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  1. #31
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    I can tell you i really liked that show, it was too bad they cancelled/ended it. To me, it was just as entertaining as Homeland.

    Again my opinion...
    I liked it too probably for the same reason you did. It gave us a world that we wished this one was more like.

    You know Idol, there is still a few of reporters/anchors that are really not bias and just report the news, 2 off the top of my head John Roberts, and Ken Shaw and there was a few others on CFTO news that were reporting straight, but again, really if you think about it, they are just the faces and they are told what to speak and say in an anchors position?? I add the question marks because that really is there job not to add there opinions, And after watching newsroom the producers are the ones feeding the anchors the info and the ones that need to be the honest ones and not let money or politics dictate the news.. Actual reporters, that is a different story!! Most of them have an agenda!!
    And the memories of when i was younger, i don't ever remember the news being like it is today, it was told good or bad and not debated or discussed on panels. Now it is set up in a talk show manner or opinions, again i assume for ratings and more monetary backing..
    You are right is is sad......

    And really it must have been really difficult for the Americans to vote, they really did have two bad apples to choose from, and again i will be honest, who the heck really knows what difference it would have made if Clinton got in?? So she wins the Presidency and Republicans win the House and senate?? What is the difference??
    Same shit!!!!

    PS. No opinion on the Trudeau Vid i asked you about???
    Last edited by shaina; 01-18-2019 at 11:39 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #32
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    So the 2 choices in the end was Trump or Clinton?? So like Meg you also would choose Clinton??

    And on your second thing no?? What did i miss on that Idol??
    A few things like gerrymandering so that all votes aren't equal, passing bills to limit incoming Dem politicians powers after they(Rep) are defeated in an election, actively supressing votes of certain minority groups who have historically not voted for them etc etc etc.
    I think you mean the 60 vote rule?? Not sure?? And the big problem with that is with a majority rule in the senate 50 seats plus the VP 51 a lot of things just never get done that should, so many times there will be say 57 yes votes and i theory it should pass, because lets be real in the future to get any vote through in the Trump era and in the future, there is little chance all the even small things won't get done...
    To me at times i think it is stupid how close some votes are and just don't get passed because of that short fall. The funnier thing before Trump, both sides were Bi Partisan on voting in assigned jobs in the Government, there is now that a lot of the people Trump has picked and worked for other administrations with impeccable reputations, The new really Left wing Dems just vote no anyways, and you can see it is spite of Trump, they just don't like the guy.....

    Example... The new AG being vetted or grilled now William Barr, this guy doesn't need the job period!!, but he is applying and going through the ringer for it, he has had hi level positions before and again voted in with 80% yes ,so you can say 40% from the oppositions right??, now you take the new moderates or Dem Lefts, and they ask the most ridiculous questions like when it comes to the Mueller investigation, if you want our vote you must spill all and allow us to use it to the public?? So his reply is as long as it is factual and relevant to the case, there i see no issue, but if you are just looking for ways to slander the president or a witch hunt, that ain't going to happen (paraphrasing), they didn't like that answer!! so he is not good for the job , and it Barr's final comment was I will treat the President the same way i would treat any of you on this committee, they didn't like that answer either, thinking they are higher than the president no matter who it is???
    And yes i am waiting for the comment that Trump goes through staff like water!! Hard to work for of please!! but the AG's job is really not to protect the president but to protect everyone. Now as i said he was voted in many time in tons of jobs for different presidents, and always regarded as honest and trustworthy, and he is going to get the job without a problem, but now i am watching how many of the Democrats will vote yes, and watching that you will see who are on the far left side and the liberals if that is possible....
    Will be interesting, and i can tell you there is way more drama in US politics than here at home, the second would defiantly be the UK.....
    But i would like to turn on a US news station other than Fox News or Middle East and actually hear something other than Trump and Russia Funny when you see Kellyanne Conway on CNN, really that is the only time there is not any Trump Bashing!!, even know they try and she is much smarter than all of them combined. Calling her a liar or not?? she is good at her job......

    Oh and if i am wrong on the 60 vote thing?? My apologizes and if you have more details what you are saying pleas let me know and if you have a link by chance? Be it a fake news site or whatever, be good to see what is out there anyways
    Last edited by shaina; 01-19-2019 at 12:20 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #33
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    I mean that Republicans don't have the voter support that the Democrats have and haven't for a long time so they are willing to bypass the legimate democratic process to maintain power.

    There are far better articles on the subject but fucked if I can be bothered to find them as obviously nothing will change your mind.

    As for Conway, being really at your job if that job happens to be "lying slimeball"" isn't anything to brag about nor does it take a lot of intelligence, just a total lack of morals. If all else fails just say "...but... but Obama Clinton.

    Respect my lack of authority.

  4. Lounge   -   #34
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay
    ALL news sources are biased!!!

    Edit: Except Fox!!!!!
    Ignore every truth to blindly follow
    Last edited by megabyteme; 01-19-2019 at 03:03 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  5. Lounge   -   #35
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I mean that Republicans don't have the voter support that the Democrats have and haven't for a long time so they are willing to bypass the legimate democratic process to maintain power.
    There are far better articles on the subject but fucked if I can be bothered to find them as obviously nothing will change your mind.
    Anybody in that job reeks slimball, it is the nature of the game, and even if she straight out lies, she has a knack to make it sound truthful and twist the narrative, Clinton needed someone like her to win, and they were shit!!. And all of the other stuff even know they are all links to CNN affiliates or not?? The same thing was posted all over when Obama won his first and second term. So i will say it as you like it, yes every link is true and sure you are right, it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump!! Fact!! It is the Republican party and his team of people trying to make him the President of the United States, and it worked in the Republican favor this time. If you can really say this never happens on the other side of the Fence, that would just be ridiculous!! Same shit Different Day!!!

