Thanks for this thread. I appreciate the detailed info.
Thanks for this thread. I appreciate the detailed info.
back again to try.....
Will see when I hit 20 posts as I don't have any under this number.
Still no fix... just waiting (and posting - to get to 20 posts, maybe that will "fix" it?)
This should be the magical 20 post... let's see if this "fixes" it...
Nope... maybe I'll try tomorrow...
Last edited by mrbill14; 08-24-2023 at 12:42 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
Do I understand correctly that the minimum post count is 20?
Have over 10 posts but still no access ???
- n00b
Your title will be set to n00b when you register on the site.
Have access to all sections of the board with some restricted
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with 2 daily grabs.
Note n00bs might have access
restricted from this section occasionally.
- Member Rank with 2 posts.
-- Rank with 10 posts.
Your title will change to Member when registered for 2 days and have 2 posts.
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with 2 daily grabs.
Note Members might have access
restricted from this section occasionally.
Have 100 Private Message capacity
- Poster Rank with 20 posts.
-- Rank with 100 posts.
Your title will change to Poster when registered for 30 days and have 20 posts.
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with 10 daily grabs
Have 250 Private Message capacity
The highlighted parts are why I recommend reaching 20 posts. Just please don't use this thread as a way to boost your postcount or "test" your account.
"I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."
I'm having the same issue too :-(
Same. Worked before, now no matter what no NZB button. I have made a donation, but that hasn't shown up yet...........
I'm trying to refrain from spamming to get poster badge.
Last edited by stewwmann; 10-03-2023 at 07:50 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost