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Thread: I Need A Organizer For My Cdrs

  1. #1
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
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    Louisville Kentucky
    Did not know excatly where to post I figure filesharing would be a good place...can not wait for the Music verifieds/Music room is back...because we need one.

    Ok as you guys know I have alot of albums(over 1500)stored on CDRs,between 5 and 10 albums stored on each one.At the moment I have a small harddrive(40 gig) and only keep about 300 on the PC to listen to and share on line.

    When I burn my MP3 albums on CDR I just type want albums are on each one in Windows Notepad.The problem is I have over 100 Window Notepads now and do not know what album is on which one(I know...real good job FC ).

    Lets say a freind comes over or somebody from this forum wants a certain album that I know I have stored on one of my CDRs.Sure I can go through all 100 Notepads on Windows and see want CDR it is on but that would take forever .

    What I am looking for is a CDR organizer,a program I can bring up on my PC and a freind can just put in what album he is looking for,it will search and show him or me what CDR it is on.Or lets say a program that will let me organize the names I have on Notepad,does not have to have search but you know an explorer type face with each band in its own category and showing what CDR each album is listed on.

    If any of you guys can understand what I am getting at,recommandations would be very helpful.

    I know there has got to be somebody else on here who has alot of data stored on a hundred or more CDRs.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    For all you want to do you don't really need an organiser. You can put the details onto a spreadsheet like Excell and that would be fully searchable. Fortunately it can import txt files and add the lines as individual records.

    Obviously I don't know how your text files are set up. However if you have used a tab delimiter it is a piece of piss. Simply select file/open and change the type to .txt file, follow the wizard, using the tab delimited options and Bob's your Auntie. You can then organise the data by any field you want.

    If you have used spaces, or something else, it can still be done but it might be more difficult (but not a lot)

    For this number of records a spreadsheet is OK. I have used them for up to 64,000 records, each containing 4 fields and it worked a treat.

    If you wish you could use a relational database, but that works in an entirely different way. You could tailor make one in Access, or indeed there will already be a wizard / template which will do it.

    Why am I suggesting MS products. Simple, they will definitely import Notepad txt files.

    Good Luck



  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Long Island, NY
    Well, I downloaded a free program last night called movie organizer. They may have a music organizer too. Also there is something called music collector. I know there is a crack for the collector, but the organizer is probably free. And the nice thing about the movie organizer is you enter the name of the title and you can click a button to get the actors, director, length and etc. I am sure the music version is the same. In the organizer, there is a field for movie #, where I could enter that one and correspond with the movie number if I labeled them by number. You may want to check for the music organizer. If not, try the music collector, just do a google search for it. And find a crack for it on google too.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    Like Jims says is true. You can import as delimited or fixed with. Then, it can be brought into either Excel or Access. Surely Access is far better, because you can print reports on the music depending on the genre's or whatever as long as you enter the genres into Access. The text fields will have to be seperated by something, like tab or comma.

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
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    Louisville Kentucky
    Ok so I need to learn about spreadsheets.Will be back later and let you know how it goes...maybe I should go to the store and pick up a 12 pack of beer first...this could take awhile.

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Sounds like you should give WhereIsIt a try. I have all of my cdr/rw:s in a wii db. Just put the cd in the drive and import it in the program. Dunno about the newer verison of it, I am still using 2.18 Go and have a look and see if it is what you need

  7. File Sharing   -   #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    FC, i've never used this, but I know a few people who find really handy

  8. File Sharing   -   #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I have used Where is it too and its very good....if you need crack for version 326 let me know and can help...

  9. File Sharing   -   #9
    geothermal78's Avatar Poster
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    West Coast
    Hmmmm.... If you have all your lists in Notepad then why not
    just click on start... then search or find and then click on files and folders.....
    then just type the song or album you are looking for in the second box
    that says "containing text".

    Easy right ?



  10. File Sharing   -   #10
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Louisville Kentucky
    Ok....I found something called cdTree its free and easy to use,just what I was looking for.It has explorer like panel and search capabilities.This is exactly what I was looking for.....thanks for the suggestions guys.

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