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Thread: Gun Control

  1. #1
    So who else thinks this new school shooting (Texas) won't change a thing? Republicans are afraid to loose NRA money and redneck voters. We will hear the same bullshit from republican politicians every time there is a school shooting. We need more guns and that they will keep the kids and their families in their prayers. How has that worked out. I need to move to a better country.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    nQQ's Avatar Poster
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    The only way it can change is a generational thing. The youth campaign until they are old enough to vote and keep the views.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    There are too many good ol boys in the government right now. They should really make all politicians retire at 70. And you can't have family members replace them. Of course why not have an 8 year term limit for Congress (no family members for ten years at same position) . Fresh blood could "drain the swamp".

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    So who else thinks this new school shooting (Texas) won't change a thing? Republicans are afraid to loose NRA money and redneck voters. We will hear the same bullshit from republican politicians every time there is a school shooting. We need more guns and that they will keep the kids and their families in their prayers. How has that worked out. I need to move to a better country.
    Or.... the majority opinion in the US remains in defense of the second amendment as we see gun crime and violet crime fall year after year. Dems had control of the White House, Senate, and House and yet didn’t do anything to enact gun control legislation that they constantly talk about. But it’s only Repubs fault to you right? Fact is they know it’s political suicide bc the majority of the public simply doesn’t favor further gun control.
    Last edited by Skiz; 05-20-2018 at 04:59 AM.


  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Most reasonable people in the US favour some further form of gun control so I'm going to have to conclude that you are a Russian agent trying to feed me false information. Sorry, comrade.

    Really though I think what sticks in most people's craw is the utter unwillingness to even discuss the most obvious changes that should be made.

    It's really sad that the gun industry or their mouthpiece the NRA care more for their bottom line than they do about people's lives.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    So who else thinks this new school shooting (Texas) won't change a thing? Republicans are afraid to loose NRA money and redneck voters. We will hear the same bullshit from republican politicians every time there is a school shooting. We need more guns and that they will keep the kids and their families in their prayers. How has that worked out. I need to move to a better country.
    Or.... the majority opinion in the US remains in defense of the second amendment as we see gun crime and violet crime fall year after year. Dems had control of the White House, Senate, and House and yet didn’t do anything to enact gun control legislation that they constantly talk about. But it’s only Repubs fault to you right? Fact is they know it’s political suicide bc the majority of the public simply doesn’t favor further gun control.
    The Dems only had FULL control for two years (2009-2010) and they blew a great opportunity. Healthcare was there top priority and everything else was put on the back burner. I don't think they had any idea they were going to lose control of Congress. Who knows what other legislation would have been passed. I mostly blame repubs because they take most if not all campaign donations given out by NRA and gun manufacturers. And many repubs (not all) always says to prevent mass shootings more people should be carrying guns. Of course the ones that don't come out and say it don't say they are against it. The NRA grades all politicians. Say something against them and you'll lose your A rating.

    And like what Idol said, most citizens do favor further gun control (better background checks (national database), no weapons for people with history of violence and/or mental issues, ban assault weapons.

    "Really though I think what sticks in most people's craw is the utter unwillingness to even discuss the most obvious changes that should be made." - Idol

    Republicans will never change their minds about God ("religious freedom", abortion), Guns, and fossil fuels. That's their entire voter base. Turn on one of them and lose elections.

    "It's really sad that the gun industry or their mouthpiece the NRA care more for their bottom line than they do about people's lives. " - Idol

    Isn't that how most companies are run these days (and long before). At the end of the day GREED trumps everything.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    Fact is they know it’s political suicide bc the majority of the public simply doesn’t favor further gun control.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    Fact is they know it’s political suicide bc the majority of the public simply doesn’t favor further gun control.
    Skiz must only watch fox news.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post

    Or.... the majority opinion in the US remains in defense of the second amendment as we see gun crime and violet crime fall year after year. Dems had control of the White House, Senate, and House and yet didn’t do anything to enact gun control legislation that they constantly talk about. But it’s only Repubs fault to you right? Fact is they know it’s political suicide bc the majority of the public simply doesn’t favor further gun control.
    The Dems only had FULL control for two years (2009-2010) and they blew a great opportunity. Healthcare was there top priority and everything else was put on the back burner. I don't think they had any idea they were going to lose control of Congress. Who knows what other legislation would have been passed.
    It wasn't a blown opportunity because Democrats in general, despite all their blabbering, aren't anti-gun.

    January 3, 2009: Democrats control White House, Senate, and the House of Reps. Ready to see their anti-gun stance?

    Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2009. (Which is not a loophole at all) Died in Congress.
    Attempts to re-enact the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Never even got a floor vote.

