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Thread: He's Trump. He's Trump. What's in his head?

  1. #1
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Hard to avoid this topic. Figure it's better to discuss here than spam the various 'Say Hello' sections.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Hard to avoid this topic. Figure it's better to discuss here than spam the various 'Say Hello' sections.
    Ok read my last post there and respond here Meg... Again i don't live in the US but i do visit it every year and speak to a lot of Americans from all over, and again some liked Clinton and some liked Trump, but the common denominator say what is the difference??
    We now have a Liberal prime minister now, do i really see a difference in my life?? honestly in my neighborhood no i honestly don't, but talking to others immigration has affected them, and most of the people i know, didn't vote for Liberal. So a few years from now buddy i may have a different answer for you, but affects as of now there is none...

    What has Trump changed in your life right now??

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    ShinShin's Avatar Poster
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    Trump has certainly had some success as a builder, thanks to his late father Fred's deep pockets but also to merit of his own.

    The reconversion of the Commodore into the Grand Hyatt, a $120 million project completed when he was only 34, is an example. He was able to secure $111 million in tax breaks from NYC mayor Abe Beame for it.

    Trump Tower, which colonized a prime slice of Manhattan, completed when he was 37, a $201 million construction job, is another. He was only able to extract a $26 million tax abatement for Tower though, from Ed Koch, Beame's successor. But condo sales alone hauled in a pre-tax total of $270 million, and the partners took in another $14 million a year leasing the retail space.

    Aged 38, in 1984, Trump Plaza casino was launched in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This was for some time his only consistently financially healthy, cash-bearing asset. Aged 39, 1985, Trump's Castle casino opened also in AC/NJ.

    His father may have been at a KKK rally in 1927. In 1973 the Justice Dpt. sued them both, charging them with racial discrimination for refusing to rent to black Americans. In 1975 they settled and agreed to begin directly soliciting blacks.

    The construction workers who poured the concrete for Trump Tower were controlled by the mob (John Cody). His lawyer for the job, Roy Cohn, had also defended mobsters. In his casino dealings Trump also partnered with other persons of dubious reputation (Kenneth Shapiro and Daniel Sullivan, for example).

    Had Donald been able to execute his $4.5 billion Television City designs for the West Side Yards, 75 acres which he bought in 1985 aged 39 for $115 million: 7,600 luxury condos and a sprawling TV studio where he wanted NBC to relocate to, with a 150-storey, rocket-ship-shaped skyscraper, which he endeavored to obtain a $700 million tax abatement for from City Hall, he would have become one of New York City's major real estate barons.

    Instead he went on a spending spree which eventually got him into a quite precarious financial situation.

    He snatched up the Plaza Hotel in 1988 at 42 years of age for $407.5 million, the Nabila, a 282-foot yacht, for $29 million, Eastern Air Shuttle's fleet of 21 Boeing 727s for $365 million (worth $150 million) - redubbed the "Trump Shuttle", the airline lost $85 million in the first year after Trump bought it -, the Trump Taj Mahal, a casino in Atlantic City, for almost $1 billion in 1990 aged 44. He also bought an ESFL baseball team.

    By 1990 Trump was $3.2 billion in debt, having personally guaranteed $900 million of that amount. When, shortly after the Taj opening, he was unable to make a $41 million bond payment and the banks gave him a $65 million emergency loan and deferral of all payments on $2.7 billion in debt for 3-5 years, he was put on an allowance.

    He was forced to limit his personal and household spending to $450,000/month. Which was tough for Donald had been spending $1 million/month. His allowance was slated to drop to $375,000/month in 1991 and $300,000/month in 1992. His annual salary was not to exceed $200,000.

    1993 looms around and he's struggling. His family lend him a $10 million handout. 1994 they lend him $20 million more. He ran for POTUS.

    From 1990-2009 his companies filed for bankruptcy 6 times. He kept calm and carried on though, showing he has a strong capacity to keep his composure and resist failure. He always thinks positive - something he imbibed from the Reverend Norman Vincent Peale's sermons in Marble Collegiate Church, NYC in his younger days.

    This serves as merely a sketch of some of his dealings - he also has golf resorts, shopping malls, fashion pageants, and other things. Using ghost writers he also published some bestsellers.

    The point being that Trump has had a life of highs and lows but by and large he often talks himself bigger than he is - he was probably never a billionaire, considering the volume of debt he accumulated over the years, and The Apprentice landed on his lap, it was pure luck.

    Onto what matters: is he fit to be POTUS? No, he isn't.

