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Thread: Interesting. Have at it Meg and Idol.....

  1. #11
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Seriously though and I've already mentioned it, people making this much money aren't really doing it for the money after a certain point so it would not be a burden to use some of that excess to help the country that gave them all that wealth out. Not to mention maybe having some compassion for say all the children that have to go hungry. What's that, no and it's "their" money and fuck everyone else and I'm buying another house I never use.
    "I meant socialistic and made the correction because I'm stupid". You are far from stupid Idol, I knew that was a point there and it is true we are in Canada and do have socialistic things, but do we want to stretch them out to more government control?? Are they really doing a good job??
    Is there really any civilian oversight, on what they are doing?? Well i can tell you Fuck NO!!!! I have experienced it personally on our health care!!!
    If there was a 2 tier system implemented here ?? I am in!!!! Because the fact is the Government doesn't give a shit on my opinions on what could be saved and what could be corrected in our health care system!!!!, and the first would be the hundreds of employees on a board that is supposed to be correcting the problems, paying out huge!!! salaries to these people and it could be cut t down to nothing and put that money where it is needed!!!
    And let them sit at home and do fuck all instead of getting paid and doing nothing!!! That is fact!!!
    If you ever really want to have a discussion on what goes on in a Hospital and Rehab centers here you let me know!!!! A 2 tier system would be fine with me!!!!!! Socialism or Capitalism??

    Looking at the stats Idol, not sure if i can look at that and say ya the rich get richer and find loop holes to pay less tax?? But you can't blame them for that right??
    Or is the population growing faster and producing more middle class, or in some cases if the parents that hold the wealth and live to be in there 90's the transfer of the wealth to kids doesn't show in the middle populous?? That is they do inherit it and not donated to the humane society or something...
    It is like a parent that owns a company or practice, and brings the children in as employees not owners?? The bulk wealth is not transferred yet but it is shared to save tax at the top?? Been there seen that.......
    Your last comment, i can look at it in many ways, Yes i agree with you whole heartily!!, people should give back, and it is funny the real rich are stingy that way unless there is a way to make more money out of it?? Tax Breaks!!! Ahhhh!!, so even if they pay less taxes but give to charities or fund things is that not incentive to do it??. Now if you forcibly tax the wealth, they will find ways to hide and funnel it elsewhere just out of spite!!!. Call it Greedy Human Nature.......
    The biggest problem Idol , is some rich are just not built to help anyone except family, it may be wrong in some eyes but it is just how they are built, and fear that what happens if there is a chance to loose money?? Providing for family comes first. So taking into account the cost of living today how much is enough?? And the problem is to have it grow as fast as it is spent?? So if you take a philosophy of say having 3 children, educating them feeding them clothing them etc. and now do they ever leave your pocket?? Say Yes?? But as a parents nature(or at least mine), even if they don't need it now if i can help them for there kids future that comes first...
    Example... You said buying a house/condo somewhere warm and it stays empty for say the summer you live in Canada. Do you consider that a waste?? Where is the line drawn??
    What happens if i buy 2 condos and one is for my kids and grandchildren and they can only use it for 2 months a year?? Is that a waste?? Instead should i have given that money to a needy person?? Am i wrong i want my kids and grandchildren to enjoy life even know they never!!! asked or wanted it?? It was my choice., What happens if you take your assumption and ya the wealthy owner buys a house but never uses it himself?? But he lets employees or friends or rents it out?? What now?? He/She is not allowed to do that??And yes the loophole!!!! real estate investment!!! and fuck i am pissed i wasn't invited to use it knowing it was empty at the time lets sick Socialism on them!!!!!
    The same and it has happened... What happens if you give your millions and your surplus that you have left is dwindled because the market losses or bad investments, or your companies go bad!!. Are other people going to feel sorry for me and help myself or just say oh too bad for you??
    Again how much is enough?? you have a million, now you want two, now ten, so if i make it by hard work or grow it because of the original hard work, who is to tell me what i buy or do with it?? What happens if i have a Billion and i give away 10 million and someone says well you still have so much why don't you give more?? Not thank you for giving??
    Should a billionaire give it all away and live in a 1 bedroom apartment ?? Socialism???
    Yes!!!! Rich people should give to help others, but dictating how much they give away or what they are allowed to keep will never work, especially if they want to avoid corruption and chaos.....

