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Thread: Stuff I watched recently...

  1. #71
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Skinner would be more worried about the obession with murder.
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  2. Movies & TV   -   #72
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    At least we can agree on too many red flags in one post.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  3. Movies & TV   -   #73
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Game of Thrones has managed to go from one of my favourite shows ever to something whose name I will forever curse in the course of the last two episodes. So all the spoilers were true and clearly the guys in charge of the show must hate humanity.

    Also someone please explain to them what the term "bittersweet ending" actually means. Seriously they could have just let Cersai kill everyone and it would have been less a downer. Anyway apparently Batman was right about living long enough. Batman knows a lot about hack writers it seems.

    Sorry for the rant but I really needed to blow off some steam after watching that shit. I will leave you with the question "Who do they think will actually enjoy this ending to the series on any level?" I mean like Ted Bundy's not around anymore so that rules him out.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 05-13-2019 at 02:45 AM.
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  4. Movies & TV   -   #74
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    I believe they were going for a bit of a Shakespearean-style tragedy. All *could* have gone well *if* John kept his secret. All *could* have gone well *if* Danny didn't feel betrayed by those closest to her-- leaving her the only choice but to rule through fear.

    It's never been a happy story. The two lovers uniting the kingdom under benevolence and admiration of the people was never in the cards.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  5. Movies & TV   -   #75
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    You don't need the best outcome for a story to be satisfying. I'm fine with people dying. Shit, one of my favourite movies is The Man Would Be King that ends about as darkly as possible if you otherlook the final redemption bit. You do need to end on some reasonably satifying note like that did with " I will stand with you to the end" to make it all tolerable.

    I can't see any way GoT now ends on a satisfying note especially as they've gone to so much effort to kill off most of the more liked characters for sometimes the barest of reasons and blacken the name of one that singularly was for almost all of the series portrayed as basically the messiah.

    No one is ever going to convince me that since this isn't real life and so supposedly then "entertainment" the hero shouldn't always end up riding off into the sunset if only metaphorically, mission accomplished.
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  6. Movies & TV   -   #76
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Cersei's death was extremely anticlimactic. I thought that bitch was going to die in some epic fashion but we got fk all. In the moment I thought even Jamie might stab her in the gut for fucking the IGreyjoy guy. But if TV watching has taught me anything it's that characters aren't dead unless you actually see them die, so I'm not writing them off just yet.

    I didn't like the whole Sir Gregor thing for a few seasons now. It's never made much sense to me. Also, did The Hound look weird in this episode? His hair wasn't covering his face and he looked...clean. Just odd for such a gruff character. Something felt off. Then they kept flashing back and forth between that Hound/Gregor fight and Arya in the crumbling town. I'm not sure what they were trying to compare there. And then the white horse thing... they are clearly setting Arya for something huge, be it killing Danny or maybe the ultimate "winner" of the Throne. I also couldn't help draw the connection (thank you Johnny Cash for the reference) to the biblical reference, "I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him."


  7. Movies & TV   -   #77
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    My prediction: Arya, being traumatized by what she saw in the city, will kill off the Dragon Lady to avenge the little girl that got burned by the dragon and John Snow will be heir to the throne.

    Satisfying enough?

  8. Movies & TV   -   #78
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    My prediction: Arya, being traumatized by what she saw in the city, will kill off the Dragon Lady to avenge the little girl that got burned by the dragon and John Snow will be heir to the throne.

    Satisfying enough?
    Daenerys dies either by Jon or Arya. Jon is destined to leave ruling behind and return to the North. Martin says he's majorly influenced by Tolkien and that fits in with Frodo's storyline in LotR. Sansa probably winds up right where she is ruling Winterfell. Tryion could die if they wish to end it with House Lannister finito or he may live but he'll never rule anything again. Grey Worm goes back over the sea to keep his promise to protect Missandei's people. Brienne stays with Sansa,doh. Biggest question marks are Arya's ultimate fate. Slight chance she could still wind up with whatshisname after the Hound's speech fully sinks in and ditton Bran fate unknown because show-wise he been pretty much invisible and useless to boot. The issue of Bronn also hasn't been resolved as no one with any real power left owes him anything. I would have said Sam stays in King's Landing but I'm not sure there is enough of it left to do that.

    Last dragon probably just flies off to part unknown as they've already eaten up most the the cgi budget. Either that or Bronn kills it but as it's now somewhat tied to Jon it's death seems less inevitable.
    Best ending would involve a massive fight between it a pack of direwolves and a legion of those killer bunnies from Monty Python and the Holy Grail though but that's obvious.

    Also none of what you suggest will be the least bit satisfying.
    Dany shouldn't have gone ballistic. She should have returned to Meeren to continue to do mostly good with a little bit of evil thrown to spice things up. Jon still gives up power because at least unlike Dany they established that's who his. Arya ends Cersei and then fucks off because that's who she is. The Hound dies but instead of basically because he has unresolved faggy childhood issues he dies defending Arya so redeemed +2.There is an actual battle for King's Landing and things look desperate until Yara shows up with her fleet and kills the fuck out of Euron, preferably personally. Bran has his brains pecked out by a crow because fitting irony and he's too busy glazing his eyes over to see it happening in time to stop it. Sansa remarries Tyrion and they rule the land together in happiness forever and ever but only after erecting a statue to Theon - poor brave misunderstood Theon. The end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skiz View Post
    Cersei's death was extremely anticlimactic. I thought that bitch was going to die in some epic fashion but we got fk all. In the moment I thought even Jamie might stab her in the gut for fucking the IGreyjoy guy. But if TV watching has taught me anything it's that characters aren't dead unless you actually see them die, so I'm not writing them off just yet.
    It was suppose to a metaphor for her whole world coming crashing down on her say the same wanks who want you to believe that it was clear to anyone paying attention that Dany was a mad queen all along.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 05-15-2019 at 12:26 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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  9. Movies & TV   -   #79
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    I can see the Arya vengeance thing, but they already played that card having her kill the White Walker king.

    If the series wants to go out with ultimate cheeseball writing, we need the final scene to conclude with Cerceis hand slowly clawing its way out of the rubble.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  10. Movies & TV   -   #80
    dion09529's Avatar Helter Skelter BT Rep: +1
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    Old shit was here. Now it's gone.

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