    He has very little formal education, and certainly none of the kind (History, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Law) needed to be POTUS.

    But he was elected because

    1) The Obama years piled neglect on the Bible Belt white poor Americans, whom Hillary derisively referred to as "basket of deplorables"
    2) Hillary Clinton's image was sullied by her enrichment at the taxpayer's expense (Foundation, jobs taken during her husband's tenures, etc.)
    3) Hillary Clinton wasn't likeable as a candidate, and made a mess of her primary
    4) Elections are increasingly video-politics affairs, (and now social media-politics), and Trump, with The Apprentice in his CV, was the most experienced candidate in the former area
    5) With regard to social media, and to his campaign itself, Trump showed wisdom in choosing the soulless lobbyist duo of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone

    Ultimately it was a protest vote.

    What is Trump thinking?

    Trump thinks what he's doing is what's good for America, but he never picked up a book so he doesn't know what's really good for America. He might have had an exciting, exhilarating life, always in the public eye - and the huge amounts of publicity he received, because he knows how to work his image ("P. T. Barnum"), are part of the reason he was elected - but that doesn't amount to the substance necessary to hold such a position of responsibility, at the helm - albeit with frequent Congress horse-trading and policy gridlock - of what is essentially the world's strongest hard power.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShinShin View Post
    What is Trump thinking?
    Trump thinks what he's doing is what's good for America, but he never picked up a book so he doesn't know what's really good for America. He might have had an exciting, exhilarating life, always in the public eye - and the huge amounts of publicity he received, because he knows how to work his image ("P. T. Barnum"), are part of the reason he was elected - but that doesn't amount to the substance necessary to hold such a position of responsibility, at the helm - albeit with frequent Congress horse-trading and policy gridlock - of what is essentially the world's strongest hard power.
    If you go back and think of all the Presidents, how many with our without the education you speak of (which most of them didn't), made the changes or things you agreed with??
    Let's be real here!!, people are appointed to make decisions/reports in there job description and yes the President has final say in some things , but there is a senate that votes for this.
    "Trump thinks what he's doing is what's good for America" well what is he doing bad?? What is he doing that is so significantly different if a Democrat got into office..
    And i mean other than immigration which i think is a good thing to vet better than all the past presidents have done...
    Education you say, Bernie Sanders, Clinton's, Bushe's, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, etc. how many do you really think were qualified for your liking??
    Now the people they appoint to the positions, that makes the difference, and Elections are not won on the Presidents education, they are won by a platform of ideas and mostly bullshit car salesmanship (or in Trump real-estate, golf and entertainment). In your eyes is there anyone who really is qualified to run that job?? And in a Democratic society, do you think even the people that may be qualified really want that job?? Not a chance!!!!. If you actually put someone that is fully educated in all the things you want, do you not think it is possible they have there own agenda and it doesn't matter what any one else has to say??
    Sometimes the more educated person can be way more dangerous!!!!!, not open to ideas because they think they are smarter than the world as well..
    Til now Trump has done nothing that has made anything worse for the American People, but if you don't like him, again it wouldn't matter..
    You have people out there reading/watching all Left wing media, and then you have people out there doing the same for the Right (or Demarcate or Republican), now read in between the lines and somewhere there is usually the truth. The rest is just smoke and mirrors to sell media and put fear or bullshit into peoples minds..
    Myself watching the middle east a lot, I can tell you there is a lot of propaganda out there, and you just have to read between the lines, I mean you have Americans and nut bags watching RT news and gobbling that shit up!!!, all you have to do is read the comments in most media outlets and see what people believe, and have never been on American soil or outside there own country/state, and you can tell out there who is for Democrats or Republicans in the media, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out...
    I read this in a few places.... If you tell someone something a 100 times and it is not true, do you not think someone is going to believe it?? If you have an agenda, being a World leader today, be it right or wrong, that is reality, some are for freedom and Democracy, some are for Religion and Dictatorship, my opinion is if you choose to live in a place where that agenda will change your personal ideas of living, then pack your bags and go live somewhere else, don't try to migrate to a society and not like the way they live and try to change it, if you like your neighbors and can live the way you like, stay where you are and enjoy life. The same would be if you live in fear. Move somewhere where you feel safe and enjoy life...
    What you do in your own home and in your worship places is your business, but once you step out of those places everyone is equal and that is that.....
    Trump is not doing anything wrong, the people wanted change?? Really how much has changed?? Education is just crap for making a difference, Experience in life would be a bigger asset, and willing to make changes for the better good of people, Education is for when the numbers have to be crunched to make things for better happen.....
    Where i am living, we now have Liberals instead of the PC party in charge, i still go out to eat in the same local places, and travel where i usually do, and if that changed, i would put my house up for sale that i have been in for multiple years and move somewhere else.