    Edit: Funny doesn't Socialism really give government control?? Who the heck wants that!!! Freedom with laws of the Land is what i want, not dictations!!
    I would think if you take that meaning of the "LEFT" freedom of choice, they are marching everywhere causing violents and chaos!! , to me they don't understand the concept of having free things without government control, is that not Hypocritical or just plain stupidity!!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 01-19-2019 at 08:34 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Not sure Idol if you read this.....

    Again read the comments. More horseshit that will never work!! Amazon moving, what it is costing the city ?? In your thought and agreeing with you Why was that approved?? and how long will it take to get back??? Bringing Jobs or not?? Amazon was going there and would have paid for it all itself!!! Stupidity!!!!!
    All in all i can say De Blasio is a retard!!!!!!
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #13
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Those poor, starving, wretched bastards in the scandinavian countries suuure do have it worse than the slums of the US.
    What are you trying to say?? Socialism is going to stop slums?? Come on Meg, be real here., It will make it worse!!!

    You keep letting unemployable immigration in the country, that will solve all the problems Open boarders are going to Make America Great!!!

    Socialism/Dictatorship/Communism.. Nordic countries tried and all failed, again all these movements , rallies, in a socialists country, do they work?? Are they allowed?? do you have a better chance of getting killed or jailed even if it is peaceful ...
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  5. Lounge   -   #15
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Happy to hear you have it all figured out, Shay.

    *Edit* But you might want to consider the other like-minded individuals mobs who think we're on the path to 'recovery'

    Last edited by megabyteme; 01-20-2019 at 01:02 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Happy to hear you have it all figured out, Shay.
    Anyone that says they have it all figured you buddy, can call themselves a true socialist...

    If i became an American tomorrow Meg, i would have to say i am a Republican Middle Conservative Pragmatist

    I used to think you could sum that up in one word, Democrat, but not anymore

    I have to say in Canada i would still have faith in calling myself a Progressive Conservative, not sure if you follow politics here or not....

    How about yourself Meg?? How would you word your devotion as being as being a True Yankee??
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Those poor, starving, wretched bastards in the scandinavian countries suuure do have it worse than the slums of the US.
    What are you trying to say?? Socialism is going to stop slums?? Come on Meg, be real here., It will make it worse!!!

    You keep letting unemployable immigration in the country, that will solve all the problems Open boarders are going to Make America Great!!!

    Socialism/Dictatorship/Communism.. Nordic countries tried and all failed, again all these movements , rallies, in a socialists country, do they work?? Are they allowed?? do you have a better chance of getting killed or jailed even if it is peaceful ...
    First no one is calling for open borders lest of all the Democrats as they see that it's currently an untenable position if you are trying to get elected. Second, I'd take my chances any day in a Nordic country over hardcore right wing places where "freedom" equates to being allowed to own unlimited guns.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    *Edit* But you might want to consider the other like-minded individuals mobs who think we're on the path to 'recovery'
    I can really take the positives out of it and say it is nice to see it peaceful and consider it a good cause, but the negative is i have no idea what it is about nor it is going do the square root of cock!!!!
    I think they had better results in Cleveland

    Attachment 181689

    Kind of like Gaza without the violence and deaths, and again will accomplish the square root of cock!!. Oh wait... nothing positive here

    Attachment 181687

    I could see this photographer winning a Pulitzer, but the protest/march/cause zilch...

    Another note: UFC first time live broadcast on ESPN on right now!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 01-20-2019 at 01:55 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    First no one is calling for open borders lest of all the Democrats as they see that it's currently an untenable position if you are trying to get elected. Second, I'd take my chances any day in a Nordic country over hardcore right wing places where "freedom" equates to being allowed to own unlimited guns.
    Well it is a good thing there is not enough far left Democrats voted in that you may have a chance to say they don't want open boarders, but that is growing in the party... And truly agree with you on making sure the guns don't end up in bad hands, but saying not having laws to have guns i don't.And i could say with confidence as of now i wouldn't own one if i lived in the US..
    Really we should be discussing how the fuck our borders are not doing more to keep the guns coming in from the US!!!
    Every minute you hear of a gun incident here now!!! Whats up with that!!! for sure Meg has something to do with it!!!

    What do Democrats want Idol/Meg???
    Last edited by shaina; 01-20-2019 at 01:39 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  10. Lounge   -   #20
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Did you see this shit!!!, Not sure if it made it to North American Media....

    Attachment 181688

    People take this as a Joke?? Art?? I don't!!! It was taken down!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 01-20-2019 at 01:56 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

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