    But...but...the Democrats did enact some sort of gun legislation though right? Well yes, yes they did:

    They passed the "Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act of 2010". This NRA backed bill ensured that anyone declaring bankruptcy could not have their firearms confiscated so the person still maintained a means of life defense.
    They passed another bill furthering gun rights that allowed guns in national parks and on Amtrak trains.
    In July of 2010, while still fully in control, Democrats exempted the NRA from their DISCLOSE Act, which ultimately passed the House this summer. (DISCLOSE = Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act)

    Truth is, the Democrats don't want another mass-exodus. When Clinton got the FAWB bill passed, that is what directly led to the Gingrich Revolution.

    Finally, there is an ebb and flow to both houses of Congress and they knew damn well that people didn't want the ACA and they were going to pay the price politically. That's exactly why they rammed it through the way they did. They knew they likely wouldn't have the opportunity again. And the ACA was passed just 14 months into having control of both houses. What was stopping them from proposing some form of gun control legislation? Nothing. As I've shown, they simply aren't anti-gun.

    I mostly blame repubs because they take most if not all campaign donations given out by NRA and gun manufacturers. And many repubs (not all) always says to prevent mass shootings more people should be carrying guns. Of course the ones that don't come out and say it don't say they are against it. The NRA grades all politicians. Say something against them and you'll lose your A rating.
    And? Just like every PAC out there, they donate more to candidates who support their cause. Why is that noteworthy...? And you act like they're a hate group or doing something bad. They are literally a PAC that helps protect Constitutional rights for the 99.9999% of lawful gun owners.

    "Really though I think what sticks in most people's craw is the utter unwillingness to even discuss the most obvious changes that should be made." - Idol

    Republicans will never change their minds about God ("religious freedom", abortion), Guns, and fossil fuels. That's their entire voter base. Turn on one of them and lose elections.
    Are you suggesting that the Dems would change their mind on those topics?

    "It's really sad that the gun industry or their mouthpiece the NRA care more for their bottom line than they do about people's lives. " - Idol

    Isn't that how most companies are run these days (and long before). At the end of the day GREED trumps everything.
    It isn't greed. It's a Constitutional right that the Supreme Court has upheld time and time and time again. Do you honestly believe the SCOTUS is somehow profiting from their rulings?


  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    And like what Idol said, most citizens do favor further gun control (better background checks (national database), no weapons for people with history of violence and/or mental issues, ban assault weapons.
    Not sure if I buy that. Nor do I think that most people who are in favor of increased gun restrictions could tell you what the current laws state. And on that note, lets talk a little more about fundamental terminology shall we?

    There is technically no such thing as an "assault weapon". The terms "assault weapon" and "assault rifle" are often confused. But someone of your fervor for gun control should know the difference. The term "assault weapon" is a political term, developed by anti-gun folks to expand the category of "assault rifles." (I'm going to stop using quotes now bc fuck all that). The US military uses the very common M1A1 Carbine. It is a fully automatic assault rifle, so it fires multiple rounds each time the trigger is held. AKA a machine gun. Back in the 80's the fed closed the "register" for these guns and ever since it is illegal to sell or transfer new machine guns to civilians. This is very different from the commonly vilified AR-15, a semi-automatic. It is not a machine gun or assault rifle. So why do you want to ban them? My guess is because you're not informed on what they actually are or how they function.

    These guns that you call "assault weapons" are just like a shotgun, deer rifle, or a revolver, they fire a single bullet each time the trigger is pulled. No more. Do you wish to ban or increase regulations on those? In order to even buy a revolver in my state of Colorado, current regulations require that you be an adult, a non-felon, never convicted of a violent crime, pass a background check from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (who syncs with the FBI), and provide validated information such as name, address, etc. for records for sellers and authorities.

    Next, you cannot restrict gun ownership for people with a "history of violence and/or mental issues". We have the presumption of innocence in the US and until you have been convicted of a crime, you are innocent. You cannot punish people by taking away their rights without due process. That notion is the foundation of our civil liberties.

    Lastly, let's talk about how the entire idea of needing further gun legislation is bullshit. The AR-15. A favorite of many people including myself (I own two). According to the FBI Crime Statistics, rifles (which includes the AR-15 and pretty much anything with a long barrel) account for less than 2% of homicides. Comparing FBI stats year to year will also display that while gun ownership is increasing enormously, gun violence in the US is decreasing every single year (with the exception of a tiny rise in 2016) . Lastly, the federal list of "assault weapons" consists of 16 rifles and a short list of shotguns. All of these guns put together accounted for 0.6% of gun deaths since 2004.

    The truth is, there is no more inherent danger in assault rifles than there is in any other gun. In fact you could very easily make the opposite argument just based on stats.
    Last edited by Skiz; 05-22-2018 at 06:41 AM.


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