there way of living, A lot of the Muslims in Israel are moderate or conservative just the same as the Jews, trying to paint another picture is just nonsense. I mean other than Qatar, where else has a Middle Eastern country moved to the 21st century?? Even in Europe, the Muslim communities are trying to go secular and not blend with anyone else..Look at where the Bombers ran too and where they hide??(And in defense not all bad but clueless and do nothing about it)
    You flat out knock Jews/Israel, and progress yet you use the benefits , from there inventions, life saving equipment drugs,(Do you think the Pal treated Abbas or his brother??, or an Israeli hospital did dumbass!!saved the so called enemies ass life, but shit Jews are bad!!) and sharing it with everyone not keeping it just for Jews!! Every time you type on your keyboard and reply to a text, Email ,make a phone call, costumer service, without Israel it wouldn't exist, other than oil and blood. name some of the accomplishments Muslims have and share it with the rest of the world?? (and not the Muslim Israeli citizens, the Jews and Israel are no good).

    Jews, Chinese, Christians, English, may be hated but they are not on the bottom of the list, can you guess is?? And there is a lot of them, and a large portion of them are good but the bad ones now out way the good ones. Time to change that and stop blaming everything else in the world, be it Jews, Western way of living, or any other religion/race....
    If the Jews were gone all of this ends?? Give me a bloody Break!!!

    Meg is offering Israel a piece of land in the USA, why not Hamas/Hezbollah, ISIS, PLO or Muslims??

    People with propaganda interest are the ones to take things out of context

    And the vast funds invested in Israel are all paid back in spades!!, when Palestinians receive funding where is it going?
    Billions of dollars to make there lives better received by there leaders, where the heck is it??
    Stop blaming the world and everyone else and stand up to the leaders that have your dreams in there hands...
    The teachers finally did and how many were killed for it?? People try to stand up to the leaders elected?? They are killed, is that the worlds fault??
    Grow up!!

    And Jews are welcomed in Democracy Countries, are you??
    In Israel Economy and Business are growing and flourishing, there is no need for them to move anywhere else. But if you live in poverty and famine why wouldn't Palestinians want to move to the USA, Canada, or any democracy countries and make a better life for themselves?? What are they waiting for?? Jews that left Muslim countries and where you claim no one wanted them are prosperous and happy, I don't see your point that no one wants the Jews yet your people are now getting slaughtered by the thousands and still Muslims countries don't help, Why??
    Christians help Christians, Jews Help Jews , and each other, Why not in the Muslim Faith??
    These are facts and reality, not propaganda shit. I mean the USA, Russia (And Israel as well) is helping Muslims but there own is killing them??
    Canada is 149 years old how long did it take its enemies to realize they are not getting there land back, before they made better lives for there families??
    USA over 240 years
    Israel over 60 years
    How long??
    That makes a lot of sense to me while i sit in my backyard knowing i am guarded and safe. And Israel builds bomb shelters for there people to be safe from there surroundings (Every Israeli citizen and visitor,not just your so called Zionist Jews)...

    Life should be considered precious, Not extinguished for faith or cult...

    Born in America big threat to the world
    Attachment 169525

    Born in Israel and now live in America big threat to the world
    Attachment 169526
    A woman of catholic faith big threat to the world
    Attachment 169527

    A woman of Muslim faith wearing a Burka walking(Are they allowed to drive) in downtown New York City threat to the world
    Attachment 169528

    Woman of Muslim faith wearing a Niqab walking in Washington DC, threat to the world
    Attachment 169529

    A woman wearing an Hijab walking down the street in Downtown Miami, threat to the world
    Attachment 169530

    A family walking in Israel, threat to the world
    Attachment 169531

    I leave the answers in your hands....

    I said i wouldn't do this again and falling into stupidity i did anyways.... Go figure......
    Last edited by shaina; 05-08-2016 at 06:48 AM.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #59
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    To keep on the Tread Meg..

    All the media says that Bernie really has no chance yet he stays in the race? And could you see him being Vice President to Clinton??

    Or maybe vice versa??

    I mean what if Trump is the next President?? Do you think he is able to do the full job as commander and chief??
    Last edited by shaina; 05-08-2016 at 04:35 AM.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #60
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    If you take our former mayor Rob Ford (just past away), i mean his personal life was a mess, but politically he did save the taxpayers a lot of money. Saying that all the shit with Trump i guess it could be the other persons he appoints to office as well no??

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