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Thread: what is a good book to learn javascript ?

  1. #21
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Gribley View Post
    I`ve found best way to understand any language is to try and reverse engineer it at the SoftICE level (or Oilly debug whatever). You then get to really understand the extra levels whichever language added.
    Breaking stuff that someone wrote in assembler is great, but if they write it in some half-arsed interpreted/tokenised language really hard. Denuvo I would have no clue with that as protection within a virtual machine, times moved on from a CD check that I could JMP or NOP out of. Good there is still talent out there in Codex/CPY.
    By no means relevant but with my "Action Replay" on the Amiga I could get past the wheel checking thing on Monkey Island but because it was part of SCUMM interface I broke the game at the same time..... that never got released. Fairly sure that was a Quartex release (working one that is)
    Ok, i read a bunch of Blah Blah Blah then i say wow that is cool, then you say Bluh Bluh Bluh Monkey Island and i say that is cool. Then i say really buddy it does look interesting, and when it comes to stuff like that, i now know where to go if i ever needed help
    Truth be told i went shopping for groceries at Walmart last night and i went to the electronics department, and saw they are selling again all the vintage consoles, atari 2600, Sega, and vintage Nintendo's, and they are not that cheap to buy, and every time i see them i think of you and the wonders of the Rasberry PI
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #22
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    As see it the main diffence between python and annaconda is that pythons don't scare the shit out of me.

    Also isn't calling something javascript a tad racist?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #23
    Gribley's Avatar On a hate list
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    RetroPi could indeed be your friend.

    Blah Blah, Idol random insult just implied, Blah Blah

    There is no doubt that the Pi 3B will be supported forever but the Odroid side with Debian is supported and the hardware is better but the support side is more hit and miss. I love my odroid but I would just get a RaspPi and play it safe still.

    For Idol not sure how Javascript can be abused, Coffee making countries that script stuff with underaged children?
    Last edited by Gribley; 12-19-2018 at 09:37 PM.

  4. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Gribley View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by deepchristiyen View Post
    One question , do you know how these programming languages are made ?
    I do because I learned machine code.
    To be fair, at the time a computer cost as much as a used car and the Datasette was a thing
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  5. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #25
    Lack of clarity in the books was a huge issue back in the days .

    One had to go through more than 10 books to get the basic knowledge of these things .

    Now that we have a better picture of the binary , things are getting a bit more easier to understand

  6. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #26
    Great information here. Thank you.

  7. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #27
    On the client side, JavaScript takes care of all what isn't graphic (but can manipulate also with the graphics). Meantime, on the server side, it isn't any standard at all but you might have heard about V8 JavaScript Engine which powers some versions of web browsers and Node.js (a web server working in the back-end, on the server-side).

  8. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #28
    learn about javascript, so why you have to find a book, just read to know online for java script or see youtube video for learning. you can better understand through online learning. thanks

  9. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #29

    I will suggest you try online tutorial to practice & learn JS or any other programming language.

    You can find simple to learn and try yourself tutorial on w3schools website.

    And there are many online playing field website, I will recommend you to practice at jsfiddle. An old and a good playing field for HTML, CSS and Javascript.

    Wish u success !

  10. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #30
    I don't know if book is the way to go, but there's plenty of courses online that you can find. Books typically put me to sleep, so cbt videos are better for me. Try youtube for some examples. I used to use cbtnuggets to learn and I find increasing the playback speed to 1.5x the fastest way to learn.

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