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Thread: To Tuxedo Or Not Tuxedo

  1. #1
    Just downloaded jackie chans the Tuxedo and it turned out to be Drunken Master 2, hey don't get me wrong, that movie rules but it doesn't do what it says on the tin. File size is 707,816 for anyone interested. Hope this is in the right place as I've never done this before.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    I guess this is the right place since we don't have a fakes section anymore... hey, why can't we have a fakes section...? We're just saying don't DL this file so in a way, we're "preventing" pirating

    Here's a tip for spotting fakes:
    Click the little "+" box on the left of the filename and let it expand...then scroll down and if you see a different file name, then its most likely a fake and also read the descriptions in the little yellow box that pops up when you hover your pointer over the file.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Here's another tip:
    After about 10 megs or at least 10% of the total download of a movie file, use AviPreview and that should really help in you from DL'ing the wrong file.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    I know, and the thing that makes me an absolute arsehead is that i ran the start through avi preview, saw that it was actually playing a jackie chan movie, stopped it and then went off to eat food, probably some sort of pie. Damn my huge appetite. Not really that bothered as i hear that the Tuxedo is a big pile of cack anyway.

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    SniperInTheShadows's Avatar Poster
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    Jan 2003
    See below ;)
    I watched The Tuxedo and thought it was good, enjoyed it, so is worth the dl in my opinion The size of it's less than 700,000 if i remember correctly about the file so perhap's search using "At most"? (Hmm, i hope i don't get in trouble for saying that about the size, even if it is only a very rough indication lol)

  6. File Sharing   -   #6
    FuNkY CaPrIcOrN's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Louisville Kentucky
    Originally posted by Shinigami@11 February 2003 - 20:46
    Here's another tip:
    I guess this is the right place since we don't have a fakes section anymore... hey, why can't we have a fakes section...? We're just saying don't DL this file so in a way, we're "preventing" pirating   
    Yeah...why can't we have a movie or music section either?


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