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Thread: Interesting. Have at it Meg and Idol.....

  1. #41
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    There are that many food banks around, especially in rural areas. Hard to have tap water (which is terrible in many places and undrinkable) if you don't have a home.
    Would you consider downtown Florida or downtown Toronto "Rural"?? Or Central where most of the homeless are, and tons of food banks and shelters??

    The same would go with tap water... If you live in Mexico, they are used to the water there, the same when i go to Florida sometimes even brushing my teeth with tap water i notice a big difference, that is also because of the treatment plants and the quality standards of the cities or states??, and of course the pipes..
    And my understanding are you trying to say gas station or a hotel or poor/subsidized housing that is piped from the city water is different?? News to me

    Fox's comments are right on the money, and my two cents to add to him is what is considered poor today?? And saying that, a lot of the middle class is considered poor because of there spending habits and trying to act or keep up with the upper rich!!. Saying that (Idol), if you really look at a lot of the middle class that lived in there means and could retire at the standard age, live pretty dam good..
    And really the socialists morons out there thinking that the rich should help out the world by force instead of funding or donating to there choosing are in for a rude awakening and it will never happen. If you don't like how a Democratic society functions?? There is lots of other places you can move/live.....


    PS. Do you really think Socialism/Communists countries are so good?? Why don't you ask the tons that live in your Country now or are trying to get citizenship there?? Yes the new low life's coming because your retarded Democrats want to treat the Immigrants better than the poor and homeless/veterans that are true citizens of the Country!!!. But most of the older immigration came to work hard and provide for there families/children on there own not hand outs!!!!! Vetting is Something to think about MacGyver....
    Last edited by shaina; 05-22-2019 at 03:06 PM.

  2. Lounge   -   #42
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    I vote to impeach Shay.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Lounge   -   #43
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I vote to impeach Shay.
    Seems pretty corrupt to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  4. Lounge   -   #44
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I vote to impeach Shay.

    I can say my bags would be packed even before i sold my house if any Party in Canada won,which we no is only the Green Party here that is trying and spewing the shit the Democrats are today, it really is a Joke...

    I know sometimes i may be blunt and truthful Idol and it is bothersome to some people, but really there is Zero!! successful socialists countries out there!!!, and to add more truth, ya the people spewing this shit in politics will never be affected and are all Hippocrates!! Sanders and AOC are the biggest bullshitters!! and not far behind is the lying fake so called Indian.. Truth be told if you are in the inner circle of the leaders in any socialist or communist country you never see the affects, only the millions of other that are trying to flee the countries do.. And again the truth be told!!!, the middle class can live very nicely in a democratic society, and really if they want to live like the Kennedy's?? Get into politics or make more fucking money!!!, or stay and live to your means, so 2 70" flat screens instead of 5 will have to do

    Biden maybe in 2020

    Your pal always
    Last edited by shaina; 05-22-2019 at 09:53 PM.

  5. Lounge   -   #45
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I vote to impeach Shay.
    Seems pretty corrupt to me.
    I am not sure how to respond seeing a comment like that posted from you Meg?? You are a born and raised full blooded American

  6. Lounge   -   #46
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Enlighten me but I fail to see the difference between socialism and a traditional kibbutz. Also and this is the last time I'm going to tell you, almost every country is combination of captialism and socialism already so that boat has already left the dry dock.

    Fuck, the army is about as socialist as it gets. So if conservatives want to send in the army to deal with the socialists then they will need to order all the troops to shoot themselves. Or should they start with the teachers and the police my facist friend because both of those are socialism in action as well?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  7. Lounge   -   #47
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Btw I fine with murdering a select few socialists if McConnell is one of them. See Mitch is a public servant and draws a public wage so essentially socialist.

    Theh entire story is that McConnell pretty much personally lifted sanctions on Deripaska. The oligarch then in the matter of a few (5) months announced plans to open a major plant in McConnell's district. Furthermoe the wife of the man who acted as intermediary to the deal suddenly got confirmed as a federal judge as Mitch fast tracked her appointment even though she was so inept that at her original confirmation hearing she was basically taken off the list of those being considered. But fuck obviously all of this is on the up and up and it's just good luck, incredible coincidence and being humble before God.

