Thanks to
Paul, VB,
Jetje, ElJefe, CornerPocket
For keeping things going. It must have come as a bit of a blow when you were told that the verifieds would have to be taken down. The community could have fallen apart. I have enjoyed the forum just as much since it went. In fact it has encouraged me to look about more and get more involved. Not always a good thing.
I know there has been a lot of hard work going on in the background, to get us back on an even keel. To keep things going while you looked for solutions. Real ones not just some of the drivel you must have read, from me more than anyone.
I just thought I'd break with convention and say thank you to all of you. For all the unrecognised effort.
To you and to all of the other members. Keep this forum going, it's a community of people with similar interests. There are a lot of different characters, but that's what makes it interesting.
Good Luck
PS Does anyone know what happened to the verifieds.
PPS Sorry I couldn't resist it.