    PS.. 1) The Obama years piled neglect on the Bible Belt white poor Americans, whom Hillary derisively referred to as "basket of deplorables" So what does that tell you about here attitude towards Americans
    2) Hillary Clinton's image was sullied by her enrichment at the taxpayer's expense (Foundation, jobs taken during her husband's tenures, etc.) So do you think she was lining here pockets?? Be it for votes or wealth??
    3) Hillary Clinton wasn't likeable as a candidate, and made a mess of her primary How did she make a mess?? She bought the votes and beat Sanders?? She is a politician, and you only have to be liked by enough to win not the whole country.
    4) Elections are increasingly video-politics affairs, (and now social media-politics), and Trump, with The Apprentice in his CV, was the most experienced candidate in the former area So showmanship won the election not Education or experience in politics, what does that say about the average American people??
    5) With regard to social media, and to his campaign itself, Trump showed wisdom in choosing the soulless lobbyist duo of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone And what about Kellyanne Conway??And it cost him a lot less to win the Presidency as well, again what does that say about the American people ??

    Protest vote?? What because of Bernie Sanders?? Because of Clinton?? It is a good thing Clinton bought the primary, if Sanders would have won and been the next President, and i can tell you reading between the lines, the country would have been a complete mess with Sanders as president. Again a great talker and smart campaign going after the younger generation, but what a mess that would have been internationally. And the Democrats and left wing media going after Russia .....Sanders??

    Republic primaries:Republicans ▸ Jeb Bush. Ben Carson. Chris Christie. Ted Cruz. Carly Fiorina. Jim Gilmore. Lindsey Graham. Mike Huckabee. Bobby Jindal. John Kasich. George Pataki. Rand Paul. Rick Perry. Marco Rubio. Rick Santorum. Scott Walker.

    A few educated, strong politicians .more than Trump, how the heck did he win there??? How was that possible?? The Russians

    You do have some truthful points, but it doesn't change the Fact the American people voted and Trump is the president, and the way the Democratic party is looking/restructuring, he may be in for another term....

    And the biggest truthful thing to really debate, Do you really think that Trump himself thought he was going to win?? That is the biggest question that even the smartest educated person can't really answer. Again just my opinion....
    Last edited by shaina; 04-10-2018 at 02:53 AM.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    I read somewhere that the CIA and Obama has been supplying ISIL with weapons to over throw Assad .Lol
    Good job Democrap

    It was never publicly announced, just as the beginnings of the program four years ago were officially a secret, authorized by President Barack Obama through a “finding” that permitted the C.I.A. to conduct a deniable program. News of the troublesome program soon leaked out.

    It joins similar failed efforts to deliver arms and money to groups seeking to overthrow governments that Washington found noxious
    Trump Ends Covert Aid to Syrian Rebels Trying to Topple Assad
    Last edited by deepchristiyen; 04-13-2018 at 06:32 PM.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by deepchristiyen View Post
    I read somewhere that the CIA and Obama has been supplying ISIL with weapons to over throw Assad .Lol
    Good job Democrap
    Did you even bother reading the article you quoted or are your cognitive abilities so limited that you can’t distinguish between ISIL and the FSA? Citical thinking does not seem to be your strong suit.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    Unfortunately I'm in no position to comment on the vagaries of Mr Trump's presidency. Anyone who's seen the complete and utter shitpile our politicians here in the UK have made of the last two and a half years of government would pine for a single madman in charge.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    Aaaaaand I've just realised I posted in a year old dead thread

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    dion09529's Avatar Helter Skelter BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShinShin View Post

    Trump has certainly had some success as a builder, thanks to his late father Fred's deep pockets but also to merit of his own.

    The reconversion of the Commodore into the Grand Hyatt, a $120 million project completed when he was only 34, is an example. He was able to secure $111 million in tax breaks from NYC mayor Abe Beame for it.

    Trump Tower, which colonized a prime slice of Manhattan, completed when he was 37, a $201 million construction job, is another. He was only able to extract a $26 million tax abatement for Tower though, from Ed Koch, Beame's successor. But condo sales alone hauled in a pre-tax total of $270 million, and the partners took in another $14 million a year leasing the retail space.