    Btw and I'm not even joking, I'd take a German Shepard as Senator before Mitch McConnell. At least a dog has some admirable qualities and is less likely to rip your throat out when your back is turned .
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 05-23-2019 at 12:40 AM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  8. Lounge   -   #48
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Btw I fine with murdering a select few socialists if McConnell is one of them. See Mitch is a public servant and draws a public wage so essentially socialist.

    Theh entire story is that McConnell pretty much personally lifted sanctions on Deripaska. The oligarch then in the matter of a few (5) months announced plans to open a major plant in McConnell's district. Furthermoe the wife of the man who acted as intermediary to the deal suddenly got confirmed as a federal judge as Mitch fast tracked her appointment even though she was so inept that at her original confirmation hearing she was basically taken off the list of those being considered. But fuck obviously all of this is on the up and up and it's just good luck, incredible coincidence and being humble before God.

    Btw and I'm not even joking, I'd take a German Shepard as Senator before Mitch McConnell. At least a dog has some admirable qualities and is less likely to rip your throat out when your back is turned .
    As soon as i saw the name "Adam Schiff" in your link i stopped reading it immediately, all crap and Democrat propaganda, and still waiting for the proof he said he had on Trump and Russian Collusion!!, again enough already and time to move on .. The same with Biden and his kid and foreign crap!! Trump is doing very well for Americans and even Left wing media outlets have to give him credit for that....

    Where i will always agree with you Idol is your honesty on trying to find honest and truthful politicians, when you do let me know k
    So after saying that now myself personally how i would judge a politician/president/prime minister/premier is when he/she runs for office and wins, they bloody do what they marketed/said/promised the rest you have to block out and not give two shits!!. With media today what is considered truth you can just throw out the window. Being real Obama being said was the most honest,was actually the most corrupt and dishonest.. And pretty boy Trudeau the same, balance the budget by 2019?? All Crap!! and Unrealistic as well!!, but hey he legalized Mary Jane!! Can't forget that...
    Now what would be a leap in society is actually see homo's in the in the White House and seeing one sitting in the Oval Office!!, and honestly i wouldn't give two shits if he/she polices are what i believe in and want to see my country move forward on it, now that is the truth!!!. But and i do say But!!!, if i see two guys kissing in the Oval Office?? That may turn me off a wee bit
    The same what i am seeing with the abortion crap!!! Roe vs Wade is fine, now the right wants it completely gone and the left wants to kill babies that come out of the womb in 9 months!!, yet never a mention of the spouses/partners rights!!!. There is something wrong with both sides there!!!!.....

  9. Lounge   -   #49
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Enlighten me but I fail to see the difference between socialism and a traditional kibbutz. Also and this is the last time I'm going to tell you, almost every country is combination of captialism and socialism already so that boat has already left the dry dock.
    Fuck, the army is about as socialist as it gets. So if conservatives want to send in the army to deal with the socialists then they will need to order all the troops to shoot themselves. Or should they start with the teachers and the police my facist friend because both of those are socialism in action as well?

    if you want the truth from me!!, i think the US should stay away from most of the fights they get into!!, and let those countries either crash and burn but we all know there is interests in them, and being a world power they are competing with Russia and there big Debt holder China.. Canada is just a weak country when it comes to political wars and basically just sided with the US that really is our biggest ally and protector....
    Really reading your posts many times over?? Calling any army socialists is strange?? yes they do have to obey orders and conform?? other than that i don't get your view/point... Saying that the most successful mock socialists countries don't have military's?? They actually rely on the US and Nato to protect there ass!!! second!!, those countries are in very deep trouble now because there are getting a flock of immigration masses in there countires and i am talking the worst of the worst just draining there economy and social services , something the Republicans are trying to avoid/stop in the US and Trudeau has really fucked up here!!!!..
    Again i will agree with you that the US gives the impression that they are sticking there nose in places they shouldn't, but the agenda is always a vested interest, and when you are a super power you can do it, weather you/we agree with it or not..

    Now Teachers and Police??
    If you are considering Laws and Curriculum/Freedom of Speech socialism?? I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed and don't get it??

    Again just let me know if you every!!! and i mean EVER!! know of a politician that is honest wholesome and truthful

  10. Lounge   -   #50
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    [...] but really there is Zero!! successful socialists countries out there!!!
    Scandinavia. There's two and a half for you right there.

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