    Lets talk turkey here, Clinton and the Democratic party is still in denial that she didn't win and is still to this day a sore loser and admits she wants to be president, and maybe in 6 years there will be a Democrat in the white house, and the next republican will be crying, it is not going to change anything, now lets build a barrier plus other things, and have better security in the US and give some of the Democrats wants to them and get the people paid and back to work. The rest is just crap back and forth and is not going to change anything, just like in the past with Obama and even Bush, and that is that, acting like 5 year old children on both sides is not going to get anything done, sometimes having the majority in the house and the senate things just get done!! Now they have to work together and put all the crap aside and do what is best for the people of the great Nation USA!!! Both sides are wrong and two wrongs don't make a right!!! Get to the table and bend on both sides and get it done!!, That is what people have to say in there marches and rallies, not who is wrong but fix it!!! If that is said on both peoples sides, it should get done!!
    Example... There was a meeting with moderate Democrats without the speaker and the yutz Schumer!! , after the meeting the Dems said there is a deal to be made, and Trump will give lots in return for the wall funding or what ever the fuck you want to call it!!!. And what is really stupid about all of this!!! Give Trump the money and if his wall doesn't work?? The Democrats will have the 2020 election in the Bag!!!! Trump will be finished just on a stupid Wall!! What are they afraid of??
    Wouldn't that be a smarter move on the Dem side??
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    Last edited by shaina; 01-19-2019 at 07:25 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #36
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Shay
    ALL news sources are biased!!!

    Edit: Except Fox!!!!!
    Ignore every truth to blindly follow
    Meg that is not what I said and you know it!!, but he is your president and nothing is going to change it Just like Trudeau here (even know he surprised the heck out of me the other day!!). So now Americans have to deal with it and try to make the best of things just like they did in the Second Term of Obama!!!!
    I talk to a lot of Americans over the years, younger and older, and all different backgrounds and faiths (just in case you throw the faith thing at me!!), and not to many said good things about Obama, that is the truth!!, and really they were worried about Clinton, but they did feel that Trump would be a disaster!!!! Now things are changing and they are not complaining on the things Trump is doing, not they may be in a different Snack Bracket, but that is reality..
    I am sorry that he may not be doing better things for you or making your life better, but as you deflected on the question and just like to bash your president?? Do you think Clinton would have been better??
    Again i have not deflected or defended any wrong doing of your President, but it is hard for someone to knock a person that is not doing anything wrong to make the country worse?? Economy, Job growth, trying to fulfill his campaign promises, why he won the election..What else do you want from the guy??
    Not sure if i am accurate on how the elections work in the US when it comes to senate seats and municipal/local elections compared to Primary and President one??
    But for real Trump beat her badly, and really that's how everyone thought Clinton should have won (Including me!!), There was no cheating on the ballads, Russia Crap!!, voter suppression is always blamed on both sides, I mean 8 years of and African American Muslim, and he won by a nice margin?? Voter suppression from the Democratic side?? It.s laughable and never happened !!! the people went to the ballad boxes and Obama won!!! But even know the good or the bad he did the Democratic party is not building the same and there ideology of running the country does have some good ideas?? But the people from mars are not going to pay for them, and Ocasio Cortez had some great ideas in her live interview, but when asked how are these things going to get paid for?? She say not to worry just put them in place and it will work itself out. Or we can tax the rich and ya they will keep investing in the US and move all there business back into the US LOL!!! I am thinking she skipped economics and accounting/math classes, and how things get past in legislation China and Russia are not going to pay for it, even if Trump asks buddy Putin nicely LOL!!! Maybe she can ask Mexico or the little Shamrock at the end of the rainbow for the money....
    Last edited by shaina; 01-19-2019 at 07:56 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #37
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    . Or we can tax the rich and ya they will keep investing in the US and move all there business back into the US LOL!!!
    If they aren't investing in the US now - your own Sean Hannity inspired words, how is taxing them more going to change this? Like in the case of the recent tax cut where facts show that 90% of the money was used for stock buy backs and not used to invest in the companies.

    People like OAC are simply seeing the increasing wealth disparity and trying to do something about it before the US ends up in a French Revolution type situation.

    "Wealth around the world is increasingly concentrated among those at the top. The top 1 percent now owns 50.1 percent of the world’s wealth, up from 45.5 percent in 2001".

    Almost all the increase in prosperity in the last 20 years has been funneled to the top one percent and it's getting worse. Predictions are that unchecked in 50 years what is now the 1% will be the 0.1%. This isn't even about what is fair, it's more about avoiding a rioting in the street situation. Of course I suppose in could just call in the military then. You know that vastly funded complex where the guys doing the dirty work still make 20k a year and the actual money goes to defense contractors who then in turn use some of that to fund ie bribe the people in power to not do something about it.

    No actually the progressives are being more than reasonable as I personally would vote to simply hang a few of these bastards in the streets.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 01-19-2019 at 01:43 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

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