    Aged 38, in 1984, Trump Plaza casino was launched in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This was for some time his only consistently financially healthy, cash-bearing asset. Aged 39, 1985, Trump's Castle casino opened also in AC/NJ.

    His father may have been at a KKK rally in 1927. In 1973 the Justice Dpt. sued them both, charging them with racial discrimination for refusing to rent to black Americans. In 1975 they settled and agreed to begin directly soliciting blacks.

    The construction workers who poured the concrete for Trump Tower were controlled by the mob (John Cody). His lawyer for the job, Roy Cohn, had also defended mobsters. In his casino dealings Trump also partnered with other persons of dubious reputation (Kenneth Shapiro and Daniel Sullivan, for example).

    Had Donald been able to execute his $4.5 billion Television City designs for the West Side Yards, 75 acres which he bought in 1985 aged 39 for $115 million: 7,600 luxury condos and a sprawling TV studio where he wanted NBC to relocate to, with a 150-storey, rocket-ship-shaped skyscraper, which he endeavored to obtain a $700 million tax abatement for from City Hall, he would have become one of New York City's major real estate barons.

    Instead he went on a spending spree which eventually got him into a quite precarious financial situation.

    He snatched up the Plaza Hotel in 1988 at 42 years of age for $407.5 million, the Nabila, a 282-foot yacht, for $29 million, Eastern Air Shuttle's fleet of 21 Boeing 727s for $365 million (worth $150 million) - redubbed the "Trump Shuttle", the airline lost $85 million in the first year after Trump bought it -, the Trump Taj Mahal, a casino in Atlantic City, for almost $1 billion in 1990 aged 44. He also bought an ESFL baseball team.

    By 1990 Trump was $3.2 billion in debt, having personally guaranteed $900 million of that amount. When, shortly after the Taj opening, he was unable to make a $41 million bond payment and the banks gave him a $65 million emergency loan and deferral of all payments on $2.7 billion in debt for 3-5 years, he was put on an allowance.

    He was forced to limit his personal and household spending to $450,000/month. Which was tough for Donald had been spending $1 million/month. His allowance was slated to drop to $375,000/month in 1991 and $300,000/month in 1992. His annual salary was not to exceed $200,000.

    1993 looms around and he's struggling. His family lend him a $10 million handout. 1994 they lend him $20 million more. He ran for POTUS.

    From 1990-2009 his companies filed for bankruptcy 6 times. He kept calm and carried on though, showing he has a strong capacity to keep his composure and resist failure. He always thinks positive - something he imbibed from the Reverend Norman Vincent Peale's sermons in Marble Collegiate Church, NYC in his younger days.

    This serves as merely a sketch of some of his dealings - he also has golf resorts, shopping malls, fashion pageants, and other things. Using ghost writers he also published some bestsellers.

    The point being that Trump has had a life of highs and lows but by and large he often talks himself bigger than he is - he was probably never a billionaire, considering the volume of debt he accumulated over the years, and The Apprentice landed on his lap, it was pure luck.

    Onto what matters: is he fit to be POTUS? No, he isn't.

    He has very little formal education, and certainly none of the kind (History, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Law) needed to be POTUS.

    But he was elected because

    1) The Obama years piled neglect on the Bible Belt white poor Americans, whom Hillary derisively referred to as "basket of deplorables"
    2) Hillary Clinton's image was sullied by her enrichment at the taxpayer's expense (Foundation, jobs taken during her husband's tenures, etc.)
    3) Hillary Clinton wasn't likeable as a candidate, and made a mess of her primary
    4) Elections are increasingly video-politics affairs, (and now social media-politics), and Trump, with The Apprentice in his CV, was the most experienced candidate in the former area
    5) With regard to social media, and to his campaign itself, Trump showed wisdom in choosing the soulless lobbyist duo of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone

    Ultimately it was a protest vote.

    What is Trump thinking?

    Trump thinks what he's doing is what's good for America, but he never picked up a book so he doesn't know what's really good for America. He might have had an exciting, exhilarating life, always in the public eye - and the huge amounts of publicity he received, because he knows how to work his image ("P. T. Barnum"), are part of the reason he was elected - but that doesn't amount to the substance necessary to hold such a position of responsibility, at the helm - albeit with frequent Congress horse-trading and policy gridlock - of what is essentially the world's strongest hard power.

    Old shit was here. Now it's gone.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    He's Trump. He's Trump. What's in his head?

    The roots of his hair, some toys and such.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

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